Little Lady

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"There you go. You're all set and paid for," Kidd smirked. "Don't come back here anytime soon." He stated playfully, pushing her out of the garage.

"I'd hope not," Opal replied, catching the keys he had tossed back. "I'll see you around then?"

"Yeah, the next race. I'll make sure of it." He winked before closing the door. He wasn't so bad after all. A ping from her phone caught her attention. It was an incoming call from Calia whose number she had gotten the day prior.

"Hey!" Opal greeted warmly.

"Hi, do you think you could pick up Koby on your way home? He lives on canterbury, which is the road before ours. Totally understand if you can't—" She rambled.

"Yeah. I can. Why?" Opal asked, putting her phone on speaker and pulling out of the shop's parking lot.

"Me and Nate were going to go out for dinner since it's gonna be 5 soon. Don't wanna get caught in the dinner crowd. It's our anniversary!" She chirped. "But if not, that's okay too! I know you have a job and other things to do!" She added energetically."

"Give me! Hand over the phone!" Nate wined trying to grab it from his wife's hand. "Love you, sweet pea. If I don't come back it's because I forgot our anniversary...."

"Hmhm! Yeah, he did." She sighed sadly.

"No worries. I'll get him. I'm about to leave anyway." Opal replied, looking at the watch on her wrist.

"I love you guys. Be safe."

"We love you too, Opal."

With the press of a button, the phone hung up. She knew where she was going this time and decided not to use the GPS, plus she was almost home. Turning on the road before hers, she could see her little brother outside playing with Luffy.

"Hey!" She yelled, getting their attention after getting out of the car. "Dad and Calia asked me to come to pick you up." He saddened hearing his sister's words.

"Okay. I gotta go get my stuff packed up! Come wait inside!" He yelled, waiting for her to follow him.

"Just wait in the living room if you want." He shrugged when she was beside him.

The door opened to reveal a rather plain home. It was mostly wood inside, but not too much.

"What are you doing here." She heard Ace scoff. His hair was a mess, and his pajamas were wrinkled. The glare on his face could have killed.

"I'm here to pick up my brother," Opal replied, trying to be nice. She wanted to uphold the promise she had made to Calia.

"Well, get out." He snarled, slamming the cup in his hand against the wooden countertop.

"I will just as soon as he's done packing up." Opal sighed, trying to be calm.

"You and your whole family can fuck off." He snarled sitting down on one of the stools. "Every last one of you." He added after finishing his drink.

"You're a ray of sunshine, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes. Her arms were folded under her chest.

"Oh boohoo cry about it." He retorted raising his eyebrows and closing his hazel eyes. "You aren't too great yourself you know that?" He added angrily.

"You ready?" Koby asked coming downstairs with his bag over his shoulder. He could feel the tension between the two.

Opal looked towards the black-haired man one more time before looking back at her younger brother. "Yeah... I am." She sighed heading towards the still-open door.

"And for the record," she turned back to face him before slamming the door, "I'm the one who argued with my father to keep you on the roster." Opal frowned slamming the door.

"Let's go." She barked storming back towards her car.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Koby agreed jumping in the front passenger side. The car ride wasn't even 2 minutes, but it was extremely awkward the whole time.

"Thanks for picking me up," Koby said as he grabbed his bag from the back seat. "You cool with an oven pizza for dinner?"

"Yeah..." She wasn't all there yet. Her mind was still wandering. She couldn't help but frown at how upset Ace was. She had never seen someone so angry and heartbroken over not being able to drive.

"I'll make dinner tonight," Koby added trying to get his sister's attention.

"Alright." She nodded back and headed towards the couch. "Racing must mean a lot to the people around here."

"Yeah. It's pretty much the only sport that matters to anyone. Well, other than high school sports. But mostly racing."

Opal could hear pots and pans being moved around in the kitchen as her brother spoke. "Ace seems to take it pretty seriously huh?"

"Yeah, you didn't hear this from me... but Ace's dad was Gol Rodger. One of the biggest racers our town has ever brought up." Koby answered coming to sit on the couch with his sister. "He hates his dad and always gets shit for it. That's kinda why he takes Racing so seriously. He wants to make a name for himself that will overshadow his father's."

"Well, you can't pick your parents." Opal sighed reaching for the TV remote on the table beside her. "Why don't we watch a movie or something?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"How about Naruto?" Koby suggested grabbing the remote from his sister's hand.

"Alright. I've never seen it." She explained, which resulted in an hour-and-a-half-long marathon with Pizza and soda breaks periodically.

The night was winding down and the first season had come to an end. Plus it was getting late. Nate and Calia would most likely be home soon, and would probably want to watch movies to celebrate their anniversary.

"Hey, Opal..." Koby whispered in the quiet house. "I'm really glad you came into our lives. Even if we didn't know about you until a few months ago."

"I'm thankful to have found out I have a little brother as amazing as you."


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

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