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"Work sucked today." Opal groaned as she threw herself on the couch in the living room.

"Tell me about it!" Calia groaned in agreement. "I had this rude ass person come in with their dog, and—" she was interrupted by a knock at the door. "She let her dog—" the door interrupted her again.

"I'll get that." She sighed, forcing herself back up. Opal tried to see who it was but frowned seeing Ace standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay?" Calia panicked when Ace gently pulled her toward the kitchen and out of anyone else's view.

Opal heard gentle mumbling from the kitchen but ignored it.

"Ace, what happened?" Calia panicked, checking him for injuries. She calmed slightly when she didn't find anything.

"I've decided to quit." He forced himself to tell her. He never was one to share his emotions with others.

"What do you mean, Ace?" Calia asked with her brows furrowed.

"I'm getting clean. No more drinking, no more smoking, no more sleeping around." He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself rather than her.

"Do you need me to sign you up for AA meetings or something? I can buy some of those nicotine patches to help you quit," the brunette offered in an attempt to give him her complete support without any judgment.

"No... it's alright. I just wanted to tell you. Since you're like a mother to me." He frowned, seeing she was trying to help him. It made him feel guilty that it had gotten so bad that even she was affected.

"Is Opal here?" He asked, trying to peek into the living room.

"Yeah, why?" Calia asked, peeking the corner.

"Well, she was right." He scoffed. "I'm no better than Eustass. That's why I decided to get clean." He shrugged with a pink tinge on his unusually pale skin. "Don't tell her that." He added, turning slightly redder.

Calia snickered seeing Ace's red cheeks, but she could see how difficult this was for Ace. Part of her wondered if he could even do it.

"I'm proud of you. I know that was a hard decision to make." Calia smiled, wrapping her arms around Ace in a tight embrace. "If you need anything, please don't be afraid to ask me."

Ace couldn't help but feel embarrassed telling Calia about his decision. He hated having to admit he had a problem to her— as well as himself.

"Hey! Opal! Me and Ace are going out to eat! Come with us!" Calia yelled through the doorway. Ace's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Calia! It's not that big of a deal!" Ace argued, trying to get her to quiet down.

Opal sighed, knowing the brunette wouldn't take no for an answer, but at least she would get free food.

"Fine..." Opal mumbled, trudging up the stairs and into her room. She threw on a quick sundress and flats before brushing her messy hair and putting on mascara.

"Aww! You look so cute!" Calia grumbled, clapping her hands.

"Thanks..." Opal shifted uncomfortably.

"I'll drive. You two are in the back." Calia stated. "I don't like people in the passenger seat. Only Nate." She added energetically. She was definitely ready to go out to eat.

It was an awkward car ride. Opal didn't even know what they were going out to eat to celebrate.

The lunch was quiet and worse than the car ride there and the one back. Ace was quieter than normal, too. Less cocky.

"Well. Thank you for the meal." Ace stated with a light nod. "I'm going to swing by Eustass's shop and pick up a piece for my car from him." He huffed.

"You know, for two people who hate each other, you sure do hang out there a lot." Opal pointed out.

"Yeah, well, it's complicated." There really wasn't any way to explain the pairs friendship - If it could even be considered that.

Opal didn't argue with his answer, and neither did Calia as they both watched him climb into the driver seat.

"You're a good influence on him." The older woman stated.

"Yeah, well, he's not the easiest to get along with." Opal shifted uncomfortably.

"He's a good kid. Just went down the wrong path a long time ago and needs help getting back on track." Calia watched opal in the corner of her eye.

Neither added anything to the conversation as they enjoyed the nice day. Eventually, the pair entered the home and went their separate ways.

Opal couldn't help but wonder what had gotten into Ace. He wasn't his usual egotistical obnoxious self.

Ace could barely think straight. The fact that he couldn't get his hands on a pack of cigarettes or alcohol only made him crave it more. His mind buzzed as he pulled into Kidd's shop.

"Well, don't you look like shit." Eustass joked with a laugh. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow when Ace didn't shoot back.

"Can I just pick up the part, please?" He asked, rubbing his fourhead. He felt sick and wanted nothing more than to leave.

"Yeah... sure." Eustass actually felt worried about his nemesis for a change. "You... alright?" He tried not to be awkward.

"I'm fine." Ace lied. He most definitely was not fine. He felt like shit even though he knew he wouldn't be having real withdrawal symptoms until tomorrow or the next day.

"Whatever you say, man. Don't believe you, though." Eustass argued, shoving the box containing the part towards Ace. "100$."

"Here." Ace grumbled, placing a 100$ bill on the counter.

Eustass didn't say anything as he watched Aces pale figure trudge out the door like a zombie.

Eustass furrowed his brows as he dug in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out when he felt it.

He looked through his contacts and found the one labeled as Opal and went ahead and called.

"Hey?" Opal asked, unsure of the number.

"Hey! This is Eustass. I saved your number from when I was working on your car. You do all that medical shit don't you?" Eustass asked, walking back towards the car he had previously been working under.


"Can you do a wellness check or whatever they are called?"

"I mean, yeah, but for who?" Opal asked.

"Ace. He's pretty messed up. I'm not sure what's wrong with him- but he's super pale and just doesn't sound good." Eustass expressed his concern. As much as he denied it, Ace was probably one of his favorite people in the shitty little town he called home.

"Um yeah, I can swing by there. I'll ask Marco to go with me just in case." Opal frowned hearing Eustass of all people worried about Ace.

"Thanks, Opal."


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

Dirt Tracks And Lilacs [Ace x OC]Where stories live. Discover now