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It was the hardest thing Ace had ever attempted. He never realized how dependent on alcohol he had become or how many people he had hurt because of it.

"I'm proud of you," Luffy grinned, hugging his big brother tighter than ever before.

"I'm proud of myself, too." He chuckled lightly. "I've got a race to win," he winked, ruffling his baby brothers hair.

"Good luck!" Luffy called through cupped hands as he watched his eldest brother Don his racing gear. This was one of the most important races of his life for several reasons.

"I've got this," he breathed, a new clarity had been shown to him. He couldn't help but steal a quick glance towards the EMS crew sitting not far from the fence.

Ace took a deep breath as he climbed into the Stryker. The rumbling of his engine sent adrenaline pumping through his body. A feeling he had forgotten about. He had found a new joy for racing, one he had lost so long ago.

"Racers, start. Your. Engines!" The announcer yelled enthusiastically. Moments later, he gave the signal, and the racers were off.

Ace couldn't wipe the smile from his face as he wirled around the track. The thrill reminded him he was alive, and so did passing all of the other racers.

It felt like only minutes that he was in the race, but he had once again won.

"With a strong comeback, Ace has won the race by a landslide!" The announcer boomed. "Here comes our winner now!" He exclaimed, watching as Ace exited his vehicle and headed towards the camera crew.

"Ace! Do you have anything to say?" A reporter questioned, shoving a microphone and camera in his face. Being used to the attention, Ace remained unfazed as he delivered his mini speech.

"I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for a few very special people in my life. Especially the girl who showed me who I was deep down. Thank you all for loving me!" He announced with a big smile plastered on his freckled face. "And I know I've done a lot of bad things in my life, but I hope that you can forgive me," he finished, locking his eyes with Opals.

"Congratulations," Eustass nodded politely as he did with every other race. "If you don't go get her, I will," Eustass joked, pointing towards Opal.

"Excuse me," Ace nodded, turning to leave the group. His feet felt heavy as he made his way towards her. He worried what she might say or do but hoped for the best.


"Not yet." She shook her head with a frown. "I'm not ready," she admitted, still feeling conflicted about the events that had taken place in the past few months. It still hadn't been enough time for her to believe he wouldn't relapse or worse. After all, he had only been clean for a few weeks. She needed to know she wouldn't need to pick him up and rush him to the hospital anymore.

"I understand," he frowned deeply as he turned to leave.

"That doesn't mean. I will never be," she blurted out quickly. "I just need more time," she added.

"I'll wait as long as it takes," he smiled, walking backward towards his car. He finally knew what he wanted. For the first time in his life, he found someone he could be himself with who wasn't family.

"I'll see you at the next race," she nodded, slightly enthused about it. Maybe this was it. Maybe Ace had truly turned over a new leaf.

Days passed, and then weeks, and Opal found herself looking forward to watching Ace race. The spark that had nearly dwindled between the two was starting to be rekindled.

"Well, don't you look nice," Calia complimented, raising her brows in an accusatory way.

"Yeah, I actually don't have to work at this race." She nodded. "Eustass offered to pick me up." She added, heading outside to meet him.

"Be safe!" Her stepmother called as the door closed behind Opal.

"I will," Opal promised. Eustass was already waiting outside for her.

"Well, hello!" He greeted loudly as she climbed into the truck. "How are things with Ace?" He jumped into the conversation headfirst.

"Still nothing, I'm more comfortable with the idea, but I'll always worry about him," she admitted. "But right now, I think the best thing we can do is learn how to be friends again. it just feels so awkward, and we've both changed so much since then, I'm afraid it will be different." She admitted.

"Love concurs all," he said in an old man voice. "But seriously, he's actually grown a lot." He shrugged. "Maybe if you give him a chance, you can decide for yourself. His anger has calmed down a lot too," he added, finishing his little peptalk.

"Maybe you're right, I still only want to start out as friends." She agreed, I'll keep you updated on everything, though." She giggled lightly.

"You better!" He joked, "I know all the drama in town!" He winked playfully.

"Yeah, maybe you should be a reporter," she shot back.

"Hah! Maybe I will be. I might do well." He agreed with a nod.

She found her spot close to the guard rale and watched as Ace laughed and joked as he climbed into the Stryker. He was so different, but yet he was still the same wonderful person she had found comfort in at one point. Maybe it was time to face him.

He hadn't stopped trying after all. He had sent her flowers occasionally, sent her happy holiday messages, and still looked at her with all the love in the world. He was still Ace, but he had grown so much in the last few weeks that he was nearly unrecognizable from the angry, violent boy she had first met.


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten

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