Forgive and Forget

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The next two weeks seemed to creep by for the whole family. It felt like it would never be the weekend.

"How is it only Friday!" Koby groaned, dangling halfway off the couch. "I really don't want to go to school today..." He huffed looking towards his sister, who had just gotten home from working a night shift and showered.

"I'm so ready for bed..." She complained through a yawn. "I'm sure the day will go by quickly." She tried to reassure her little brother.

"Ugh. No, it won't... but goodnight. You look tired." He added motioning towards her dark circles.

"Night." She sighed, heading towards her room to sleep the day away.

It wasn't until about 1 in the afternoon when she woke up. The entire family had left, and it was making her wonder if working nights was really in her best interest. She never saw her family other than at dinner and on days off. Even if she had only been in town for 3 weeks, it was proving to be quite the adjustment.

She threw on a quick outfit before heading toward the doorway to grab her shoes. She had planned to take a look around the town since she hadn't been in any of the small shops yet.

She grabbed her keys from the key rack by the door before leaving the house and locking the door.

An unfamiliar vehicle seemed to slow down as it drove by her house. The modded black WRX caught her eye as it rolled by, and she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her.

She did her best to brush it off and made sure the door was locked before heading towards her car. She told herself that maybe they were looking for a specific house number.

She ended up spending the day shopping and waiting for the family to get home from work and school. Her last stop was picking up dinner to surprise her family.

She waited patiently for her food and for her number to be called.

"Hey..." A voice caught her attention, causing her to turn around. She was instantly met with piercing grey eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her before speaking again. "You're kind of..." She looked up at the tall male waiting for the other half of his sentence. "In my way." He finished gesturing towards the order on the counter in front of her.

"Oh, sorry!" She apologized, backing up to let him grab his food.

"You're that new girl in town, aren't you?" He asked, turning to walk away.

"Yeah. Why?" She questioned hearing her number called.

"It was nice meeting you." He smirked, letting the door close behind him.

"Um... excuse me, ma'am, your food's ready." The worker awkwardly held out the bag waiting for her to take it.

"Oh! Thank you! I wasn't paying attention..." She sighed, not seeing any signs of the grey-eyed man. She felt like she recognized him from somewhere, but she couldn't pinpoint where.

She quickly walked outside, expecting to see him getting into a vehicle of some kind, but he had disappeared into thin air.

"Well, that was weird..." She mumbled, opening the back door to put down the food before hopping into the driver's seat. Opal was starting to understand why Marco had told her to watch her back the other day after work.

The car silenced as she pulled the key out of the ignition. Her eyebrow raised, seeing the scene unfolding in front of her.

"Well. She's here now." Opal heard her stepmom yell sternly. She had only just opened her car door, and chaos was already unfolding. There never was a dull moment.

"Opal, come here. Ace has something to say to you." Calia stated, putting her hands on her hips.

"You old hag—" He was cut off by a hard knock on the head. "Ow..." He groaned in pain.

Opal made sure to walk as slowly as she could up the driveway, trying to get a grasp on what was going on. Nate stood helplessly, scratching his cheek.

"Well?" Calia questioned, pushing Ace closer to Opal. "Or else." She growled, holding a pair of keys in her hand.

"How did you even...?" He started but gave up, assuming it would be a pointless question. She gave him a warning look.

"I uh..." He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. His cheeks had a pink tinge to them, showing he was embarrassed. "Thank you for convincing your dad to let me race!" He announced loud enough for the small brunette woman behind him to hear.

"And?" Calia pushed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for how rude I have been." He sighed, dropping his head in defeat.

Opal had been put in an odd spot. Especially with her whole family watching.

"Thanks...?" She questioned, earning a giggle from her brother and Luffy.

"Huh?! Just thanks?" Ace yelled in disbelief he figured she would have apologized too. Or at least be appreciative. He never apologizes to anyone, after all!

"Yeah... thanks...?" She sighed, ignoring her family, who were all laughing at Ace.

"Whatever... see you around." He mumbled with red cheeks. "Let's go, Luffy." He called loudly, heading towards his car. Opal recognized it as the WRX from before, but she let it slide for now.

"I think you two are going to be good friends," Calia giggled, looking towards the car ripping out of their driveway.

"Well... I bought dinner. Kobey, you wanna go grab it out of the car?" Opal tried to change the subject.

"Yeah!" He cheered, grabbing her keys from her hand and running towards her car.

"You working the race tomorrow?" Nate asked, opening the door for his daughter.

"Nope. But I'll be in the stands watching." She explained walking inside the old farmhouse.

"Why don't you sit with me in the tower tomorrow?" He offered.

"Alright. I guess I can, but I'm not doing the announcements and all of that other stuff." She crossed her arms, waiting for him to answer.

"Alright." He agreed, sitting down at the table as Kobey pulled the food out of the bags.


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

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