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"I didn't think you were going to be that good of a driver. I'm impressed," Ace joked as they pulled into his driveway.

"I'm surprised you didn't fly 100 miles per hour the entire ride," she shot back playfully.

"Luffy!" Ace called as he got out of the car to grab the bags. Sabo came outside instead and helped grab the bags from the back seat.

"I'm sorry for thinking you were trying to steal my car last night," the blond apologized, setting the bags down on the counter.

"Oh, don't worry about it! I probably would have done the same." A warm smile spread across her cheeks, making Sabo blush slightly.

"Oi! Opal!" Ace called, holding the box of breakpads in his arms. "Can you grab our food and meet me in the garage?" Ace asked as he glared at his brother.

"Yeah, sure," she replied, digging through the bags to find his large order. "It was nice to meet you properly!" Opal hollared as Sabo walked away to find luffy.

"You too..." He mumbled under his breath.

"Here, I don't know how anyone can eat stuff this spicy." She sighed, handing over the bag containing his lunch.

"They eat it because it's good. Obviously." He responded with an eye roll. "I gotta get these breakpads on for the race this weekend, but you're welcome to hang out and eat in here while I do that," Ace offered as he dug into his food.

"Alright. Where should I sit?" The girl asked, looking around the room until she laid her eyes on a stool in the corner of the small garage.

Opal ate her food in silence as Ace worked on his car; rock music played quietly from a speaker on the other side of the room.

"Hey, Ace." She called earning a grunt in return. "How'd you start racing anyways?" She questioned, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Shit!" Ace hollared, grabbing his hand. "Ow..." He mumbled, covering it. Small droplets of blood trickled down his hand and greeted the ground.

"Let me clean that up -" Ace quickly cut her off with one of his infamous glares. "Oh shut up, I'm taking care of your hand!" Opal argued, walking out to her car to grab her medical bag.

Once back in the garage, Ace was seated in a second chair he had pulled over while Opal sat in the other.

"You know, you should be nicer to the people who want to help you." The pink haired girl scolded.

Ace grumbled, looking away from her as she dressed the cut. "I don't need anybody." He huffed, trying to pull his hand away. Ace was bad for second-guessing, and he was beginning to doubt she was being nice to him for a good reason.

"Jeez, you get cranky when you get hurt," opal laughed. "I'll head home after this if you want."

"No!" Ace yelped quickly. "I mean, uh," his cheeks flushed a deep red as he realized what he had done. "I mean..." He panicked, losing his tuff guy facade as he melted into his chair.  Ace huffed loudly, trying to figure out what to say. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "You can come with me to the track to test the breaks if you'd like." Ace tried to act tuff again as he leaned in closer. "I'll even let you drive." He smirked.

"Man, are you bipolar? I've never seen someone's emotions switch so fast," Opal laughed lightly. "I guess I can ask my dad if we can use the track to test the breaks," she smiled, getting up to make the phone call.

Ace was left stunned as she spoke to her father on the phone. He had never been rejected, nor had he been bossed around.

"Alright, he said yes; so you better hurry up and finish the breaks and put your car back together." She explained, sitting back down in her chair.

"Okay," he sighed, giving up on trying not to embarrass himself more than he already had. "I'll finish this, and then I'll go get changed."

"I'm gonna go get something to drink while you finish up," Opal said, heading for the kitchen.

Opal shifted uncomfortably as she looked through the fridge. No water, no Gatorade, no tea, just booze. "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you to look in the pantry. Should be a kolaid or something in there!" Ace hollared through the door.

"Looking for a drink?" Luffy questioned as he came down the stairs. "We usually keep our drinks in our rooms. Ace has a mini fridge!" He whispered the last part as he grabbed my hand to pull me upstairs.

"This is Ace's room!" Luffy cheered, throwing open the door and ignoring the 'do not enter!' Hung on it.

"Here," luffy tossed her a monster from the mini fridge and sat on Aces' unmade bed. The room wasn't too messy, other than the clothes strewn around the room. In the corner, there were several shelves covered in helmets and trophies. The walls were decorated with racing posters as well as car posters, and the whole room seemed to be car themed. That was to be expected, considering it was Ace's.

"Hey, I'm done. I'm gonna hop in the shower, and then we can go." Ace popped his head in the room momentarily before heading towards the shower connected to his room.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Sabo! But you can stay in here if you like." Luffy smiled, heading out of the room.

Once he had shut the door behind himself, Opal decided to snoop. Not through everything, but just to know a little more about the boy.

Before she could even begin looking, Ace was already behind her.

"Lookin' for something?" He asked, causing her to jump.

"No, I was just..." Now it was her turn to be flustered. "Just looking for a pen!" She lied in a panic. "Didn't know how long you'd be so I was gonna doodle!" She lied, making the boy laugh.

"Alright, let's just go."


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

Dirt Tracks And Lilacs [Ace x OC]Where stories live. Discover now