To New Friends

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"That was delicious, thank you," Opal smiled sweetly, removing her napkin from her lap and placing it onto the table between them.

"Of course," he breathed, handing the waiter his credit card. She quickly brought it back, and Law gave her a generous tip in cash.

"Come on," he smiled, offering his hand. "Do you wanna go back to my place and watch a movie or something?" He questioned nonchalantly.

"Yeah," Opal smiled. A movie did sound nice. "That sounds nice," she agreed, following him out of the restaurant and towards his car, where he once again opened the door for her.

"Thanks," Opal stated as she climbed into his car. "No problem," he responded, pulling the car out of the parking lot and onto the empty-ish roads back to town a few minutes later.

The drive to his apartment was decently short, with minimal traffic. Opal stepped lit of the black car and followed Law into the building and into the elevator. He pushed the button to the 4th floor. After the ride up, Opal followed Law through a door and into his apartment.

"My sister, Lami, is staying with me until she goes back to college in a few weeks." Law explained as he closed the white door behind the pair. "She's not going to be home until tomorrow morning, though." He added.

"Alright," Opal nodded, unsure as to why he had felt the need to tell her that. "I just didn't want you to think there was an intruder or that I had a girlfriend or something if she came home early," he elaborated, feeling her uneasiness. "The roku remote is on the coffee table if you want to go pick something for us to watch." He glanced towards the kitchen to see the larger white dog rushing towards him, but quickly backed away seeing a new face.

"And this is Bepo," he chuckled, gesturing towards the timid dog who remained far away from the newcomer.

"Hey!" Opal attempted to greet, but the dog just retreated into what was presumably Law's bedroom.

Opal walked into the living room and sat down on the dark grey couch. After turning on the TV, a picture beside the couch caught her eye. She couldn't help her curiosity as she picked up the framed photo. There was a young, sickly child being held by a blond man in navy attire. The goofy looking man had a shit eating grin plastered on his face as he held up a peace sign with his free hand.

"That's Corazon." Laws voice almost caused Opal to drop the photo. Law gently took it from her hands and placed it back in its original spot. "He was my adoptive father." Law frowned momentarily. He couldn't help but miss the clumsy man. "Did you pick a movie?" Law questioned, sitting down beside Opal.

"Yeah, I thought we could watch a few episodes of one piece," she questioned, choosing a random show from the Binge worthy section of Hulu.

"Sure," he shrugged nonchalantly. He had never seen the show, but it didn't look half bad for being an anime.

The two enjoyed several episodes of the show before Opal decided it was getting late. "Jeez! Zaro and Sinji need to quit fighting!" Opal grumbled.

"I think Laffy was a pretty cool captain. Nomi was pretty annoying, though." Law added nodding his head in agreement.

"You mind taking me home?" Opal questioned seeing the clock on the TV read 11:30pm.

"Yeah, of course," he smiled lightly. Opal huffed, falling back into the couch. "I think we should just be friends," Opal blurted out, worried she would lead the kind man on.

"Don't worry, I feel the same way." Law agreed with a relived sigh. Both glanced towards Bepo, who was seated cautiously in the doorway watching.

"I think we could be really good friends, though!" Opal offered happily. Law nodded in agreement as they both stood from the couch. Bepo continued to cautiously watch as Law turned off the TV. "I'll be right back, big guy," Law shook his head. "So much for a guard dog, you scaredy cat." Law glared playfully. The dog simply whimpered a response before turning to leave the room.

It was mind-boggling that a dog could be so timid, yet so mouthy at the same time. "I'm sorry about him." Law laughed, hearing Bepo grumble a response to his dig.

"It's okay, he's adorable." Opal waved at the prudent dog before following law out of the apartment.

"I promise he's usually wide open." Law made small talk as they descended towards the first floor and outside to his car. "He'll come around eventually."

"I had fun," Opal admited, pushing the hair out of her face and behind her ear. "We should hang out more often. Whenever we both have free days, that is."

"I agree," Law stated, focusing on the road since it was dark out. "You going to the race Saturday?" He questioned. The silence while driving always bugged him.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be on the ambulance, but I'll be watching none the less." Opal shifted uncomfortably, remembering she would have to see Ace's smug face again.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely winning." Law smirked confidently. "Ace needs a taste of his own medicine sometimes." Law admitted harshly. He seemed to really dislike the wild boy.

"He definitely has a big ego." Opal admited. "Why is that, anyway? She raised her brows as she looked towards the racer. Just like Ace, his face lit up whenever he was behind the wheel.

"His dad was a racer. Gol D. Roger was his name. He was probably the biggest racer to come out of our small town. 20 years ago, he was married to a woman named Rouge. Roger didn't want kids at all, but when his wife fell pregnant, he felt some kind of moral obligation to stick around." Law paused for a moment to make sure the street was clear before turning. "But, a few weeks before her due date, Roger got this million dollar offer to go race with the big leagues, so of course he took it. Shortly after he left, his wife went into labor. She died a few minutes after Ace was born." He finished pulling into Opals driveway.


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

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