Rude Awakenings

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Opal yawned loudly, stretching as wide as she could. She had almost forgotten she wasn't at home. "Do you want your shirt back?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Keep it, it doesn't fit me anymore." He nodded.

"Thanks," she forced a smile, throwing on the muscle car shirt. It was only a few sizes to big, meaning she could actually wear it on a day to day basis.

The room remained quiet as the two got ready for the day. She quickly threw on her pants she had left in the bathroom, and he waited to get his shower. "Oh no," she ghasped, seeing it was nearly dinner time. "I'll see you around." Without another word, she was gone. She hadn't realized how close she lived to the redhead and made a mental note of it.

"Yeah, see you around..." Eustass muttered lightly as the door shut behind Opal. He had hoped that a friendship with Opal would be enough to rid himself of the feelings for her that had embedded themselves deep in his heart, but clearly, it wasn't. He still longed for her with every piece of his heart.


"Opal!" Koby cheered, running up to meet his sister at the door. "Mom made burgers!" The enthusiasm in his eyes made his sister smile.

Her eyes flickered into the kitchen, spotting Ace. "I'm not hungry, but you can save me one," she said, now forcing the smile on her face. Without another word, she headed outside to sit on the porch, where she hoped no one would bother her.

"Hey..." The peace and quiet didn't last long at all. "I just want to apologize." Ace frowned deeply. "I'm sorry for everything. I've been a real pain in your ass, and i know it would take forever for you to even consider me a friend." He huffed, sitting in the chair beside her.

"What's your point?" She huffed loudly, patience already wearing thin.

"That I'm sorry. That's my point," he stated as if it was obvious."

"So, you think a simple 'I'm sorry' will fix everything? I thought I knew who you were, and then you turned around as soon as you got what you wanted," she spoke coldly, ready to leave.

"No. That's not fair. I'm trying to change," he argued, his voice breaking against his will. "I asked you if that's what you wanted. You are just as much to blame as I am."

"Fine. How about we just agree to pretend we never new eachother." She offered coldly.

"That's not what I want either..." He mumbled. "I don't know what I want anymore, Opal." The world around them continued, but neither could move on.

"Then what do you want?" She questioned, frustration clear on her face. "You always try to come back, and you fuck it up everytime. You are hurting everyone!" She fumed.

"Every moment I live knowing you hate me is nearly impossible to suffer through. Everything I see you with someone else, my chest hurts-I don't even know what to do!" He rambled quickly. "I'm not stupid, I know there's something going on with you and Kidd, so if that's what you want, then just tell me, and I'll never bother you again!" He yelled, struggling to catch his breath. "You're even wearing his clothes, Opal... I'm not stupid, you know?" He finished quietly. The rage shown by both parties had subsided, and a deep sadness enveloped the air around them.

"You are the one who chose the drinking over me. You had me, Ace." She whispered sadly. "It's too late now." She sobbed, letting the tears roll down her flushed cheeks.

"Please, Opal." He exhaled, reaching his hand closer to the girl. "I'll change! I mean it!" He pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Ace. Please just leave me alone." She cried, pulling her hand from his. She looked him in the eyes once more before heading inside and into her room.

All she could do was cry. Once again, everything was confusing. Part of her wanted to rush out and kiss him; but the other feared more heartbreak.

"I'm so stupid," Ace laughed dryly. The tears poured down his face.

"We all make bad decisions," Calia offered, rubbing Aces back as she walked him to his car. "You just need to get sober, Ace." She nodded, closing the door behind him.

He didn't even bother to turn on the radio as he drove home. It felt pointless. Everything felt pointless now.

He knew better than anyone he could be a handful, but everyone craves love. The rejection felt as if it left a hole in Aces' chest.

"You okay?" Luffy questioned, seeing the forlorn look on his eldest brothers face.

"I love you," he mumbled, ruffling his little brothers hair. The steps creaked under Aces feet as he ascended the old stairs.

Luffy frowned deeply. He knew that he had never heard those words from Ace unless he was going on a binge. "You'll be okay, right?" Luffy wondered outloud. His words were met with silence.


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten

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