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"And our winner! Portgas D. Ace!" The announcer boomed even louder than normal as Ace walked past him and towards the fence where Opal was propped up against it. This had become a ritual of sorts for him after every race.

"Good job," she grinned, entering his side of the cage. "I'm proud of you," she admitted, playing with her fingers. "You've really proved yourself these last few months."

That means a lot from you," he smiled warmly, hearing the complaint. His heart felt full as he looked down at her.

"So... I was thinking," she started slowly, digging her shoe into the dirt. She avoided his eyes for a moment before making contact. "Maybe we can get takeout or something?" She offered.

"I'd love that," he gleamed, showing off his crooked smile. "We can take the Stryker if you'd like," he offered.

"There is no way that thing is street legal," she retorted in disbelief.

"Well, it's not... but that only matters if we get caught!" He exclaimed as though it was a challenge.

Opal opened her mouth to disagree, but all that came out was a defeated "okay."

"Let's go!" He cheered, swinging the keys around his finger. His other hand extended out waiting for her to take it.

She sighed contently as her fingers intertwined with his, a thrilled smile planted firmly across his face as the crowd cheered for the two.

"Hell, yeah!" They could hear Eustass wooping and hollering from his car as he reved the engine.

"Same place we went last time?" Ace questioned, helping her into the car. A simple nod confirmed it. Opal couldn't speak. The embarrassment caused by the crowds cheers had caused her face to flush a deep shade of red.

"You're cute when you blush," Ace complimented as he situated his helmet onto his head.

"Yeah, yeah, pretty boy, get us out of here," she huffed playfully as she took the second helmet from his hands. Instant regret filled her as the car flew around the track in a victory lap. He laughed loudly, seeing her clutch onto anything she could to steady herself.

"Jesus, Ace!" She yelped, barely audible over the roaring of the engine and the dirt hitting the side of the Stryker.

"Trust me, I'm the best driver around," he gloated, finally pulling onto the main road. "Well, at least the most fun one," he corrected.

Opal knew she would have to get used to his daredevil tendencies, and she didn't mind it. The look of pure joy plastered on his freckled face made it worth it.

"I wouldn't be here without you, you know," he admitted softly. His playful Demeanor had shifted into a more serious one. The air still remained light as he turned into the parking lot.

"But you made the choice on your own," she offered. "I'm sure you would have made the same choice, but it would have taken you longer." She stated.

"You're right..." He exhaled, shaking the thaught from his mind. He put back on his smile as he exited the car to help her out.

"I'm just glad to finally meet you. The real you," she admitted. "You are a very unique person."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He scoffed playfully. Once again, he was spinning his keys on his fingers.

"I've never met someone like you." She added. "It's a good thing." She laughed warmly, a sound Ace hoped to continue hearing.

"Yeah, yeah, 'unique'," he mocked jokingly.

"There's no one quite like you, and that's why I like you so much." She smiled, placing her hand onto his. "There's no one else I'd rather be here with."

The End! Finally, this story is over! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have several other Ace books up and in the works as well for anyone interested in those!

I hope you have a wonderful night, and feel free to like, comment, and/or follow!


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten

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