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"Name?" The lady asked softly.

"Portgas D. Ace." He exhaled, trying to calm his body. Every fiber of his being was telling him to leave and never look back. "Checking in."

"Ok, Mr. Portgas, if you'll follow me I'll find you a room." She smiled proudly. "You're doing the right thing."

It sure didn't feel like it at the time.


"Luffy, I'm sure he's fine." Opal comforted, patting Luffy's hair. He had been staying with them for nearly a month since Ace went 'missing'.

"No! He's probably dead in a ditch somewhere waiting for his body to be found!" He cried. Everyone had been taking turns comforting the poor boy after every crippling night terror. Honestly, Opal was starting to feel guilty. Ace had disappeared with no contact for a month, and Luffy was right to worry. The only person who knew anything was Eustass, and he wasn't going to budge.

"Come on, we can go look, okay?" She offered pitifully. She hoped that seeing he wasn't home would calm him.

"Ok!" He hopped up, rushing out the door and into her passenger side seat. She grabbed her keys and a jacket before heading towards the door and into the car.

"Look!" Luffy yelled as he spotted a figure exiting a big red truck. The headlights illuminated the figure beautifuly. His hair was longer, his facial hair had grown, and he had gained muscle mass, but it was still him. It was Ace. His freckles, his eyes, and a genuine smile that could light the world on fire.

"Ace?" She breathed. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. "Where have you...?" She trailed off, watching as Luffy bolted out of the car and into his brothers arms.

"You have to stop leaving me!" Luffy wailed, only being held up by his brother.

"Never again," Ace promised, holding his brother closer than ever before. He was himself for once.

"I can't take it anymore, Ace! I can't lose you too!" He blubbered out his words. He couldn't stop his tears as they poured down his face.

"You won't," he stated, holding his composure. "I'll never die."

"I'm glad you're okay," Opal nodded, approaching the black haired beauty. "Seriously, I am." She sighed, pulling him in for a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized quietly, pulling her into the hug with Luffy still around his side.

"You don't have to be," she smiled lightly. "I'm going to head home. Is he okay with you?"

"Yeah, I think we'll be alright. We have quite a bit to catch up on after all." He grinned, ruffling his little brothers hair.

"Goodnight," she nodded as she climbed back into her car and headed home.

"I really am sorry, Luffy. It's just something I needed to do on my own. I didn't think I'd go through with it if I saw you sad." He apologized, seeing the tears still streaming down his brothers cheeks.

"I understand... I just really missed my brother. I couldn't imagine living my life without you in it. You're my brother, but you're also my best friend."

Ace smiled at his brothers words before ruffling his hair and heading inside.


"Where's Luffy?!" Calia panicked, rushing around the house to find him.

"Ace came back." Opal stated. "He went to rehab and didn't want to tell anyone, but Eustass, who I'm assuming, took him.

"Is he okay? Is he better?" She questioned hastily upon hearing the news. "Is Luffy going to be okay alone with him?"

"He's actually... great." Opal admited flabbergasted by the change. "He's... a new person." She added.

"I'm glad. I trust your judgment." She sighed in relief. "I hope everything works out for those two," she rambled, seating herself on the couch. "I honestly didn't expect Ace to make it this far..." She admitted sadly. "His childhood was pretty rough."

"I heard from Sabo," Opal nodded, understanding her concerns. "He's a good person put in a bad situation—which doesn't mean I'm running back to him!" She added with a reddening face.

"Not yet, at least..." She mumbled, having realized just how much she had missed the boy in his absence. Honestly, she missed their bantering.

"I get it... but he's still gonna end up being my son-in-law!" She laughed hopefully. Opal shook her head at her stepmother's antics, which never seemed to end.

"Oh hush," Opal groaned, covering her face in embarrassment. "How about we give it a while before we start jumping into me getting married?" She laughed awkwardly.

Yaaaaay, the story is nearing the end! At least somewhat, that could always change if it's popular enough. Thanks for reading, liking, following, and supporting!!!!!

Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten

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