The shopping trip

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Denny pov:

I waited by the door as everyone tried to sort out who was going shopping, Ty, kevin, Busch, and I were going so far everyone else was arguing. "I'm the most mature." Larson argued,
"Do we care?" Chase fired back, I sighed we could be here for a while.

"I'm going I did the best last season." Ross argued with Daniel,
"So? I'm gonna do the best this season, plus I've been doing good longer." Daniel shot back.

"I've been on the team longer." Bubba said,
"Yes but you have the maturity of a ten year old." Tyler argued.

"OKAY ENOUGH!" Kevin yelled, everyone stopped and turned to look at him, "William and Larson come, Tyler and Ross come, Joey and Austin come." Kevin said before walking out.
"Well you heard the man let's go." I said before following Kevin.

We climbed into two cars and drove off, when we got to the store it went bad immediately. "Where's Ty?" Busch asked, I glanced around,
"I don't know." I said,
"Austin and William are gone too." Joey pointed out,
"Why is it always the young ones." Kevin complained,
"Hey I still here." Tyler pointed out,
"What do you want me to say, good boy?" Kevin asked sarcastically before walking away.
Tyler rolled his eyes,
"Well let's start shopping, their adults they can survive." Busch said,
"Debatable." I said laughing.

"Kyle let's go to the alcohol aisle." Larson said, he and Busch ran off leaving, Kevin, Ty, Joey, Ross and I.
"We shouldn't let them pick the alcohol." Joey said,
"Yes but whatever let's just get going." Kevin said.

We split up and Kevin and I went to the produce section, "do you not like shopping?" I asked curiously,
"Do you?" Kevin asked, I shook my head,
"No but you seem to have a special hatred for it."
"Well I don't like it, but mainly I don't the stress of doing it with other people."
"We'll just be glad dumb and dumbest aren't here"
"Theres one member and that's enough to make everything go down hill." Kevin said, we both laughed and continued shopping.

After an hour we met up with the rest of the drivers minus Ty, Austin and William.
"Is that the entire alcohol aisle?" Joey asked, in shock as he stared at the kyles full cart,
"No." Busch said,
"Not quiet." Larson defended, I rolled my eyes,
"Let's go." I said,
"Wait we're still missing those three." Ross pointed out,
"Oh my word, this is why I didn't want to do this house thing all the kids are stupid." Kevin said before storming off, about ten minutes later he came back and shrugged his shoulders,
"I don't think their even in the store anymore." He said, I rolled my eyes,
"Well their not answering their phones so let's check out and then go search for them." I said.

Chase pov:

"Go outside!" Martin ordered, "get out! I do not want to deal with your guys crazy behaviour, you can come back in when your ready to act your age." He said firmly, ryan, Bubba, Alex and I rolled our eyes. We grabbed a football and went outside,
"Two in two?" Bubba asked,
"Sure, me and Ryan against you two." I said,
"No that's not fair you don't get Ryan." Bubba argued,
"Yeah I want Ryan, he's good at everything." Alex complained,
"Thanks guys, I'll be signing autographs after the game." Ryan joked,
"I called him first so sucks to be you." I said, Bubba and alex rolled their eyes. We started playing and Ryan and I easily were winning.

We stopped when Martin came out, "can you guys try phoning William, Austin and Ty, please?" He asked, we shared confused glances,
"Why?" Ryan asked, Martin sighed,
"Because the others lost them, or they ran away something like that and their not answering their phones." Martin explained,
"So why would they answer us?" Alex asks,
"Because your all part of dumb and dumbest." Martin said, Alex immediately looked offended,
"I'm not." He said, Martin rolled his eyes,
"You pretty much are, plus your like Williams best friend so please phone them." Martin said before walking back into the house.

We pull out our phones and take turns trying to call them, on my second attempt to call William he finally picked up.
"What's up?" William asked,
"Where are you? Everyone's kinda worried." I said, Ryan gestured for me to put it on speaker, I quickly did,
"Why didn't you answer when I called?" Ryan asked,
"Cause I like chase better." William said laughing, Ryan pouted,
"Okay back to the point where are you guys?" I ask, we could hear muffled laughter in the background before William finally spoke,
"What do you mean? We're in the store." He said, the laughter got louder, i look at Bubba and Alex in confusion,
"Are you hiding?" Alex asks,
"Maybe." Williams answers, I roll my eyes,
"Well I'm pretty sure the others aren't very happy." Bubba said,
"Oh we know, Kevin stormed past our hiding spot a couple minutes ago looking for us and he looked pretty mad." Austin explained,
"Then why are you still hiding, go find the others and pretend like you've been walking around and they just somehow missed you, it will make them so frustrated." Ryan suggested, I nod,
"Yes that's a good idea." I said,
"Okay, we'll do that, wish us luck we might not be coming home." William says before hanging up.

We laugh as we walk inside, "did you get a hold of them?" Martin asks, I nod,
"Yup, they've been at the store the entire time, just wandering around it." I said, Martin raises an eyebrow,
"This seems very fishy." He comments as we walk down the stairs to the game room.

Kevin pov:

We were standing by the car trying to dismiss what to do next when, William, Austin and Ty came walking out of the store.
"WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU?" Denny yelled,
"In the store, where else would we be?" William asked, I frowned,
"We looked everywhere for you, you were not in the store." I said, Ty shrugged,
"You guys must have missed an aisle or something cause we have been in there the entire time." He said, Denny and I shared a confused look,
"Well it doesn't matter, we're all here let's just go home." Joey said, we all climbed in the cars but I noticed William and Austin share a slightly smug look before getting in.

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