Find Chase

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Kevin pov:

"I just checked the whole house, Chase isn't here." My heart stopped at Larsons words, this was too much, William heatstroke yesterday, Chase missing today, why can't things ever be normal in this house?

I could feel Ryan panicking next to me,
"This is my fault." He muttered, his breathing was really fast and he was starting to shake.
"Hey hey calm down, maybe he went for a walk. We'll drive around and find him, okay?" I said trying to calm Ryan down. He nodded slowly and seemed to calm a bit.

Larson pulled out his phone and tried calling chase, we all groaned when we heard a phone ringing in the table by the front door. I walked over and sue enough chase's phone was sitting there.

We split up Martin went in one car, Denny and Larson in another and Ryan and I in another. We drove around for an hour before heading back to the house. Ryan was freaking out again but this time I couldn't calm him down. We called an emergency meeting in the living room and everyone quickly piled into the living.

Bubba and Alex were quick to try and calm Ryan down but like me they couldn't.
"What's going on?" Joey asked, he glanced at his hyperventilating teammate with concern.
"Where's chase?" William asked,
"Well that's the problem, we don't know." I said, everyone turned there attention towards me.  "We have no idea where chase is. Ryan and Chase got into a fight and chase seems to have ran away, he's nowhere on the property, we've checked. We drove around for an hour and could not find him, so where ever he is his not anywhere easy to find." I explained.
"So let's split up into groups and search everywhere, the woods, maybe even back at the beach. The one thing we do know is he's on foot, he didn't take a car and he left his phone here." Denny said, "a few can stay here maybe he'll come back." He added.

"And uh, guys, we kinda need to find him fast. There is a thunderstorm coming." Martin said, looking at his phone, he held up his phone and I frowned at the weather radar on his phone.
"Okay then let's go!" Alex said. I turned to William,
"Your staying here, either in bed or on the couch, don't even think about arguing. We can't worry about both of you." I said, William frowned but didn't argue.

Ryan pov:

Everyone split into groups, I ended up in a group with Alex, Kevin and Larson. We started walking down the road calling chase. I tried to rack my brain on where he would be. I tried my best to think like chase, he wasn't a fan of technology hence forth why his phone was still at home. I glanced at the road and then up at the sky. I stopped walking as I looked around me.
"What's wrong Ryan?" Larson asked,
"Chase doesn't like technology, he doesn't like anything like that. If he could he would go without all of it, we always would joke he should have been born in the early 1900's. He likes the country, to be away from all the pavement and power lines." I explained,
"In other words, he would have left the road?" Alex asked, I nodded.
"He's probably somewhere in the woods." I said.  Kevin groaned,
"Well let's go then." Kevin said sounding tired.

We moved off the road and into the woods, we continued calling his name, hoping he would answer. In a gap between the tree tops I could see dark clouds growing.

I felt tears slide down my face and I didn't even try to stop them, no one was paying attention to me, to busy trying to find Chase. This was all my fault, if I had just woken Bubba up this morning instead of chase we would have never had the fight and chase would be safely at home. I pulled out my phone and glanced at the time. He's been gone for over two hours, what if he was hurt, but had no way of getting home or calling for help? A million thoughts were rushing through my head, none of them good.

A sudden bang jolted me from my thoughts, everyone jumped. "Thunder." Kevin said anxiously, I had noticed that the wind had picked up. We kept moving but faster know, our calling became more urgent. Then I felt it, the first rain drop,
"It's raining." I said with a sinking heart, my voice was hoarse from yelling.
"How the heck did we go from heatstroke to this?" Kevin muttered, I shrugged and continued walking.

The rain slowly got worse, soon it was coming down in buckets. Drenching us from head to toe, not only were we wet and cold but the rain drowned out our voices. I was starting to lose hope in ever finding him. Maybe he went back to the house.

Chase pov:

I hadn't moved from my spot under the tree, I have no idea what the time was, but it was raining. I was soaked and my teeth were chattering, but I felt numb. I had cried till I couldn't cry anymore, I knew I should probably head home, but I couldn't bring myself to move.

I snapped my head up at the sound of voices, I listened carefully thinking maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me but no I could hear them again. They were getting closer, I didn't know wether to call out to them or not. I'm pretty sure their from the house, and as they got closer I realized they were calling my name. I opened my mouth to tell them I was hear when I suddenly recognized one of the voices, Ryan.

Tears slid down my face, I didn't think I had any left but apparently I was wrong. I didn't move or say anything, I just sat there. I could make out someone walking towards me, they hadn't noticed me yet, since they were still calling my name. I was pretty sure it was Alex.

Alex didn't notice me till he was maybe three feet away from me. He froze we made eye contact through the rain.
"GUYS!!!" He yelled, "I FOUND HIM!!"

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the tree as Alex walked closer.
"You okay?" He asked, I didn't answer, I didn't really have an opportunity tho because Ryan came flying up and dropped to his knees beside me. He pulled my into a hug and I noticed he was sobbing, I couldn't bring myself to hug him back. I was too cold and tired, instead I leaned my head on his shoulder. He whispered apologies over and over,
"I'm sorry." I whispered back, my voice shaky and hoarse. Actually everything about me was shaky, my entire body was shaking.

"Okay let's go home, we're all cold and tired." Kevin said, Ryan let go of me and stood up. He offered me a hand, I grabbed it with my shaking hand and he pulled me into a standing position. I swayed a bit and Larson and Ryan quickly grabbed my arms to steady me.

Ryan pov:

Kevin texted the others that we found chase and we started to walk back to the house, which was a good twenty-thirty minute walk from where we were, in the pouring rain. I kept a hold on chases arm afraid he would fall over, he looked so tired it broke my heart. I felt so guilty, I shouldn't have said the things I did.

It took us twenty minutes to get back to the road, when we got to the road Martin met us with a car. We climbed in and road back in silence, no one really seemed to know what to say. I glanced at chase and found him staring at his lap blankly.

When we got back, Chase made a beeline for his room. The rest of us joined the others in the living not exactly sure what to do.

"So he's fine?" William asked hesitantly,
Larson shrugged, "he seemed really tired, probably a bit cold but other than that he seemed physically fine." Larson hesitated for a second, "mentally.." he said before trailing off.
We fell into silence as everyone processed what he said, or more what he didn't say.

"Well," Kevin sighed, finally breaking the silence, "everyone go get warm, William grabbed some water and go to bed." Kevin instructed. I stood up to leave just like everyone else but Kevin grabbed my arm.
"Do you want to go talk to him or should I? Kevin asked me softly. I was pretty sure I was the last person chase wanted to see right now. The words I said to him rang in my head, I shook my head.
"You can, he won't want to talk to me." I said trying to keep the emotions I was feeling right now out of my voice. Kevin frowned but nodded slowly, I turned and walked up to my room. 

I stripped out of my wet clothes and put some dry clothes on. I lay down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I finally allowed myself to completely break down and cry.

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