Over protective

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William pov:

I groaned as I woke up, the events of yesterday flooded back and I groaned again. I laid in bed for a couple more minutes before dragging myself out of bed. I stared at my red sunburned face, I splashed some water onto my face wincing slightly. The water woke me up more but it also made me realize just how horrible I felt. I made my way slowly downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

Kevin, Denny and Martin were talking together while Denny made breakfast, there conversation stopped abruptly however when I walked in.
"What do you think your doing?" Martin asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I looked at him confused,
"What do you mean? I'm getting water." I said as I went to grab a cup, but denny beat me to it. I frowned as he filled the cup for me and placed it on the island next to Kevin.
"Sit." Denny instructed, I did as I was told.
"I meant what are you doing out of bed? If you needed something you should have texted one of us." Martin explained.
I frowned, "I had heat stroke, I'm not dying." I muttered, drinking the water slowly.

"Well if you want to be back in the car and racing you better listen and rest lots." Kevin said. I nodded, I did want to get back in the car but I didn't want to be on bed rest, which is what it seems they want me to be on.

Once I finished the glass of water, Denny gave me some toast but I only managed to eat half of a slice before I felt sick.
"I'm done." I said sliding the plate away.
"That's it? That's all your going to eat?" Martin asked sceptically. I nodded,
"I don't feel so good." I admitted,
"Well then back to bed for you." Kevin said, I sighed and opened my mouth to argue but Kevin raised an eyebrow at me with a stern look on his face and I knew better then to argue with him.

I sighed again and stood up, Kevin stood up as well and followed me all the way up the stairs. On our way up we passed Alex and Chase going down. I mouthed 'help' to them and nodded my head ever so slightly towards Kevin behind me. Alex looked amused as he watched us pass, but Chase just stared at the ground.

I open the door to my room and sat down on the bed.
"Do you need anything?" Kevin asked, almost hovering over me. I refrained from rolling my eyes.
"No Kevin, I'm fine." I said slightly annoyed,
"Water?" He asked, I shook my head but he didn't seem to be listening. "I'll go get you a water bottle." He left and I groaned and laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door before Alex slowly opened it and walked in.
"I have a delivery." He said cheerfully, I smiled and raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I asked,
"Well first of all my amazing presence! And a water bottle from Kevin." Alex said with a chuckle, I groaned.
"You'd think I was dying the way they were acting." I said, Alex placed the water bottle on my nightstand before laying down next to me.

"I agree they are being pretty over protective but cut them a little slack, you scared the living daylights out of all of us and I think they feel responsible cause their the older more mature ones, I guess they feel they have to take care of us." Alex said thoughtfully, I thought about it for a minute before replying.
"Yeah I guess, it's crazy that in the few months we've been living together that so much has changed, like I guess we genuinely care about each other." I said softly.

"Well I don't think Chase or Denny care about each other, or Denny and Ross." Alex said, I laughed and he joined in. We eventually decided to watch a movie, but half way through I drifted off to sleep.

Chase pov:

I sat down on the couch with a huff. Martin and ross glanced away from the fishing show they were watching and raised an eyebrow at me.
"What's wrong?" Ross asked, I rolled my eyes.
"Nothing." I muttered, it was a lie, I knew it and they knew it. They both gave me concerned looks but I pulled out my phone and they realized they weren't going to get any answers and left me alone.

The truth was, I was not alright, far from it actually. Ryan and I had had a fight this morning. He was by far my closest friend he had been there through the ups and downs. It had started out as a simple conversation, he had woken me up like most mornings cause he always had energy in the morning while I was the opposite. He had rambled on about some Star Wars theory he had before he got really serious.

He asked about my anxiety attack yesterday, he was hurt that I didn't go to him. One thing I've always hated talking about is my anxiety, it was one of the few things me and Ryan rarely talk about. I told him to leave me alone, that I was fine. He started to get mad that I didn't trust him, one thing led to another and we were soon yelling at each other, saying some pretty nasty things. That's the problem with fighting with someone who knows everything about you and vice versa, you know exactly what will hurt them.

I tried to distract myself on my phone before I eventually gave up and decided to got for a walk. I didn't tell anyone where I was going I just simply left, I was a grown adult I didn't need to.

I walked down the driveway and down the road a bit before leaving the road and walking a ways into the forest. I paused and sat down with my back against a tree. I let the tears fall as I thought about the fight. Ryan's words ringing in my ears.
'Your only driving because of your last name, wait till everyone sees that arrogant chase Elliott isn't so confident, wait till the see past the act you put up.' 
Every single word hurt, I had tried so hard my entire career to prove I was more then my last name. It was one of the main causes of my anxiety as stupid as it sounds. I wrapped my arms around myself as I started to sob.

Ryan pov:

I slowly walked into the kitchen and sat down, I pulled out my phone to distract myself. Denny, Larson and Kevin were sitting at the dining table, they didn't pay much attention to me too deep in their conversation. I glanced up as Martin walked in from the living room.
"Hey Ryan, you know what's wrong with chase?" The conversation at the table stopped and I felt four pairs of eyes on me as I stared down at the counter.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. I could hear some one stand up and walk over to me. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder,
"Ryan, what happened?" Kevin asked gently but firmly. I slowly looked up at him,
"We got into a fight." I whispered, "I said some things, he said some things. I don't know? I didn't mean any of it but maybe he did?" I said, a few tears fell from my eyes against my will.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it, you guys are so close." Larson said from the table. I shrugged,
"It sure felt like he meant it." I said softly,
"He's probably thinking the same thing." Kevin said gently,
"I'll go find him and talk to him." Larson said standing up. He left the room and I wiped the tears from my face.

A few minutes later larson came back looking worried, "I just checked the whole house, Chase isn't here."

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