Crazy chaos

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Kevin pov:

I collapsed on the couch next to Martin,
"This is one of the reasons I didn't want to live in this house." I said while tiredly running my hand over my face. Chase had fractured his tibia while snowboarding and was on crutches, Denny and Ross where mad at each other over who knows what, something to do with the last lap at phoenix. William, Ryan, Ty, Daniel, Larson, and Joey were all sick, one of them got it and passed it around I guess and now we are all gonna probably get sick.
"Their grown men you don't have to take care of them." Martin said, but he still had a sympathetic look in his face.
"Ryan was practically crying cause he had a migraine and Denny and Ross were screaming at each other, William was crying cause he hates being sick, Ty was also crying cause he's got a high fever and is super out of it. Chase is down because he is struggling to figure out how to cope with not being able to do anything. Daniel is just plain miserable, I haven't seen Joey or Larson since this morning so I don't know about them, Alex, Bubba, and Tyler are germaphobes and have locked themselves in their room and refuse to come out even for food." I explained, "trust me I don't wanna take care of them, but what else am I exactly supposed to do? Leave them and let this absolute chaos getting even worse?"

Martin stared at me with wide eyes,
"Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad. You can ask me for help when ever your going up next." He told me, I gave him a nod of thanks before closing my eyes and falling asleep on the couch.

Martin pov:

I smiled softly as Kevin fell asleep next to me, he tried to be such a tough person but really on the inside he was a big softy. He saw all the younger drivers as his kids, to a certain degree I did too but not like him, he went out of his way to take care of them. I turned the volume on the tv down so it didn't disturb him.

Half an hour later I hear clunking on the stair way and then some angry muttering before Chase finally appears, he doesn't even remotely look happy.
"Still haven't figured the crutches out yet?" I asked quietly. Chase just huffed as he lowers himself onto the couch,
"I don't know how people function with these, they suck." He said, we turned our attention to the tv but were soon interrupted by a teary eyed William, he went and plopped down i between me and chase. I raised and eyebrow at him,
"You okay?" I asked, he slowly shook his head,
"No." He whimpered out, Chase and I shared a concerned glance,
"What's wrong?" I asked,
"Migraine." William explained, Chase frowned,
"Then why are you down here?" He asked,
"Denny and Ross are mad at each other, and now Busch is mad at them cause their being so loud and now Joey is mad at all three for being loud and all four are yelling at each other." William explained, as he finished talking, Ryan and Daniel walked in, they both looked miserable, they sat down in between William and chase.

"To loud for you guys too?" I asked softly, they both nodded, William and Ryan dosed off while chase, Daniel and I continued the hunting show I was watching.

I wasn't even surprised when Larson and Ty walked in and also found a spot to sit and Ty fell asleep with his head on my shoulder which at first I kinda just froze not knowing what to do but was now okay with.

So now the only sick person left upstairs was Joey, if I wasn't trapped with Ty on my shoulder I would go check to make sure no one had killed anyone but I didn't want to wake Ty. He looked so peaceful, his young face was completely relaxed, his soft breathing was kinda calming.

Denny pov:

I finally had enough of the yelling and just walked away, I walked downstairs and was shocked to find all the sick drivers, plus Kevin, Martin and chase in the living room, only chase, Martin, and Larson were awake the rest were all spread out sleeping, even Kevin was sleeping. I frowned as Martin sent me a dark glare,
"What?" I asked quietly, Chase rolled his eyes,
"What? That's all you gotta say, why do you think we're all down here, especially them who should be in bed sleeping not on the couch. You and Ross, figure it out already! Or if your gonna yell at each other do it outside!" Chase whispered angrily, Martin nodded in agreement.

"Well sorry, that prick up there is a pain in my rear. I don't think we're gonna fight again and if we do it's not gonna be yelling at each other let me tell you." I said, I sat down next to Kevin.
"Keep it on the race track." Larson said, I glanced at all the other sleeping drivers,
"Is Kevin sick too?" I asked, all three awake drivers turn to look at Kevin, to me he looks kinda pale, even sleeping he looks completely drained and tired.
"Maybe, I hope not." Chase said,
"Hopefully he's just tired, he wore himself out along care of everyone today." Martin said.

"I feel bad for William, he won two weeks in a row and is now sick." Larson said, he looks over at sleeping William.
"Gonna be honest I don't, sucks that he's sick but I mean he's won twice, both times on a late be some dumb luck caution." I said.


I can't imagine how much chases leg must have hurt, I bruised my shin bone today riding my horse and holy cow does it ever hurt!

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