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Kevin pov:

I woke up on the couch, I glanced around me and was surprised to see all the sick drivers, minus Joey, and Chase and Martin on the couch. Martin was the only one awake, he glanced over at me and smiled when he saw I was awake. I smiled as well as I noticed Ty was sleeping with his head on martins shoulder. As I sat up straighter I noticed I had a pounding headache, I also noticed my muscles and body ached. I realized with a sinking stomach that I was sick, however the stubborn part of me kicked in and I quickly shrugged that away, maybe I was just tired.

I got up and walked into the kitchen, Denny and Busch were making supper. They both stopped what they were doing when I walked in,
"Woah, Kevin are you sick?" Denny asked his voice full of concern,
"No I'm just a little tired." I said shrugging his concern off, "what are you guys making?" I asked to draw the attention away from myself.
"Soup, and biscuits something easy so that the sickos can eat too." Denny explained. I nodded and turned and made my way upstairs.

I checked on Joey before, making my way to my own room. I took a hot shower before collapsing on my bed.

Chase pov:

I woke on the couch, I glanced at Martin and noticed he was still trapped under Ty. I also noticed he looked miserable,
"What's wrong?" I asked quietly, Martin glanced at me,
"Nothin." He said, I raised and eyebrow,
"Your sick aren't you?" I said, Martin shook his head but I gave him a hard look and he eventually nodded.
"Great so almost everyone is sick." Denny said, as he walked into the living room, "Kevin says he isn't but he's lying." Denny added, I raised an eyebrow.
"How can you tell?" I asked,
"I can just tell." Was all Denny said before starting to wake up all the sleeping drivers.

After much convincing from Denny and Busch everyone sat down with a bowl of soup and a biscuit, at the table. Minus Kevin, Alex, Bubba and Tyler. Denny had said that Kevin was sleeping again and the other three still refused to leave their rooms.

"What are the three upstairs even eating?" Ty asked, as he slowly stirred his soup.
"Bubba came down this afternoon, wearing a mask and then some Star Wars mask on and grabbed a bunch of snacks." I explained, Ryan's head snapped up,
"That little thief! I've been looking for that mask!" He said angrily, we all shared looks before laughing.
"So chase, Denny, Busch, Ross and the three upstairs are the only ones not sick?" William asked, everybody nodded,
"This is concerning." Martin says, I nod,
"Well you guys need to get better for COTA, cause one driver out is enough." I said, I finished my soup and hopped over to the sink, I put my bowl in the dish washer before hopping towards the living room.
"Does it hurt to walk?" Denny asked as he watched me,
"Kinda." I said,
"Just use the crutches." Daniel said as I collapsed onto the couch, I glanced back at the table and all the drivers staring at me.
"No! They suck more then you can possibly imagine. When I no longer am supposed to use them I'm gonna burn them." I said, they laughed,
"Their metal." Larson pointed out,
"I don't care." I said, this caused them to laugh harder.

I watched from the couch as the rest of the drivers that weren't sick finished and came and joined me on the couch, except Denny who stayed at the table trying to convince the other drivers to eat. Eventually he gave up and let them pour out what soup they had left and come sit down.

Denny pov: 

I carried a bowl of soup up the stairs to Kevin's room, I softly knocked before letting myself in. He was awake now, just laying in bed staring at the ceiling.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, he glanced over at me,
"Fine." He lied, I could tell by the way he didn't quite look at me not to mention the fact that he look horrible.
"I can tell your lying. I brought you some soup." I told him, he sat up as I handed him the soup,
"Thanks." He said softly,
"Your welcome, you don't have to eat all of it. No one else downstairs that was sick did." I said, I sat down on the bed next to him.

"Chase is so funny, he's been hopping everywhere." I said chuckling, Kevin smiled,
"You'd think an athlete would be better with crutches, but he's absolutely terrible." He said,
"I know, I feel bad for him, there's such a big hype for COTA and he can't go."
"I know he looks so sad."
"He's doing pretty good at hiding it tho, he was making some jokes at dinner. But I think it was more to make the other drivers feel better." I sighed, i glanced around Kevin's neat and organized room.

"Have the other three come out?" Kevin asked, I laughed,
"Yup Bubba came out with a mask and then a Star Wars mask thingy on top, he came down grabbed a bunch of snacks and then went back to his room. I think all three are in there." I explained, Kevin laughed,
"Well at least we know they won't get it."

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