Beach day

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Denny's pov:

"I'm so borrrreeeeedddddd!!!" Ty complained as he plopped down on the couch next to me and Martin, we were watching a show until we got interrupted. Martin paused the tv and raised and eye brow at Ty.
"Your literally 20 years old, your and adult figure it out." Martin huffed.

"But there's nothing to do!!" Ty whined, I rolled my eyes,
"Okay a board game, play a video game, go outside, swim in the pool, shoot some hoops, watch tv, work out, there are a million things you could be doing." I point out.
"Yeah but I've done them all a million times." Ty grumbled, "I want to get out of the house and DO something." He added.

"Guys!!!!" William screeched as he ran down the stairs,
"WILLIAM MCCOMAS BYRON JR!!!!! IT WAS MY IDEA I GET TO TELL IT!!!!!" Ryan yelled following William down the stairs.

"Is his middle name actually McComas?" Martin asked me in a whisper.
I shrugged, "Apparently."

"EVERYONE GET TO THE LIVING ROOM!!!!" William screamed,
"You do not need to scream." Kevin grumbled as he walked in he was followed slowly by everyone else.

"So... we came up with an idea." William said,
"I came up with an idea." Ryan said cutting him off, they both glared at each other before William eventually continued.
"We want to go to the beach." He said, for once I had to admit they came up with a pretty good idea.

The rest of the drivers seemed to be in agreement.
"Okay, we'll go to the beach. Just nobody drown, and if you burn I don't wanna hear you complain about it." Kevin said, everyone nodded, "okay let's leave in half an hour." Kevin said.

All the kids took off running up the stairs, talking excitedly to each other.

"I swear it's like running a full time daycare in here." Kevin grumbled walking out of the living room, Martin and I shared a look before laughing.

Ryan pov:

"Get your butts down here!!" Denny called from the door, I quickly grabbed a towel and my sunglasses before racing down the stairs. I was surprised to find I was one of the first of the younger drivers down there.
"Is everyone coming?" Joey asked, I shrugged.

There was lots of thumping from the stairs before Bubba and Daniel raced over to the door. Daniel beat Bubba to the door and immediately cheered,
"Ha you suck." Daniel said, Bubba just rolled his eyes and came and stood next to me.

After five minutes everyone else showed up and we piled into the cars. It wasn't a long drive to the beach we were going to. It was a private beach so it would be just us.

When we got there we all jumped out and raced into the water leaving behind most of the older drivers. I splashed bubba with water and he spluttered as some of it went into his mouth. I started laughing at him, all of a sudden I started choking as water was sprayed onto my face from the side. I turned still coughing up water to see chase laughing at me.

"You jerk!" I yelled and launched myself at him, I grabbed him by the shoulders and wrestled him under the water. I held him under for a couple seconds before letting him up, he surged out of the water and grabbed me, I flailed around as he dunked my under. He let go of me and I glared at him as I wiped water from my face.

"Now we're even." He said smirking, I rolled my eyes at him playfully.

Kevin pov:

I sat under an umbrella with Martin as we watch the young drivers splash around in the water. I frowned as Ryan and Chase started trying to drown each other. I shook my head and sighed,
"One day one of them will die and they'll all learn their lesson." I commented, Martin raised his eyebrows at me.
"Well let's hope not." He said, "altho their definitely going to burn." He added, i nodded I had only seen maybe four of the younger drivers put sun screen on.

"Oh well if they burn it ain't our problem." Denny said as he walked over and sat down. I nodded in agreement, the three things I was genuinely concerned about was one, one of them getting hurt cause they are all a bunch of clumsy disasters.

Two, someone drowning because I didn't even ask if everyone could swim, so far everyone seemed to be doing fine.

And lastly number three, heat stroke. Not everyone had a hat on and not everyone was wearing sunglasses. It was a very hot day today and it just all sounded like a recipe for disaster.

I turned my attention to Ross, Joey, Larson, and Busch who were passing a volleyball back and forth. I watched them for a bit before asking Denny and Martin if they wanted to go for a walk along the beach. Martin turned down my offer but Denny agreed.

We had barely started walking when out of no where I was hit hard in the head by a volley ball. I collapsed to the ground and lay there in shock for a second.

"Ever heard of calling heads?!?!" Denny yelled at the drivers playing volleyball. "You okay kev?" He asked as I sat up.
"Yeah I fine, just took me by surprise." I said, Denny offered me his hand and I took it and let him help me to my feet. I looked over to the volleyball group, Ross and Larson genuinely looked sorry but Busch and Joey were on the ground laughing.

I cracked a smile and shook my head, "glad to see how very worried you guys are for me." I called sarcastically to Joey and Busch, which caused them to laugh harder. I turned back to Denny and found him trying to hold his laughter in. I gave him a small shove and continued walking, "honestly you guys are so annoying." I muttered, but the smile was still on my face.


I'm so sorry it's taking me so long to update everything. My life is crazy busy right now, but I'm hoping to update more soon.

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