Beach day pt3

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Denny pov:

If you had told me at the beginning of the season I was going to be this stressed and worried about William Byron, I would have laughed in your face. But here I am attempting to appear calm and confident that he'll be okay for the other panicking drivers when in fact I was a disaster on the inside.

We were back in the house and we hadn't heard anything from Kevin or Martin.

The first thing Busch asked was if everyone was feeling okay. So far everyone seemed to be fine, physically.
Ryan, Chase and Alex were an absolute disaster. Chase was sitting alone in the corner anxiously bouncing his leg staring blankly at the wall. Ryan was pacing back and forth, anxiously running his hands through his curls. Alex was sitting next to Larson who was trying his best to distract his anxious teammate with dirt racing talk. It didn't seem to be entirely working but it also didn't seem to be failing either.

I glanced around at the drivers, everyone was in the kitchen or the living room waiting to hear any news. I had made sure everyone had at least two cups of water. Lots of the drivers were burnt, Ryan, Ross, Ty and Tyler were the worst. I shake my head and put my head in my hands.

"Does everyone still feel okay?" Busch asked, from his spot at the kitchen island. A chorus of yes and many head nods follow. "Chase?" Busch asks, I look up from my hands and see chase still staring at the wall blankly.

"Chase!" I call, he doesn't respond, I walk over and crouch down in front of him. I place my hand on his bouncing knee, he snaps his gaze to me. My heart breaks as I meet his anxious, worried and guilt filled eyes.

I pull him into a hug, again if you told me I'd be hugging chase Elliott and trying my best to comfort him I would have laughed at you. It was crazy how much I had changed since I first moved into this house, how everyone changed. At first we all thought it was a terrible idea but now we are some sort of weird family.

"Don't blame yourself Chase, he'll be fine. Probably just needs some fluids to hydrate him and cool him down and then he'll be released. If there's anyone to blame it's me because I'm the one who noticed he didn't put sun screen on and wasn't wearing a hat or sunglasses, and he barely drank anything." I said, I tried my best to reassure him. I never was good at sympathy or any of that so I was struggling to try and find the words to make him feel better.

"Don't blame yourself either Denny." Larson said from the couch, "it's just the way things happen, it was a hot day something was bound to happen. It's nobody's fault, let's just not blame anyone except Mother Nature." He continued. Every driver slowly nodded around the room.

"And everyone still feels fine?" Busch asked,
"Yes Kyle!" Everyone chorused.

Kevin pov:

William was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed hooked up to a I.V. He had some cold packs one him as well, to cool him down.

A doctor walked in and Martin and I looked up at him.
"So William here is clear to go home, I'll send a nurse in here to take out the I.V. For the next couple of days check his temperature and make sure he's drinking a lot. He needs to get lots of rest if he's going to be racing." The doctor explained, I nodded and glanced at Martin who was also nodding.

After the doctor left we woke William up and explained what the doctor said, just as we were finishing a nurse came in a removed the cold packs and then took his I.V. out.

I sent a quick text to Denny, before we helped William up and walked out to the car. Martin stopped to sign a couple papers for Williams release. I helped William into the back and he almost immediately fell asleep. I hopped into the drivers seat and waited for Martin.

When Martin tiredly climbed into the passenger seat I started the engine.
"Oh my gosh, I could go to sleep." Martin groaned, rubbing his face.
"You can if you want." I said, glancing at him before looking back at the road.
"No it's okay, I'll wait till we get home."

We fell into silence and I turned the radio on to some quiet country music so it wouldn't  wake William.
Half way home I glanced over at Martin and smiled when I saw him with his head on the window, fast asleep. I focused back on the road, still smiling to myself.


When I parked in front of the house, the front door open and I was greeted by a lot of very concerned drivers. I shook Martin awake before climbing out.
"He's fine." I called to the drivers standing by the door, "he just needs to stay hydrated, cool, and rest a lot."

I opened the back door and gently woke William up. He was still half asleep when he got out of the car and I grabbed his arm and Larson grabbed his other arm. He looked absolutely exhausted even tho he'd been sleeping for the past couple of hours.

We helped into the house and up the stairs. Once he was settled in bed I went to get the thermometer to check his temperature.
"Keep him awake a little longer." I told his teammates plus Ryan and Denny. When I came back I had him open his mouth so I could take his temperature.

While we were waiting he started to doze of only to be scared awake when the thermometer beeped. I pulled out it out and checked it,
"It's still the same as when we left the hospital." I told the others, "you can go to sleep now." I said looking towards William only to find him already asleep.

"Poor guy." Denny said sadly,
"Ehh he'll be alright, how many wins does he have already?" Busch said from the door way, everyone in the room turned and glared at him.
"Seriously?" Ryan asked raising an eyebrow,
Busch held his hands in the air, "joking, joking!" He said before walking away.

I turned back to look at William, I only covered him with a light sheet, since I didn't want him to get hot.
"Okay let's not be creepy, and let him sleep without us staring at him." Larson said, we all nodded and slowly filed out of the room.

"And just checking that everyone else still feels fine." Busch called,
"YES KYLE!!!" Everyone angrily responded, I shared a confused look with Martin. I looked to Denny for an answer but he just shook his head and walked away mumbling about how annoying the Busch's are.


Sorry there was a long period of time where I didn't update this one cause I had like zero ideas for it. But I've got some now, I can't guarantee constant updates but there should be more frequent ones.

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