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A/n: prepare yourself for a lot of fluff!!

Chase pov:

I bolted upright in bed, the loud bang of thunder waking me up. I was shaking from being startled out of my sleep. Another bang of thunder caused me to burrow under the covers, I held my shaking hands over my ears as I curled up in a ball, wrapping myself in the blankets.

I hated thunder storms with passion, they had been one of my greatest fears since I was a child.

It had been a couple weeks since the house had been full of sickness everyone had recovered and my leg had finally healed, thank goodness.

Another clap of thunder came practically shaking the entire house, I jumped a bit and felt tears start to slide down my face.

Ryan pov:

I was awakened to loud thunder, thunderstorms didn't bother me so I just laid in bed and listened. All of a sudden I remembered that chase was afraid of them. I jumped out of bed and ran to chases room, I softly knocked but got no response, I slowly opened the door and peaked in. I could just make out a chase sized lump buried under a ton of blankets.

I walked over and gently tried to find him under the blankets, I could feel him shaking.
"Chase, your okay I've got you." I said trying to reassure him, I finally pulled the last blanket away from him. I sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug, I couldn't see his face in the dark but I was pretty sure he was crying.

Another clap of thunder came and chase whimpered and buried his face into my shirt. I hugged him close and gently rocked him side to side. When he seemed a little more calm I gently laid him down on the bed before grabbing some blankets and putting them over top of him. I lay down next to him and slipped under the blankets, more thunder came and chase scooted closer to me. I held him in my arms and listened as his breathing gradually slowed as he fell asleep.

William pov:

There was quite literally nothing I hated more than thunderstorms. I was shaking so badly and my brain wasn't thinking clearly, it didn't help that it was the middle of the night either. Without giving it a second thought I was out my door and down the hallway and into Alex's room. I heard him wake up as I shut his door and scurried over to his bed.
"William?" He croaked out sleepily, I didn't answer I just jumped into his bed and threw myself into his arms hiding my head in his chest as the thunder boomed.

"Aw are you scared?" He asked softly, I nodded, "it's okay I've got you." He reassured me.

Martin pov:

I lay in bed awake, the thunder had woken me up and I wasn't even trying to go back to sleep. There was no point, it had been a while since I'd seen a storm this big.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, I got up and opened it.
"Can you help us check on the kids?" Kevin asked, Denny stood behind him. I rolled my eyes but I nodded. I grabbed a hoodie before following them up the stairs. We split up and went from door to door checking to make sure every one was okay.

Before I even opened Ty's door I could hear the soft crying, my heart broke a little bit. I liked my new teammate a lot, he was so young I wanted to protect him from the cruelty of the world. I opened the door,
"Hey it's Martin." I said softly so he knew it was me since it was dark. I went and sat next to him on the bed, we didn't speak but we didn't need to, I just simply pulled him into a hug and held him close.

Denny pov:

I opened Alex's door slightly and peaked in, I smiled at the sight of William curled up with him. I closed the door softly and went to the next door. I opened it and looked in, I could see Bubba sitting upright in bed, I could just barely make out his shoulder shaking. I walked in and walked over to him, I put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped a bit.

"Hey it's okay it's just me." I said quickly trying to calm him down, with out hesitating Bubba launched himself at me. I smiled softly and held him tight. The thunder boomed out side and Bubba claps his hands over his ears. I rock him back and forth trying to calm him down.

We stay like that for five minutes before his breathing steadies and he falls asleep in my arms.

Kevin pov:

After checking that both Austin and Daniel are okay, I open Ryan's door, I frown at the empty bed, where the heck did he go? As I try to think of where he could have gone I check on chase. I smile when I see chase and Ryan snuggled together on chases bed. I honestly should have thought of that. Shaking my head I walk over to the door, my smile grows at Ty sleeping next to a sleeping Martin. I find a similar scene in bubbas room, I head back down to my room content that no one that's scared is alone.

I climb into bed and I'm just about to fall asleep when the door creaks open,
"I'm scared." A Mexican accent said, I raised my blankets a bit and felt him slip onto the bed, I held him close till he fell asleep, i than let myself fall asleep.

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