Dinner chaos

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Bubba pov:

"Do you know how to cook?" I asked Ty, he shook his head,
"No, do you?" He asked, I shook my head as well,
"No, why did they decide to put us together as partners? Neither of us can cook." I pointed out, I started randomly opening cupboard doors. Ty came and stood next to me,
"I feel like we could make spaghetti." Ty said, I nodded and grabbed some noodles and sauce.

We arranged our ingredients on the kitchen island and used Ty's phone to look up instructions for spaghetti.

"Oh no! Are you two cooking tonight?" Joey  asked, his voice full of concern,
"Yes." Ty replied, not glancing up from his phone, Joey frowned,
"Well, please don't poison us" he said before walking out, I rolled my eyes and huffed.
"Don't worry we got this." Ty said confidently.


We had the water boiling and we're about to put the noodles in when Kevin walked in.
"Hold up! There's no way you too were out together." He said, he walked over to the list on the wall and looked at it, "DENNY!!" Kevin yelled, "get your butt down to the kitchen!" He added. Ty and I shared a slightly annoyed glance and stopped what we were doing.
"What?" Denny asked walking in,
"You put those two together!" Kevin said pointing at us, Denny looked surprised, then glanced at the list,
"Apparently I did." He said, he shrugged,
"Their gonna burn the kitchen down." Kevin said,
"I don't think their that bad at cooking, seriously I think it's fine." Denny said,
"Well I don't, I think we should get someone more mature to switch with one of them." Kevin argued,
"No it's fine, one dinner, we'll make sure that it's more evenly matched as far as cooking skill in the future but I think it's fine for today." Denny said before walking out.
"Don't set anything on fire." Kevin said as he followed Denny out.

I turned back to the stove and panicked when I saw the water was boiling over,
"Shoot! What do we do?" I asked frantically, Ty stood there with wide eyes before grabbing a towel and trying to mop up the water,
"That's not gonna work." I commented and turned the heat on the stove down, I sighed with relief as it stopped over flowing.

Ty added the noodles and we turned our attention to the sauce, we pulled out a pan and put some oil in it.
"We're we supposed to put oil in it if it's a sauce?" Ty asked, I shrugged,
"I don't think it really matters." I said shrugging, grabbed the jar of sauce and tried to open it, "it won't open." I said, Ty rolled his eyes and grabbed it from me, he face turned red as he tried to open it.
"Nope won't open." He said, we wandered into the living room and Ryan, Chase, and Ross all tried to open it, we then wandered into the gaming room and William, Alex and Tyler tried to open it, we groaned in frustration as no one could open it. We started walking back to the kitchen and ran into Larson,
"Wanna try and open this jar?" I asked, Larson shrugged and took the jar, he opened it right away and me and Ty stood there staring at him with our mouths hanging open,
"What?" He asked,
"Like ten other people have tried to open it and failed." Ty explained, Larson smirked,
"Guess I'm just magic." He said, I rolled my eyes and took the jar from him.

Ty and I walked back to the kitchen, we walked in and froze, I stared, horror washed through me.
"KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!" Ty screamed at the top of his lungs, Kevin came running in followed by most of the other drivers.
"I literally told you five minutes ago don't set anything on fire, and what did you do? You set the stove on fire!!!" Kevin yelled, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out.

"So I guess leaving a pan with oil in it isn't smart?" Ty asked quietly,
"Oh my word, y'all are so dumb." Martin muttered,
"I will take some of the blame for this." Denny said,
"From now on people who don't know how to cook will be paired with someone who does." Kevin said, he sighed and carefully put the burned pan in the sink.
"So pizza?" Austin said, we all nodded and Busch phoned and ordered the pizza.

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