Another day, another struggle...

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"Come on, Kayla. You should give us forwards the secret to the pads," Kelley whined and we all laughed in our seats.

Kayla took a shot and slammed the glass down, looking straight at Kelley, "No way O'Hara. Defenders only."

All of us won our season opener today and right now we're at 19th Street Station. A bar, celebrating our win.

I was sitting in between both Alex and Kelley, with a beer in hand. Kayla went up to get another shot while we all were having a good time at our table. "What do you think about Oakland so far?" Denise asked Kelley

"It's actually quite nice to be honest." She answered.

Kayla came back and placed a shot in front of me and I looked up at her in confusion, "Drink up, Taylor."

"Uhhh, no thanks." I say to her and give her the shot.

"Ok then." She then looked at Kelley, "O'Hara, drink up. You've earned it." She said, handing it to Kelley who eagerly took it and downed it quickly. We all started cheering as Kayla took hers too.

I noticed Alex put her phone in her pocket with an annoyed look on her face, "Hey, Alex. What's up?" I ask her.

"Just a disagreement with Servando. Nothing important." She answers, sipping on her beer.

Kayla puts her shot down and looks at Kelley, "I've never seen you drink that much before, O'Hara."

"Yeah well, I can do whatever I want when I wanna," she answers and smiles, while Kayla chuckles.

Since we always are frequent patrons of this bar, sometimes they'd play some of the replays of our games on the TV. Just like now, one of our preseason games before our season opener was being played, and some of us were watching it.

"Heath has the ball, and here comes Ellie Taylor, youngest of 12 from Calgary, running in..."

I sighed and stopped watching. It really bugs me a lot when I watch replays of our games, every time I have the ball, or the camera is on me, the commentators always have to mention I'm the youngest of 12 kids, or it's 'Ellie Taylor, youngest of legendary wrestler, Eddie Taylor'. Like why can't they keep any of that out? Who wants to hear that be brought up non-stop?

"You okay?" Denise suddenly asked me and I looked up at her.

"It's annoying hearing them say the same stuff about me all the time."

Madison then patted me on the back from behind and I looked up at her, "Don't worry about it, in a matter of time they'll stop mentioning it. Now let's drink."

The whole group of us kept drinking till around 9pm, when most of us were already wasted. After I finished my 11th beer, I decided that I wanted to go home. Kelley, Kayla, Alex and Sarah all wanted to go now, so we said our goodbyes to the others and started walking. Kayla and Kelley were giggling like school girls behind Alex and I, and Sarah was too. Those three were whispering amongst themselves about something but I knew it was about me and Alex. "H-Hey, I got an idea!" Sarah suddenly blurted out and we looked at her. "How about the four of us go to Ellie's place and have a party?"

I shook my head straight away and started to walk again, "Nope. Not tonight."

"Why's that?" Kelley questioned, quickly walking in front of me with a big smirk plastered on her face.

"Got someone over."

Julie and Brian Jr are still staying at mine, but they're planning on leaving soon to go back home to see if my brother will act normal if he's home and not on the road, and if he is acting like an idiot again, then those two will head to my family's home and stay there.

Breaking the Mold (Alex Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now