I've got many more ideas locked in this brain of mine

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It was half time, and we're tied against Colombia, 1-1. We all filtered into our locker room and sat down as Pia started going over what we should do for this next half, and which sub changes are happening.

Pia's chat lasted less than 2 minutes and we all started stretching again while having done water. Hope was glaring at me the whole time and when my back was turned to her, she tapped me on the shoulder. "Your defense is a bit crap out there. I could do better even though I'm a goalie." She sneered.

"Really? At least I'm not the one who did quite a poor job during last year. One of the best goalkeepers in the league yet Oakland wiped you clean." I clapped back and Carli came over to diffuse the situation.

She stood in between us and looked straight at Hope, "Back off from Ellie, okay? She's doing an extremely good job out there, so get off her back."

Hope looked into my eyes and then backed off, and Carli turned around to look at me. "Don't worry about her. Just keep doing whatever you're doing on the backline." She reassured me, patting my shoulders.

We all headed out for the second half and we gathered in a circle, "45 minutes of soccer, 45 minutes. Don't let up." Pia says and we went out to our positions.


I walked into the hotel room I was sharing with Tobin and dropped my bag next to my bed before chasing on it. Tobin flowed and closed the door before crashing on her bed too. "What a game," I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. First win of the tournament." Tobin responded.

I moved around on my bed and turned to face Tobin, "Mhmm. Say, what's the deal with you and Christen?"

Tobin's face went red and she shook her head, "Nothing much. We're friends."

"That's what they all say. You know, if I was you I'd go for it. You never know what could happen."

"I'll do it when I'm ready." She said as I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, "Night Ellie."

She rolled onto her side and fell asleep, and I kept staring at the ceiling, thinking about the match, the possibility of winning a gold medal, and the new league that will hopefully come sometime soon since wrestling will take its toll at some point. My mind kept thinking about all of that and I found myself falling into a deep sleep.


I stretched my arms and legs, letting out a big yawn as I woke up. Tobin was already gone, probably already at breakfast. I looked at the clock and saw it was already 8am. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up, and make my way to the bathroom, and turn on the shower.

I strip off my clothes and step into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the sleep from my body. I close my eyes and lean against the cool tile, letting the water cascade over me. I stay in the shower until the water starts to run cold, and then I get out and towel myself off.

I put on a t-shirt, some shorts and my trainers, and headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. I got some toast, cereal, orange juice and a banana and sat down next to Abby. "How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"Good, and you?"

"Like a baby. Wanna hang out with some of us up in Cheney's room? We're just going to stay in and watch some movies since it's raining outside."

I nod and start eating my breakfast. Kelley came over and sat next to me, "So, what do you think about the match against France tomorrow?"

I swallow my cereal and respond, "I think it'll be a tough match. They have some great players, but so do we. I think if we all stay focused, we can come out on top."

Kelley nods and smiles, "Yeah, I think so too. We just gotta believe in ourselves and the rest will follow." I smiled and continued eating. Hope was sitting a few seats down, and she was staring at me before she started grinning. I just shook my head and turned my attention back to Abby and Kelley.

"What're you talking aboot? Eh?" Hope asked, mocking my Canadian accent. I ignored her, not wanting to start any more drama, and the girls started talking about the match again.

We finished our breakfast and made our way to Cheney's room, where a group of us all settled in, minus Hope and a few others and we let Cheney choose a movie from her laptop. She picked 'The Blind Side', and we all sat back and started watching. I was zoning out at the start though, and Alex, who was sitting next to me, noticed.

"You okay, Ellie? You seem a bit off." She asked, but I just nodded and said I was fine. "You sure it's not Hope? You two have been butting heads since the beginning." Alex said, making me roll my eyes.

Tobin turned around and looked at us, "You know, you could prank her," She suggested and my ears perked up at the idea.

"Alright. I'll just have to think of what to do. I got a few ideas..." I said, already conjuring up some ideas in my head. Kelley, Christen, Abby, Lauren and Heather sushed us three and we started watching the movie again. In my head, I was planning on what to do, and when to pull it off.

When the movie finished, I kind of had a plan on what I'd do, but I wasn't sure of it. Lauren went through the movies on her laptop and decided to put on a funny one this time, 'Happy Gilmore'.

"Oh man, this is a classic," Abby said in excitement as the movie started.

Just a few minutes into the movie, I had an idea, and planned to execute it later tonight.


It was 8:30pm, and Tobin was laying in bed reading a book as I got up from my bed and sat next to the hotel room phone. Tobin looked up from her book and asked, "What're you doing?"

"Giving someone a call," I replied as I picked up the phone and began dialling the number for Hope's room.

I waited a moment, before my call was answered, "Hello?" Hope said, and I grinned.

"Hi, this is the front desk. I'm sorry to call but I'm notifying you that the card you used to check in was declined." I said in a British accent, and I looked over to Tobin who had a smile on her face.

"What card?"

"The card you used to check into your room."

"Look you'll have to sort it out with our team's management as they were the ones who booked the rooms, we can't do anything about it." She said over the phone in a slightly raised voice.

I managed to hold in my laughter and responded back, "Listen, if it isn't resolved we'll have to charge you double for your room. Otherwise either you or your roommate will have to come down and sort it out with us."

Hope then let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine."

After that, the line went dead and I let out the laughter I was holding in. I put the phone down and went back to my bed and laid down. "Did you make Hope go down to the front desk over nothing? If so, that's impressive."

I grinned, "Thanks Tobs. I've got many more ideas locked up in this brain of mine.

Tobin chuckled and put her book down and turned out her light. I checked my phone to see if I had any texts from Jeff and sadly, I didn't. I let out a deep sigh and went to sleep, thinking about tomorrow's game.

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