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(averys pov)

the door creaked and slowly revealed a path, I turned behind me expecting to see everybody, but it was just me, I pulled out my phone and texted max, but she didn't respond, where the hell were they?

I walked through the passageway, my dress almost snagging on the branches, this was by far my favorite room in the house. I kept walking until I found a clearing, some construction had been done while I was gone. 

I stepped into the clearing and saw them all gathered around, Grayson and Veronica (his gf) were sitting on chairs made of branches, Nash was standing with Libby leaning on him, Xander was sitting in a hammock with max on his lap, wearing a suit and standing in the middle of it all was Jameson Winchester Hawthorne. 

"what's going on?" I asked, I was shaking, I knew it, and Jameson knew it, for he took my hand and pulled me into the middle. "what's going on?" I repeated. "Avery Kylie Grambs..." those words came out of his mouth and I got the chills, I knew what was happening, I had suspected it for a while. 

(jameson's pov)

I looked down into her eyes and saw what I had the first time I met Avery. a look of thrill and nervousness. I smiled and let her hand fall to her side, in a swift movement, I was down on one knee.

"Avery Kylie Grambs..." I repeated, Ave was standing as still as a statue with her jaw slowly dropping. I laughed, "you gonna be okay?" I asked, she nodded and managed a laugh, so I went on.

"I have loved you since the day we met, I was drunk but I still saw you and thought, oh my god, she's gorgeous" a tear trickled down aves face but I resisted the urge to wipe it away, to bring a smile to her face, but I knew she was happy on the inside, just nervous on the outside. 

"I love you, Avery, today, tomorrow, forever" she smiled, "so on this day, I ask you a question, you don't have to make up your mind now, I will wait for eternity if I have to, to be with you Avery" it wasn't just a tear now, Avery was full on crying, but her mouth was curved into a smile.

I took a second to just breathe, I looked around and saw everyone looking at me, but I ignored them, I focus on Avery, "Avery Kylie Grambs" I repeated for the last time, "will you marry me?". 

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