valentines day extra </3

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"can I please take off my blindfold?" Avery pleads as I lead her outside of Hawthorne house.

"not yet heiress" I murmur into her ear, I hear Avery's breath catch and she stops talking.

I love the effect I have on her.

"I need you to trust me" I say once we get to the bottom of the treehouse. "okay..." she says, but it sounds more like a question.

I grin before tossing her onto my back as if she weighs nothing, which is true, I could benchpress her in my sleep.

she lets out a small scream of suprise and then slaps my shoulder, "oh my God Jameson" she says.

I turn my head just far enough to see the grin on her face, I feel the heat creeping into my cheeks and I try to steady myself, thank God she is wearing a blindfold.

she also has an effect on me.

I tell her to hold on before climbing the ladder, when we finnaly get to the first story, I slide Avery off my back and into the treehouse,

"where are we?" she asks, "damn heiress" I say sitting next to her, "I thought you were good at guessing".

it's a moment of silence before I see the realization slide onto her face, or rather her lips since she is still wearing the blindfold,

"you did not" she says, "oh yes I did" I reply as my arms snake around her head to untie the blindfold, it falls into her lap and I grin at her expression.

she looks around seeming to notice the blankets, pillows, and small tv I had set up in here earlier.

"happy valentines day heiress" I say before pulling her into me, I burry my face in the crook of her neck as she absent mindedly strokes her fingers through my hair.

I finally pull back and see shes looking at DVD's, "which one do you want to watch?" I ask her, a sly smile creeps onto her face as she hands me a disc.

and that is how we ended up where we are now, Avery tucked underneath my arm as we watch Valentines Day, of course she picked this movie.

it has Taylor Swift in it, her favorite person, and someone she has got to meet, I still remember the look on her face when she saw Taylor at the football game between Ave's team and the Chiefs.

the ending credits roll up and I switch off the tv, Avery looks tired but she still sits up, and tries to stand.

"nice try" I say before pulling her back to me, "it's still Valentines Day" I say smirking,

she blushes as my lips connect with hers, not a kiss that could lead to other things, but a kiss that acknowledges how tired she is, for after a second I can feel her body go limp in my arms as she tries to stay awake.

So I pull away and tuck her head to my chest, and the girl falls asleep.

bye they are so cute wth, okay happy valentines day loves, stop why am I talking like mr aaron warner over here, okay hope you enjoyed!! MWAHHHH

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