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One summer night in Seul, a girl had just left her shift at the convenience store and was preoccupied with getting home fast to finish her homework before school tomorrow.

Haneul looked up at the starry sky she loves the most, the dark decorated with all the sparkles remember her dad, he used to take her camping and they would lay on the ground looking up and finding constellations.

"I miss you" she murmured as she look at the ground, she was surprised by little red dots that seemed like blood "Ok, that's strange.." she questioned herself twice if she follow the dotted path or just go her way home.

No one was waiting for her at home, she was an orphan living alone. Her mother left when she was 10 years and her dad died last year from a car accident.

Haneul gather up the little courage that her dad let her and command her feet to walk down the dark alley. Stray cats were scattering from the noise her shoes were making anytime one of them passed right in front of her.

"You're not scared" she repeated a few times to make sure her heart doesn't explode from all the anxiety she was felling

The red dots were getting more distant so but looking up she saw a boy knelled down petting a cat. She would find that scene cute if it wasn't for the bloody hands of the boy that were tinted the white fur of the cat.

She gave one more step in his direction but she put her foot in a puddle making a loud sound that caught the boy's attention.  Before she could say anything, he got up and ran away.

After that encounter, she was wondering who might that boy be.

"Haneul?!" Her best friend, Daeun slammed her hand on Haneul table " Are you listening to me?"

"Sorry, what did you said?" she said making Daeun roll her eyes

"I was saying that there's a concert this Saturday that I want to go to. Can you come with me?" she pleaded to her friend

"I have work Daeun"

"Can't you change your shift? Pleaseee" she clapped her hands together making Haneul think twice about her request but ultimately she needs the money so she can't miss her work so she nodded making Daeun sad.

"You can ask if Mark wants to go with you" Haneul suggested as Mark likes Daeun so if she asks him he will probably say yes.

"No, if you won't come I'll go alone. Mark is boring" she lay on top of her desk rolling her eyes

"Who's boring?" Mark asked as he placed strawberry milk on top and Haneul and Daeun.

The three of them are always together, Mark is of the popular guys in school so the girls are always trying to get his attention but he only has eyes on Daeun from the moment he set his eyes on her but she says she doesn't feel anything for him.

"You" Daeun respond to him

"Thank you" Haneul thanked him for the milk "Don't mind her, she's just upset that she doesn't have anyone to go to a concert Saturday" just as Haneul was ending her sentence Daeun rolled her eyes.

"Oh I can't go either" Mark said and Daeun lifted her head from her table

"YOU CAN'T?" she yelled only getting embarrassed when she noticed that her schoolmates were looking at them

"I thought you didn't want to go with him" Haneul laughed seeing her best friend's red cheeks "Are you working?" she asked and he nodded "you still didn't tell us where you're working"

"It's just a simple work at a... musical store" the boy stuttered while answering but the girls didn't pay attention to that detail.

"Why you both have to work?" she sighed

"Because we aren't an heir like you" Haneul said "I even live alone, at least Mark lives with some friends. It's better for the rent" he shyly smiled

"Why you don't introduce us to them?" Daeun asked him

"I don't you to flirt with them" he stuck his tongue out " and they are not your type neither Haneul type"

"What it's our type?" Hanuel asked smirking but unfortunately, the bell rang and Mark had to go to his seat.

After school, Haneul was walking to her work when she decided to go through the same alley where she saw that boy.

"Hey kitten" she saw the cute white cat that still had a little of red in her fur. Haneul kneeled down and pet the little animal "you're alone today?" She asked like the cat was actually gonna answer "after my shift I'll bring some food ok?" She smiled as the kitten snuggle in her arm.

It's almost 6 pm so Haneul has to go but if it wasn't for work she would take the kitten and bring her home.

After work. She thought

At the end of the day she just pick somethings from the store to eat at home, she was not at the mood to cook. She needs to finish some schoolwork.

"I can't forget the food for the kitten" she murmured as she went to grab something for her.

Reaching the alley, she called for the cat but she didn't appeared. Haneul looked at the food in her hands and didn't want to go to waste so she put the food on the ground.

"There's already food here.." Haneul said looking around wondering if it was that boy. She didn't even looked at his face but she was intrigued.

Putting the food there Haneul grabbed closely here bag to her body as she felt some chills down her spine.

After she went home, two boys walked where she stood before one of them had the kitten in his hands.

"Where you waiting for her?"

"I haven't seen her in a while " the one with the cat said "are you still close to her ?"

"She's my friend"

"Follow her around until new orders and don't let any boy near her" he sternly said " ok, Mark?"


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