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The three have arrive home, Mark went to the office but noticed that Yuta didn't followed him.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Go, I want to tell alone. We'll go after." He held Haneul hand

"Tell me what?" She asked as Yuta dragged her to her room.

He place her on bed and he sat next to her, not leaving her hand.

"You're scaring me Yuta...."


"It's the reason why Joshua told me to be careful?" He nodded

"So you know that your mom and dad were together as was Seventeen and NCT were one. But one day your mom wanted a divorce, but at the same time she wanted NCT, together we were the best. Your dad told her she can have the divorce but she could never had NCT."

"Do you know the reason of the divorce?"

"I was a kid, I don't know what happened. The adults probably do"

"Now that you talk about that, you said that the boys are all from legacies. Where are they, the parents ?"

"After the rejection, your mom kidnapped you and told she will give you up for NCT"

"She wanted you more than she wanted me?" Haneul asked with tearful eyes

"She wanted power. Thankfully, your dad found you and took you from her and then she went full crazy. She came to our house, killed many of us, adults... and she order for seventeen to kill your dad." He paused

"I'm the cause theirs fathers are dead?" The girl started to cry

"Don't cry princess"



"Who lost their parents that day"

"Jungwoo lost his dad,Taeyong lost both of them and Mark lost his dad"

Haneul's sobbing got louder and her breathing harder to control. Yuta hold her tight, rocking her in his lap trying to calm her down.

"Tell me more. I know my dad didn't die that day"

"Seungcheol from Seventeen found your dad, even though his hand was shaking he make the shot. But it didn't hit him, it hit you, on your leg.... You should be lock in your room with Johnny but stubborn as you are you got away."

"My scar.... Dad told me it was from falling down a tree. And then?"

"Me and Taeil took you to the hospital as you were losing too much blood. For what I know, after we left your dad went bezerk and killed your mom"

"He what?!"

"Wait... after 3 years of the fight we discovered your mom wasn't dead and still the boss of SEVENTEEN"

"My memories?"

"The doctor said you blocked your memories because of the trauma. Your dad told you she had left you, which was not a lie" he said fixing her hair "the rest you know"

"And why are you telling me now?"

"She wants you"

"Me? Why now?"

"Don't know, Joshua was the one who told me. It's all or nothing. If she can't have you..."

"She'll kill me?"  He nodded "Yuta why?" Haneul started crying again  " I'm fine like things are, she didn't care about me then why now?"

"I don't now princess, but don't worry you have us to protect you. You have me." He kissed her tears "I won't ever let you go. I promise you"

She continue crying in his arms, he stayed there for a good half hour with her. He knows how difficult must be hear all of that.

Haneul is felling unwanted, her own mother was fighting to have more power instead of having her. She wants to remember what happened.

Mark,Jungwoo and Taeyong was all that she thinks of, how they lost theirs parents because of something like this, because her mother.

Thankfully Yuta is there for her, but he was scared that it was too much for her. She just recently learn about them and their history together and know to lear all of the details may throw her to a dark place.


"Hmm ?"

"Can I be alone for a little bit?"

He didn't want to leave her alone but he understands that her head has to many information to process and probably needs some time.

"I'll be in the office with them ok? If you need anything scream and I'll be here." He was leaving the room when Bullet entered the room "take care of her, yes?" He talked with the kitten

At the office, Taeyong talked with the boys and put them up to speed. They were anxious about the news, the women who brought them so many problems is back and ready to attack them.

Seeing Yuta, they could see that the talk was intense like they imagine. Haechan looked behind him to find Haneul but he didn't saw her.

"How is she?" Taeil asked

"Do you want me to go to her room?" Haeri was feeling worried about her friend. They only know each other for some months but for Haeri, the little girl is like her little sister.

"She wants to be alone" Yuta sat in his chair looking at their photo, now up in his desk and not in drawer "I'm worried about her, she thinks is her fault"

"It's her fault for taking a bullet" Johnny shrugged his shoulders

"For the deaths."Yuta stares at the three people who lost someone that day "she's feeling guilty"

"She shouldn't. I'm going to speak with her" Taeyong said turning around but Jaehyun stop him

"Let her be, she asked for space. Let's give her that "

"So what are going to do?" Haechan asked "she's here and already acting towards us"

"It's was a petty theft" the leader said " it was a warning"

"Haechan, can you find a way for me to speak with Joshua without being found"


"He told me he wanted to protect the way he can, that anyone from Seventeen wants to hurt her"

"Why they don't turn on her, they win in numbers"

"You know her.... She's capable of threatening his parents or worse."

"Kill one of them to scared them" Jungwoo said

"Exactly. So first let's try speak with Joshua"

" ok leave it to me" The youngest said

Late at night, Haneul hasn't left the room and hasn't eat the soup that Haeri did for her. Yuta was worried with her so he entered the room without asking her.

He could hear the light sobbing coming from under the covers. He laid besides her, above the covers and rubbed her shoulder in circles motions.

She flinched at his touch but not because she didn't wanted but she didn't except him. Haneul turn to him and snuggle in his chest without saying a word.

Now Yuta hand was on her back, he could see her red eyes from all the crying. He really hated seeing her like that.


"Yes princess?"

She looked up at his face " I love you"

A smiled creeping in his face, pulling the girl closer to him "I love you too princess. No one will touch you." He gave her a kiss on her head "now sleep, I'll stay here"

She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his torso. They stood there until both of them fell asleep

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