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After hours, Yuta and Taeyong finally left the basement.

"So she was the one who send them"

"Joshua told me that she hired some men while they are still in the US, but I didn't expect to act so fast. I don't get what she gains from doing this..."

"Scaring us?"

"Yeah, tell that to the man downstairs" Yuta smiled at him " tell Doyoung and Jungwoo to clean up. I'll take a bath and hit bed"

Passing by Haneul room he heard some voices, it was Haeri. He sighed, after what he did and what happened to her, he wanted to spend some time with her.

"Thank you for being there for Seojun. If I haven't gone to the grocery.... I don't know what would happen"

"You couldn't guess what was gonna happen and the boys were here to protect him. I only took him from his chair"

"Thank you anyway." She smiled at the girl "how are you felling? I know it's not your first time but it's the first time in our home"

"I would lie If I said I wasn't scare. Thankfully the boys were here, if it was just me I would be terrified. Haeri?"

"Yes babe"

"Do you know how to fight?"

"Yeah... one of my "conditions" for living here was they needed to teach me how to fight"

"And the racing?"

"No, that was before" she laughed " I like the adrenaline. One of my charms"

"Have you ever gone in missions?"

"I already had to protect our home but I never went out with them for a physical mission"

"Yuta said he would teach me how to fight but until now nothing..."

"He's still is reliant to let you in this world again"

"I'm dating with him. I would say I'm pretty much in."

"It's different, I'm only with them a few years but it's obvious what you mean for this boys "

"They're my family even if I don't remember them"

"Ok it's getting late and I'm pretty sure Yuta just passed your room 5 times, he must want to spent some time with you so " she said getting off her bed.

After some time like Haeri predicted Yuta entered her room.

"Hey, did you know that when I was little I thought that if I ate the seeds, they would grow inside of me?"  Yuta said

"Who told you that lie?"

"You" he smiled " I spent two months without eating any type of fruit because I was worried to eat any seeds by accident. Until you dad put a plate of fruit in front of me and told me I only leave the chair after eating all"

"You ate?"

"No.... A little person came and helped me, mainly with the strawberries. But after we both got a stomach ache because we ate so fast"

"That sounds like me, last year me, Daeun and Mark went out for burguers. I was so hungry that I ate them so fast, when I arrived home it was chaos. One day at bed rest"

"It was hard living alone?"

"Sometimes. But I had Daeun and Mark with me" she smiled

Yuta eyes felt really heavy as he lays down with Haneul hearing her taking about the stories with Mark and Daeun.

As she was talking he silently felt asslep. Because of the no response from her boyfriend, Haneul look at him seeing he was with his eyes closed and some snores could be heard.

He must be really tired , she thought pulling the covers to him as she went change her clothes to sleep next to him.

In the morning, Taeil was preparing the milk for Seojun. The baby boy didn't sleep all night, they think he's sick, maybe he caught a little cold.

"Good morning Taeil"

"Hey Haneul, where's Yuta?"

"Sleeping, which you should also do. You look awfull"

"Sheez thanks. Seojun didn't sleep all night."

"Do you want me to take him for a while as you and Haeri rest?"

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Yeah no problem. He's taking something ?"

"Just monitor his fever. He had a little during the night. After him no more kids "

"They always say that and than bum another one"

"Ok now I imagined DJ Khaled" he chuckled " I want to give him a sister but just one is hard I can't imagine two"

"They will have each other to rely on. Pretty cute if you ask me"

"Yeah yeah I'll think about it. Here take the milk, I'll bring him in a sec" he said as he vanish to his room

"That's the milk to your strawberries baby's?" Yuta appeared from behind

"Seojun is sick and didn't let them sleep. I'll take him for a few hours"

"I was going to the office with Mark and Doyoung but I guess I can stay"

"Why? I can deal with him alone"

"Think of it as a trial" he turn her over and gently kissed her lips

"Hey no kissing in front of my kid"

"He had seen worse" Yuta said picking the little boy " you're going to spend the day with uncle Yuta. How that sounds?" He asked him with his baby voice

Seojun started to clap for everyone surprise.

"And besides, your uni starts next week. Let me enjoy your company." Yuta said as he smiled widely to the boy in his arms.

"Haneul take care of my baby"

"Yeah go sleep you really needed it"

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