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After last night, Haneul woke up and left bed without waking up Yuta.

Downstairs, there's was Mark having breakfast alone.

"Markie" Haneul said hugging him from behind

"I miss you. Now it's hard for us to be alone" he said laughing "how are you?"

"Bad.... Yuta told me about my mom."

"Yeah we also learn about that recently. It must be hard. She's still your mom"

"I don't know how to feel. I just wished this could over with. Why can't Joshua be the leader?"

"We want that too. He told Yuta they were going to turn on your mom but they haven't taken our calls since 3 days ago. We don't know what's happening."

"I have an idea but Yuta is not going to like it, maybe even hate me"

"He isn't capable of hating you. But tell me is not what I'm thinking"

"I take over Seventeen."

"Yup you're crazy"

"Listen. I give her what she wants, she's gonna die in the meanwhile and then we can join forces again"

"Haneul if you do that you'll need to go away to the US, you know that?"

"It's only temporary..."

"And if something happens to you there"

"I'm with the guys they wouldn't do that. I know them. I'm just scared of Yuta reaction"

"He will not let you do that"

"Good thing he's not the boss of me, just give me her number"

"I can't. He will kill me"

"Who will kill you?" Yuta asked entering the room and kissing the girl making Mark smile " you want one too?" He asked puckering his lips

Mark slapped his face and got up, leaving the couple alone.

"What were you talking about?"

"How handsome you are?" She said kissing him again

"Hmm and why my beautiful girlfriend is here and not in bed with her handsome boyfriend?" He place his hand on her neck pulling her closer

"Drink some water"

"Good, I don't want you dehydrated. But I want something else" he whispered at her ear, you could feel the lust in his tone

"Greedy" she said ruffling with his hair, she got up and started walking up the stairs " aren't you coming?"

She didn't have to tell twice, the boy flew from the couch to her room.

In the afternoon, while the boys were training, Haneul called Joshua.

"Yuta stop-"

"It's me"

"Hey, sorry he's been calling me non stop. What's wrong?"

"Is true that's she's dying?" She asked but there's was o my silence as a response "who knows?"

"Me and apparently you all. Why you called?"

"I don't want anyone go get hurt,she'll probably is planning something and I don't want you to turn on her risking your lives or your parents lives"

"What's the other option?"

"I'll go"

"You what?! Yuta would never let you"

"I know, and I know he will hate me for this but it's only for some time. We can become one again"

"See you sure Haneul?"

"Come pick me up in 10. They are training so they won't notice until after training"


"Out with Seojun. Why are you still talking? Come."

"Are you sure"

"I don't want more death or people getting hurt because of me"

"I'm coming"

Haneul place a letter for each of one but for Yuta is special. She walked through out the House with sad eyes not knowing when she will be back but al least they will be safe.

Joshua called her meaning he was here, she put the suitcase inside and looked one last time at the house before entering the car.

She was sobbing but Joshua didn't say anything he knew how difficult that must be for her.

Meanwhile Haechan is tired and left training first. As he walked in his room he saw a note on  his bed.

Reading the firsts lines he started crying and running to Yuta to show him.

"YUTA" he yelled slamming the door "she left! Haneul left us"

"What are you saying?" Taeyong asked taking the letter from his hand. His eyes got teary as well as he reads the letter out loud "Dear Haechan, I'm left to join Seventeen. Don't think you're special I left a letter to everyone of you. I don't want any of you get hurt because of my mom. I'm gonna spend this last months with her and then try to bring them to Korea that way we can be one again. Don't play that game without me. Wait for me!  I love you guys with all my heart."

Yuta without saying a word left the room and went to his room. He say the paper on his bed but before reading he went to her room just to see if it was really true.

Her clothes were gone, her makeup was gone, her plushies were gone... she was gone.

Picking up the letter he started reading

Hey baby,

I know you must be angry with me but I needed to do this.
You were once separated because of her now I'll be the one to make you one again.
Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl I can deal with this.
I'll make sure I go back as soon as possible, back to you if by then you still love me. I understand if your fellings change. I don't know when I'll come back but I will. You have my word.
I will even work as your assistant for live if I have to for your forgiveness.
I love you, my knight ❤️❤️

You and me...

Your princess,

Yuta started crying and destroying his furniture. He was pissed that she took this decision alone and more that he couldn't trust him to solve the problem while being together.

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