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Next morning, Haneul woke up with a strong headache.

"Fuck, why did I drink so much" she whined as she turns in her bed trying to get more sleep.

Turning she saw a note and some pills in her bed desk.

Good morning princess, we're going to meat with some people since we're here. You were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up. Take the pills I left you and drink a lot of water. If you need anything Haeri is there and you can call me.

We should be there by lunch time.


"Cute" Haneul whispered while she took the pills


Thank you for the medicine

How are you feeling?

Headache...I'm gonna sleep a little bit more
Wake me  up when you arrive

Do you remember anything of last night?

Not much

I though so
Sleep Well

"Did I do something wrong last night?" She thought before falling asleep.

In meanwhile, Yuta was reunited with some Yakuza members that he trusts.

"Who got you smiling like that ?" Kazuha asked him

"Haneul" Johnny said smirking

"Haneul...." She paused " his daughter?! You said to me you would never interfere in her life"

"Shit happened." He stared at her, although she's a friend he didn't like the way she talked "like seventeen....Did you heard anything from them?"

"Nope" Haru, Kazuha boyfriend, answered "if they step a foot here we we'll know"

"Thank you"

"No problem, we got your back" he shaked his hand "wanna stay for lunch ?"

"No, we need to get back"

"To Haneul" Haechan said rolling his eyes earning a slap from Taeyong

Getting home, Taeil smiled immediately seeing Seojun eating with Haneul.

"Hey baby, dada is here" he kissed the little boy  " where's mommy?" Seojun looks sad at his food making Haneul laugh

"She's in the kitchen making our lunch, the baby wanted his mom but instead he got me." She squeeze his cheek "open your mouth"

The boys dispersed doing their own thing but Yuta sat next to Haneul.

"Do you want to switch with me?" He asked "you look tired"

"No, I'm fine. Yuta?"


"What happened last night?"

He chuckled " nothing princess. You were just drunk"

"I didn't make a fool out of myself? I have glimpses of last night and I think we danced"

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