Suspect 4: Lance Coolidge

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Next one was actually related to a victim of one of the targeted attacks. I found this one very interesting to interview due to the fact that he was perhaps fueled with the most emotion over the matter.

I let him to my office and started recording. "Name, Town of Residence, Occupation, and Date of Birth."

"Lance Coolidge... Dryaw... formerly pilot of Harold the Helicopter. As of late, continuing the passenger line project between Tidmouth and Elsbridge. November 15th, 1916. I was also an ace of World War 2."

I found this interesting. "Oh really? How many did you shoot down?"

"167. Most of them didn't survive the fall, but I managed to capture about 80 Germans and 57 Japanese. Anyways, get to the damn point. Why am I here?"

Pushy much? "You are suspect in the investigation linked to the death of Robert William Vanderbuilt."

"Oh. That fucker. Glad he's dead honestly."

This took me by surprise. "Why is that?"

"That man has been trying to run us out of business for years."

"Go on..."

"Remember the Kipper Incident a few years back? He was the one who jammed that switch into the passing loop, but there's more than that. Remember the time Thomas fell into that mine? He was inspecting the mines the morning before. He reported there were no danger signs. Harold and I flew by, but there were signs there. They seemed to magically disappear when Thomas came the next day! He even tried to divert Gordon into oncoming freight traffic when he was escorting the queen to Knapford. Worse of all, he killed my fucking chopper! My only true friend! The one who understood me! Gone! Smashed into some rubble at the Clay Pits. I have no clue how he made it out of there alive. I honestly thought he killed himself, but to hear now... this is just too good."

So it seems... this information was a lot for me to take in. To think that he was truly behind all of that is shocking. However, I don't think I believe that... something was off about this.

"I don't know about that... no matter his wrongs, he was still a human being, brutally murdered by-."

"THIS MAN WAS TRYING TO BRING SODOR TO ITS KNEES FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND YOU DON'T SEE HIS DEATH AS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE? I know it may be nonsensical to be happy about someone's death, but Karma is a pain in the arse and it did something right for once. That statement is final."

"Get out of my office."

I was done with that fucker.

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