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»» Our Shattered Dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a large story."««


Sitting in my room and listening to the sweet voice of James Arthur_(Say_You_Won't_let_Go) as it blare softly in my headphones. I twirl my hand in the air, running a hand through my hair as I slowly dance to the music.

As you can tell, I'm so excited today!

Mother finally accept!

She's finally letting me further my education. I'd be going to college, Yeah!

It's weird right? That I am this excited for school is weird? Yeah I know. But let me explain something and to do that, I'd have to start from the very beginning!

My name is Adrianna Lola Nouah, Mother calls me Lola as she says it suit my personality perfectly. I still don't understand what she meant by that, But anyways, all my life, I've been homeschool. Naturally in Doksan kingdom, the Daughters are only allowed to go to school for a short period of time as- and I air quote " Education is baseless for a female child". Most girls aren't even allow to go to school at all.

All my life, I have been homeschooled. Mom said she wanted me to be different. I'm really excited Mom let me go through highschool even though I learnt to read and write from the comfort of my bed and Mom endless teaching.

The Ideal plan from Mom was that I'd learn everything I need to learn from home and that's it. But after learning, I want to know more. I want to have a dream, I don't just want to end up as an ordinary housewife.

When I told Mom about my desire, my first thought was that she won't allow it which she didn't at first. I don't know what made her change her mind but I'm so excited she finally accept to let me go to college.

Not only am I excited that I'd finally go to college, I'm also excited to see what's outside Doksan. I'm excited to meet new people, finally make friends other than my Mom. I'm excited to experience a new life.

Maybe when I finally get to college, I can pursue my dream as a Dancer. Ever since I was five, I've always wanted to be a professional Dancer. I love Music! And being able to move my body to a good music is a thrill! I'm sorry I keep bombarding you all with my excitement. Trust me, I'm a natural calm person. The only time you can think of me as a talkative person is obviously in my subconscious. I only feel more at ease when I talk to myself or Mom. I'm not crazy or anything... I'm just use to being alone and having no friends.

Mom always says "A solo ride is better than being stuffed with bunch of people. If you don't get suffocated, you get betrayed. Which means you die in the end anyways."

Mom understands the world better so I trust her when she says, people are wicked and not to make friends. But sometimes, even when I feel too lonely and alone, I always remember my mom words- It's better to be alone.

Just Say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go oo

I close my eyes, feeling tingles all over my body just from James voice-His voice is marvelous!

Suddenly, I feel my headphones being yank off my ear and slam to the floor, legs crushing it. I could only stare at Mother in shock as she destroyed my headphone. "What had I say about listening to Ungodly songs and your crazy obsession with dance?!" Mom flares up in anger, I bow my head down instantly, apologizing and also hiding my tear up eyes.

"I came bearing good news" Mom dismissed my apology just like her anger seems to have vanished, replaced with sweet smile. She's no longer mad at me. That's a relief.

"Good news?! Tell me more" I squeal in excitement. Pretending not to know what the good news was even though I already know. I'm sure it's about my admission in the University. They must have finally given me ad-

"- You're getting married!"

My ear rings, I step back as if burnt. M-married? I'm sure I didn't hear her correctly. Mom keeps on talking though or more like chatising me. "And what did I say about giving out those horrible squeals?! You need to be stern always! Composed! Even your silence should demand respect! I taught you all this!"

" Y-yes Mother" I sniff, not holding back my tears as I let it fall. I'm terrible at hiding my emotions. She told me she'd be sending me to College not get married! And now she wants me to get married to God knows who!

And I can't oppose because she's my mother. I can't go against her word. I've never disobey my Mother my whole life! I don't even know how to. I'm use to always listening and accepting anything she chose for me. I don't know how to tell her I don't want to get married. That I want to go to college instead and become a Dancer!

I'm suddenly pull into a warm embrace, Mom softly caresses my back, soothing me. I couldn't stop crying though. I feel terribly hurt and pained!

"Nobody wants an Ambitious woman. I have lived in the world to know the difference between good and bad. Trust me when I say, it's better married than chasing a baseless dream. No matter how hard you try, you'll only end up in the kitchen... Including your so wanting certificate. I choose to let you get married because that's what is best for you" She pulls out of the hug, raising my head so I can look her in the eyes.

"Who has always had your back?" She asks.

I look deep into her eyes and reply. "You, Mother "

She smile softly, caressing my hair. "Who do you trust most in the whole world, Princess?

"You, Mother "

"Do you trust me when I say I only want the best for you?"

I stare deep into her eyes, her head nodding softly in approval before me.

"I do, Mother "

I reply, not for once breaking eye contact with her.

Her smile widen, "Good, Princess. Good. That's why I chose the King for you"

At that, My eyes widen in pure shock, almost popping out of it socket. "The KING?!" I exclaimed.

Humming happily, Mother replies. "Yes, Princess. You're going to be the King's Bride"

First official prologue of KING'S BRIDE!

So tell me, What do you think?

Both honest and dishonest comment may come in. I'm so open for correction!!

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