31 5 8

The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our head of something our heart knows is lie."

- Quote by Karen Moning.


I stare in awe at my Mother, thinking of different scenerio on how she even manage-How did this happen?! I keep trying to make sense out of it but I couldn't. The king lost his wife not long ago! I understand the Queen position can't be vacant for too long but I'm sure he's still in mourning.

I don't know much about the king. Even when he lost his wife, if I haven't heard Mom speaking with someone on the phone about it, I would have been clueless. I've lived in Doksan all my life but sometimes, I feel like an illegal immigrant.

But I did hear Mom and she said the King lost his wife even though the reason for her death wasn't disclosed.

I read books! That's one thing I put more Interest in since I wasn't allow to step out of the house. If I've learnt something in romance novels, it's that, Grief is a most peculiar thing. A person grieving-especially for someone they loved. They never believe the deceased to be gone. Little by little, you left go of a loss but never when it has to do with a loved one. You don't forget someone you love so easily.

But again, My thoughts doesn't matter. What I think or feel is right.. should be left as nothing but thoughts. I'm not allow to voice out a opinion. I never have and never will.

"Her highness- The king's mother, wants you in the palace before sunset tomorrow" Mom squeal, looking genuinely happy. "This is everything we've wished for! Everything we've dreamed and strive to achieve, Everything!"

I never dreamed of this life. I never wanted to be Queen. This isn't my dream but it's the best dream. Mom will never lead me astray. She knows best. She's only ever had my best interest in heart.

Mom walks towards me, brushing a hand through my hair, "You'll be the best Queen Doksan ever had! You'll be their Queen, My Queen"

I watch Mom smile widen, I could only let out a small smile. "Thank you Mother"

She moved with me slowly to the bed, sitting us both down with her hands still wrapped in mine. "You must always remember, Anything that happens in the Palace, stays in the palace. Be watchful of your husband. Her Highness wants details on every of the King's move. She'll be a mother figure for you in the palace"

"Won't you be able to visit the palace?" I ask In confusion. I don't understand why someone else has to be a mother figure for me when I still have a mother. Mom chuckles lightly. "Of course, Angel. I'd always visit as much as I can. You just need to be very watchful of your husband. Her Highness is generous enough to make you the king's bride but she's going to be against us if you don't give her what she wants "

Okay, okay, okay. What's going on right now?

Give her what she wants? What does that even mean? Am I getting married to the king so I could be a spy?

"Mom, you're scaring me. I don't understand"

"Shhh..." She hush me, caressing my hair. "It's all going to be fine. All you have to do is do as you're told and everything else will be fine. It's nothing serious. Her Highness just needs someone that'd take look after the king. Someone that he can completely trust"

I really don't understand. Someone to look after the King? Someone the King can trust? Why do they need someone to look after the king? Is the king ill? Even if he is, it's something he needs the Royal physician for not a wife.

"Don't overthink this, Angel. I already told Her Highness you're perfect for a wife. You're sweet and pure. You'd make a good Queen and wife. Remember, all you have to do, Is watch after your husband" Mom pat my cheek softly, standing up from my bed to walk out.

She halt after opening the door, then turn to face me. "You need to pack up, we leave tonight"

"T-tonight?" I stutter out in shock, Mom dismisses my question.

"The wedding is holding tomorrow. You need to be prepared"

W- wedding? T- tomorrow? Why is everything happening so fast? A royal wedding tomorrow? Why do I feel like I'm being sold out?

I'm sure Mom has a reason for all this. I'm sure she does. Maybe the King wants everything all speed up? I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about.

"You should get ready"

That was the last thing I heard Mom says before shutting the door close, leaving me to my thoughts.

Where do I start preparing from?

What should I pack?

I don't even know what to do!

I wish I had a friend that could tell me to stop feeling anxious. That everything is going to be fine. That this is the normal way of marrying the King. That everything is totally fine and normal.

Laying on the bed, I close my eyes to take in everything. It's going to be fine. You're fine. You're fine. I chant in my head, feeling my panic attack rising.

You're fine. You're fine. Mom wants what best for you. She knows what's best for you. She'll always look out for you. You're fine.

I took In a long deep breath.

Standing from my bed, I head for the bathroom. After discarding my clothes, I open the shower and let water run down my body. I relax in the cold water, feeling my breath get Even.

After scrubbing and showering, I walk out of the bathroom to my room. Opening my wardrobe, I pack out all my clothes, throwing them on the bed.

I chose to wear a pink flowered gown that stops just a little above my knees before starting to get packed.

I made sure to keep my second and Only headphone under my bags. The last thing I want is Mom destroying it like she did with the first one.

I'm anxious.

Hell! I'm scared of living a new life in the palace. I'd finally be out of here but the palace is the last place I had in mind when thinking of freedom.

The palace never in my slightest dream came to my mind.

And now, The Responsibility of a Queen will all fall on me.

Where exactly do I start from? How exactly do I react before the King's mother?

Those are the puzzles I'm still yet to solve

A/N :

Hi everyone, how are y'all doing? 👋

This is another chapter of King's Bride, if you aren't following before, I beg you to do so now cause it's definitely gonna be lit! And you don't wanna miss out trust me!

Anyways lovies, don't forget to vote and comment 🥰🥳

I love you

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now