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~~Love and hate are such strong words, they also cause so much pain ~~


I'm such a fool!

How could i have thought he meant anything he had said earlier on.

The image of his eyes staring down at my chest , those cold eyes actually took my breath away. Especially when he said those words ......

I never thought i'd anticipate so badly for something I've never done. I keep imagining how it'd feel being touched by a man. I've always read about it in books. All those times , i never really thought much of it.

But when the King stood near me earlier on, his breath fanning my ears, as i listen to the dirty word rolls out of his mouth effortlessly, i couldn't help but imagine how it'd actually feel like to do those things with him.

I know the King hates me.

He haven't even tried to get to know me but it's official he hates my gut.

Regardless, I had pictured our night together . I was ready to give myself to my husband. I was ready to let him have me however he wants even though he hates me. What I didn't expect is to be neglected by him.

Even though he hates me, I didn't think he'd leave me all by myself on our wedding night .

But here I am, Sitting right on the Queen size bed that leaves me feeling so cold and alone. It reminds me of being locked up in my room. My worst phobia is being locked up, hence why I had to leave the door wide open .

Maidservant Rose keeps trying to convince me that its against royal ethics or whatever she had called it, but I don't care. I'd die first than get locked up all alone in this strange room.

I miss Mom.

I wish she was here to put me through . After the Celebration , she had left after paying her respect . It felt so strange watching Mom bows before me but I got over it. She already told me things like this are bond to happen.

I really just wish she was here right now...

"You can't leave the doors open, my Queen" Maidservant Rose says after so many effort of trying to convince me to close the door. But I was getting restless. "Where's the King ?" I asks, standing up from the bed. I pace the wide bedroom hopelessly , feeling neglected.

How can he hate me so much? I kept on wondering.

This is our wedding night , I should be having the best time of my life. The king is suppose to be here with me! I'm suppose to.... I should become a real woman tonight. He should be here to make me into that woman....That's the law.

Maidservant Rose looks reluctant. She is hiding something and i intend to find out or I might go insane. "I just really need to see him. I need to speak with him" I plead desperately.

"My Queen-"

"Please Rose..." I stare at her with pleading eyes , holding her hands in mine like my whole life depends on finding the whereabout of the king. And maybe it does. I can't stay in here alone. "I just want to see him" I whisper, urging her to tell me.

Sighing deeply, Rose stares at me pitifully. After a while , she finally spoke and truthfully, I wish I never asked . "In his study, My Queen" She finally speaks.

His study? Why is he there and not in here with me? I understand he doesn't want this marriage... But he doesn't even try to hide his hatred for me.

If he doesn't come to me should I try going to him? No, I'm the last person he'll want to see right now.

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now