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When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
                       Quote by Chuck palahniuk.


“Lola, they're here” Mom calls out, strolling into my room. I lock my luggage bag, stopping to look at her.

“Who's here?” I ask curiously, confuse.

“The palace guard and drivers, can you believe that?! They're atleast five cars waiting outside just for you!”

“Ohh" I manage to muster, giving a small smile. Mom looks genuinely happy even though she barely shows it. I guess this is really happening. I'm getting married to the king.

My heart skips a beat at the mention of the king. “Is he also here?" I ask curiously, wondering how the king looks. I haven't even seen a picture of what the king looks like. Mom said he's a very attractive man, that's I'd definitely like him. I don't have a choice anyways.

I'm slowly accepting this.

It's slowly becoming a huge reality. My decided future.

“The king? What, no! He's a king for a reason. Moreover, he has more important things to attend to" Mom dismissed, “Enough with the silly questions . We can't keep them waiting”

I nod my head in understanding, walking behind my mom as we head out of the house. Like Mom had say, our compound was filled with different cars. Six cars were all glaring before me, Six cars?! I'm not the car freak or anything, heck! I don't even recognize the cars model but, they look really expensive.

But I also feel like it isn't necessary. I'm just a person.. why make Six cars come pick me up?

Mom stock my luggage in the car booth. The driver opens the door for me, I enter the car and when Mom tries to follow suit, a bodyguard stops her from coming along. I didn't hear the conversation between them but I can hear Her highness being mentioned often.

They seem to be conversing, I can tell Mom was arguing against why she can't atleast see me off to the palace. I couldn't hear the reason the palace guard made but I could tell Mom finally gives in when he shut the door close behind me.

I stare at My mother, feeling fear grip every bones in my body. Why isn't she coming along?

“Mom?” I call for her. She only gave me a weak smile, waving me goodbye. “Mom!” I whisper yell, as she turn her back from me, walking toward the door. She didn't turn to look at me after that. She only shut the door close behind her as the car soon begin to move.

I sank deep in the car seat, completely stun and clueless as to what is going on. My phone ding of a notification. I pull it out to read the text. Mom finally gave me a sim card for internet access on my phone. She says I'm finally an adult and can handle anything.

My World
Sent 8:30pm

I'm sorry I couldn't see you off properly my little Angel. I'd be seeing you soon but in the main time, Do everything her highness ask of you

I re-read the text again.

Do everything her highness ask of you'? What does that even mean? Mom always taught me to respect elderly ones. She knows I'd never go against that even though it means stepping on my happiness. But there's something in this text, something that freaks me out. Maybe I'm only being paranoid.

Another text ding, I unlock my phone to read.

My World
Sent 8:31pm

Be safe and brave princess, just like I've always taught you. I love you

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now