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Am I afraid of seeing you with someone else because I have feelings for you or because I'm afraid of being alone?

- S. C. Pacheco


I have never looked at anyone like I look at him. My heart has never run a marathon just by staring at a person. And neither has my stomach sink deep in urges.

But right now, my heart was beating so loud that I feared he could hear it. My palm were so sweaty and shivery. I don't know what's going on with me! I don't know what's happening!

The worst part is, I keep stealing glance at him but he could care less. His gaze is fix sternly on those performing before us. I try so hard to concentrate on the dance performance, but my eyes keeps involuntarily sneaking peep at him. It doesn't help that we're seated so close to each other.

Even though he pretends to be engross in the dance entertainment ongoing before us, I couldn't help but notice the distance in his eyes. He's here but also far away.

"Congratulation on your Engagement"

This seems like the hundredth person to congratulate us. He's an elderly man with spike of grey hair, richly dressed like a man of title. Mom always says you can tell who a person is from how they dress. If I'm not wrong, he must have a tangible post in the royal court.

The King only nod curtly, dismissing him.

Geez! Does he have to be rude to an elderly person?

I understand he's the king but who dismisses a person with only a single nod?

"I can smell the distaste coming from you" I turn to look at the king, taken aback by his word. He already seem to be looking at me. I could feel my cheeks getting heat up. "D-distaste? I didn't... I mean I don't have any distaste towards you"

Oh damn it! Why do I have to stutter?

"Yep, whatever"

He looks away from me, back to the performance. It's now a man performing some magic tricks. I couldn't concentrate on them though. I feel anger burning inside of me. I've never felt this much rage before. But somehow, I feel like snapping something and just screaming.

Why the hell does he have to be rude? Why's he such an asshole?! I didn't even do anything to him!

"Say it" He suddenly says, turning again to look at me. "I bet they're lots of cuss words going through that pretty head of yours. Feel free to humour me"

I look at him, bitting my lips so hard to stop myself from saying something I'd regret. He's just trying to frustrate me. He's being a jerk on purpose. I shouldn't let him get to me.

"Oh I forgot! Mummy Dearest is watching"

Immediately he said those words, I felt Mom eyes on me. My eyes caught hers, she stares at me questioningly.

I felt the King move his lips close to my ears, his lips grazing my earlobe in the process. My heart race from how cold his lips felt on my ear. "I bet she's wondering what's going on" He begins to whisper, his voice sounding so cold and emotionless.

"Doesn't it get exhausting? Telling you what to wear, how to act, what to say, who or whom to talk to? I bet it gets frustrating?" He taunts, looking back at those performing, then slowly wrapping his hands in mine.

My eyes met Mom's again, a small smile crept up her lips. I felt his nail dug into my palm, I wince in pain, turning to look at the King in shock. He wasn't looking at me though, his eyes were still strain on the entertainers.

"I'm going to tell you as nice as I can" Even though he was whispering while still facing the crowd, I could hear him loud and clear. I try to pull my hand out of his grip without anyone noticing but his grip only tighten, causing the pain to become unbearable. Oh my god! Is this what physical assault means?My heart begin to race in panic.

"I'm going to warn you as nicely as I can..." He repeats, still not looking at me. "Run while you can or you'd end up like the Late Queen"

He stood up abruptly, clapping his hands. That was when I noticed the performance had come to an end. But, my mind were only set on his words.

His words only fills my head with more questions.

What does he mean? Did he had something to do with the late Queens death? But I heard he loved her so much.

Did she do something that he couldn't forgive and just killed her?

I look up at the King who was already laughing and clapping like he didn't just hurt me.

Was he abusing the Late Queen?

Is he an abuser? Did Mom know this and still made me marry him?

So many questions were running through my head but the most important question is ; How did the late Queen died? What really happened?

Mom was right when she said the palace isn't safe. I don't know who to talk to... I don't know who can explain my confusion to me.

The worst part is, even with everything the King just did, I can't help but feel like he's trying so hard to make me hate him.

Something in my guts keeps telling me to trust him. That he wouldn't hurt me. And maybe my gut is right. Even though his words hurt, I refuse to let him get to me. I refuse to let him intimidate me.

I stood up to stand beside him.

If he thinks he can scare me off, then he had better try harder because I won't let him.

Just like he was doing, I stare at the crowd.

After the last merry was over, I watch the people fell to their knees to bow.

And just as they did that, I move to whisper in the King's ear.

Even though I had to raise on my toes, I still couldn't reach his earlobe.

"Thanks for the care. But I can handle myself, My King"

I smile to myself, turning back to face the crowd.

I could feel him stare at me before looking away.

But not long after that, he bent to whisper back in my ear. And each words he says left me completely confused.

"Oh I don't doubt that... But, I can be very rough " he says with a very sly smirk plastered beautiful on his face.

I was about to ask him what he meant when I saw his eyes glued to my chest. It then occur to me.....

Oh my goodness!


How can he talk about our first night together is such cold manner?

What exactly is he planning on doing to me?

How the hell am I suppose to go through the night with him....

I have never even done it before.

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now