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Art, like Love, moves the heart in unexpected directions.



I, never believed in love at first sight. I read about it in books, watch it in Movies, but never have I ever thought I'd be real. I always thought it was a stupid myth. A cooked up lies..... A friction!.

I don't even know what loves feels like.

I don't know what it feels like to be in love.

But when I saw him....The tingle in his eyes, his neutral expression as he watch me walks towards him.... Everything seems to fade away. I could only see one person... Him.

He looks really beautiful—I can't even explain. He looks unreal.... He looks like every woman's dream man. My dream man. Like a prince charming only that he's my King Charming.

He's really so attractive. His gaze were on me, his dark eyes roaming my body. I feel really intimidated by his presence. His full eyebrow seize up, his full plump lips was on thin point line. His gaze didn't leave mine; I try really hard to look away from him but as if drown by a magnet, I couldn't.

I could see a little sign of tattoo on his neck, I wonder how many more are underneath his clothes. I wonder how many I'd see when he's naked before m— Oh my god! I didn't just think that.

Am I sexual attracted to him?

Mom and I never talked about sex or romance. We never even talk about love. Mom always says love isn't real. It's just a mere fantasy. And I read novels.... Romantic novels are always frictional. Which means Love is only a imagination, it's not real.

I barely manage to tear my gaze away from the King, I could still feel his eyes on me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I don't understand what I'm feeling. But when I looked at him, I could feel my heart skips, my stomach churn. I could feel my palm getting really sweaty. Even my knees went completely weak.

What is this feeling?

What is this rare thing I'm feeling?

Am I getting sick?

I walk up the hall, until I took a stop before the king. My head wasn't only bowed out of respect, it's bowed out of worry, nervousness. My nerves are Killing me.

“Let me see you”

My breath hitch at his voice. Oh sweet Jesus! It's the most sexiest voice I've ever heard. Maybe because it's the first time I'm hearing a man's voice other than in movies. I slowly raise my head, and when I look at him, I couldn't help but gaps. It was so loud that everything around us went quiet and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. “It's fine. I get that alot”

“S-sorry?” I ask in surprise, stuttering in between. Everyone seem to have gone quiet again, their heads still bowed. He stares at me for a moment, then sit. I watch him carefully, everything about this man is perfect! His eyes is cold and distance but he still manage to look good without making an effort.

We both remain quiet, it was totally awkward! I always enjoy the silence but not right now. I wanted him to talk... To say something... Anything. But he never did. He just sat opposite from me, staring at me blankly, while I, on the other hand, I was trying really hard to resist the feeling of chewing on my fingernails. I'm nervous, terribly nervous.

Once the priest asks us to share our first drink — One that symbolizes love, and trust implied by the bond. I watch him pick up his cup effortlessly and took a sip. He hand over the cup to me and just the little hand contact we made, I almost dropped the cup but he's quick to come to my rescue. “Easy there, Queen” There's something in how he said those words.

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now