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Some are HAPPY, some have WORRIES. Or one man's disaster is another man's DELIGHT.


The royal horse carriage came to an halt before the palace, I could already see atleast more than five maids waiting for my arrival. I couldn't help but take in every aspect of the palace especially the maids.

They were all female maids.

But what I notice was, they all look way older than me. I mentally count the maids before me and they were all in total of eight. Five were way old, like in their forties? I guess. While the other three, even though they seem pretty young, I bet they're still older than I am.

I've been taught to always obey and respect the elders but how can I do that? What can I do in a situation like this? Especially when they all greets me in a very respectful way.

Isn't it obvious they're way older than I am?

I know I am to become their Queen. I know I should invoke respect wherever I go. But I just get really uncomfortable when older people treats me like an adult. I'm not brought up that way. I'm not use to it.

"Crown Princess " They chant at once, bowing in same rhyme as if they've gone through lots of rehearsal for this.

" H- hi" I stutter back, bowing back at them awkwardly. What am I suppose to do? An elderly looking woman, with spike of grey hair comes forward. "You're welcome, Crown Princess. Please, let me show you to your room" She requested politely. Too politely that it makes me feel really bad.

Why can't the youngest among all show me to my room? Why is this elderly woman that is suppose to be work free while enjoying her children's fortune and playing with her grand kids still be working? Especially as a maid? So many questions ran through my mind, I shook it off immediately.

Pity is an emotion that can get you killed! It is stupid and destructive!

Mom warning blares into my head like an alarm.

"Yes, Show me to my room" I try to make my voice sounds firm and authoritative. Emphasis on 'Try'. I really did try but I guess being cold isn't my kind of person. I don't know if I should be myself or try really hard to be what Mom wants me to be.

What the hell is wrong with this place and Gold?

As I follow behind the Elderly woman through an hallway, it's really hard not to notice the glittering and sparkling in the hallway. Even the Light stand are made of Gold. It's a palace for a reason. I'm sure Gold isn't even a big deal here anymore. I look around me, admiringly. The light in the hall was dim but the Gold made lightstand makes it stand out.

I followed the maid as we walk on the stairs. I try to act unaffected but jeez... The stairs is too long. And it's in a kind of round frame. It feels like we were moving in circles with no end. "This is just a two storey building, correct?" All the maid halt, as if surprise I finally said something after remaining in silence for so long.

"Don't mind the stairs, Crown princess. You'll get use to it" The Older woman says, then begin to walk again.

Finally, we halt at a door.

"I would take it from here" The older woman says-It's really getting uncomfortable and stressful calling her older woman. The rest of maid left, leaving me with her.

Unlocking the door, my mouth drop in total admiration at my new room. I know the room would be beautifully decorated but I didn't know they'd use this amount of Gold to decorate my room. Look at me thinking the king didn't care about me just because he didn't welcome me into the palace. Who would have thought the king cares anyways. I'm sure it took lots of time for him to make sure my room is this beautiful and homey.

"I hope the room is to your taste, Crown princess?" The older woman says. I think I'm going to ask for her name. I don't know how to but I will. Mom says a Queen can demand anything. I'm not a queen yet but I'm sure being a Crown Princess also yield power right?

"Yes it is. The room is actually far better than anything I've ever imagine. The king sure has good taste. And if I may ask without sounding rude, what's your name please? Or what can I call you?" I manage to let out all words in a breath, even stuttering in between from nervousness.

"You can call me Maidservant Rose, Crown princess" Wow! She has a really pretty name. I'm sure she must be really pretty while young. After taking a close look, I must admit, she looks really pretty for her age. She rocks her Grey hair perfectly. "And I decorated the room. I was worried you won't like it but I'm glad you do"

"You decorated this room?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Crown princess I did"

"Wow you really have great taste in design"

"Thank you, Crown princess" Maidservant Rose bows, trying to hide her smile.

"I guess the King must have also put an effort in something?"

"In something? If I may ask, What do you mean?" Maidservant Rose asks, looking really confuse. I chew on my lower lips, thinking of ways to drop an answer without sounding desperate? Or Cheap?

Cheap? I must be kidding!

I'm getting married off to someone I haven't even seen in appearance! I don't think there's anything more cheap than that.

"Like paying for the products use in decorating? Or even giving few opinion on the decoration?

Way to go, Adrianna! You sure don't sound desperate at all. Why do I even care about the decorations? Or if the king gave an opinion?

I'm sure it's because Mom said I must be close to the King at all cost . Afterall, I need to give Her Highness any details I can on the king and his every move. I'm sure that's it.

"I'm sorry Crown Princess but His Majesty haven't left his study in two days now?"

"T-two days? Why? Is he sick?"

Maidservant Rose seem reluctant to reply my question that she even tried to avoid it. "Why don't you get some rest, Crown Princess? You have a big day tomorrow"

She almost succeeded in distracting me though. I mean thinking about a wedding at 18? They're lots of things I thought I'd be doing by 18 to 19 years. Wedding wasn't in the slightest part of it. But I have to face reality anyways, School, certificate, education.... Mom is right, they're all baseless.

"Tell me, Why haven't the king left his study?"

"Crown Pr-"

"Tell me" I demanded, not backing down. I need to know. She really needs to tell me. I kinda think I'm starting to have this likeness for Rose. I don't know why... But I think she could end up being my only ally in the palace.

"That's b-because...." She stammers, clearing her throat awkwardly. "His Majesty is against the marriage"

I should have known. The signs were everywhere. He didn't welcome me, Mom claims the King is very sacred and isn't meant to do that but all this while, I haven't even caught a glimpse of him because he didn't want to get married.

I don't understand why I even feel hurt by it. It's not like I like him either. Other than he's the king, I know nothing about him.

I wanted to ask why, I wanted to ask Maidservant Rose to tell me everything that's need to be known about the palace, but I chose not to.

I don't want to force answers out of her too soon.

I don't mind if the king doesn't like me, all I need is details. His whereabouts, his like or dislike. His plans.

I need everything. I can't disappoint Mom nor Her Highness.

A/N :

Good morning 🌄 I hope you all slept well?

So the King doesn't like Adrianna and doesn't even want to get married, huh?

What do you think is going to happen on the Wedding day and even the wedding night?

Well..... we'll find out

Xoxo 😚

THE KING'S BRIDE #NOWC22 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now