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<>>With you, I want to get lost in the wild and dirty adventure of Love>><               

Warning : Sexual violence


"I asked a question and I don't intend to repeat myself" He finally slice into the silence, glaring between me and an already frightened Neo.

I look back at his cold emotionless eyes, not knowing what to say. I had let my emotions get to be. I shouldn't have hugged Neo. But I don't see a big deal about it. Friend hugs right? I've not really had any friends so I really can't tell if I screwed up or not. Or maybe I shouldn't have considering that I'm a married woman? Huh! I really shouldn't have.

"My Ki-"Neo tries to talk but was rudely cut off.

":-Leave!" Just one sentence hold so much authority. They didn't need to be told twice as the rush out of the hall. I couldn't help but feel angry. He didn't have to scare them off that way.  They are my friends.

As much as i want to put him in his place, I couldn't.

I notice the King storming towards me, His eyes were cold as usual but they keep flickering with emotions I don't understand.

He was getting so close, my heart race as I stare at his eyes that burns with another emotion- rage.

"I can ex-"

":- Save it!" He cut me off, dragging me along with him to the room. Getting into the room, He slams the door shut behind us, just as he slam my back to the closed door..Hard but not too hard to hurt.

I yelp, closing my eyes shut.

I could feel him coming close to me but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. My heart was a mess, it was beating too fast that I fear it'll explode.

"Look at me" I hear him say, sounding dangerously close.

I slowly flick my eyes open and he's so close to me, his hand by both side of my head, caging me to the door. If I said my heart was beating so fast before, now, I could barely breathe. It's like I forgot how to breathe.

I could only stare at those cold eyes that stares back at me void of emotions. "Now explain what the hell just happened in the hallway"

No!He can't do this to me. How am I suppose to explain when he's this close?His breath is practically fanning my face. I can't even think straight at the moment. My stomach was in a growling mess!

"I...I just..."

"Don't stammer!" He snaps, looking irritated. "Were you hoping to fuck my bodyguard and I wouldn't know?" At that statement, I felt so pissed! I've never felt this much rage in my entire life. But he knows how to keep pushing me. It's like he keeps getting on my nerves on purpose. Like a timing bomb, waiting for me to explode.

"It..It..wasn't.." I try again, but he won't even let me speak.

"It wasn't like that?Really?"He scoffs, "So throwing yourself at my bodyguard especially in this clothing..." His eyes trail down my fragile body. I was wearing a white satin dress, waiting for him after he had neglected me. I rush out of my room, oblivious of what I was wearing. I just wanted to go to his study and check on him... I had even forgotten my dress was a tiny bit transparent.

"You pretend like you're this naive, innocent child whereas you'll do anything for a good fuck!" He Practically yell to my face causing me to jump in fright.

Right now, he look so mad and it scares me. "It really wasn't like that" I tried to explain and luckily this time, I found my voice. But he didn't listen.

His Cold eyes glare into mine, I could feel his jaw tighten and in a swift moment, his large hand wrap around my neck. My eyes widen in shock and fear, "What...What are you doing?" I stammer in fear.

"Isn't this what you want ?!" He yelled, his grip around my neck loosen, replaced with his lips. He begin to do this weird things to my neck but I could feel nothing but pain.

"Stop" I try to push him off but he was too strong and didn't bulge. Right now, he looks like a beast. He looks so scary. The kiss on my neck deepen, he was kissing and biting into my neck.

"Isn't this want you want, huh?!" He grab me tightly by my wrist, even though I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, it was useless. He is stronger, bigger and I soon got tired of fighting back.

Even when he aggressively push me, my back colliding with the soft bed, I couldn't do anything about it. Like an animal, he climb on me, pinning me down.

"This isn't you, please stop"I tried again, still on deaf ears.

He forcefully kiss me. The kiss had no passion in it . It was full of hate, anger and pain. I could taste blood in my mouth and I keep trying to talk him out of this. I tried reasoning with him but he wasn't listening.

I might not know much but this is definitely sexual violence. We could have gone about this in a different way. How a night that is suppose to be full of love and passion turns into this nightmare baffles me.

I screamed on top my lungs when he yank my clothes off. Over my dead body will I let him take my virginity in this manner.

Crying and screaming while trashing around and suddenly, as if slapped to reality, He jumped off of me.

It was my wake up call to quickly pull the ripped cloth to shield my naked body as I quickly curl up a corner in the room.

My eyes met his.

This time his eyes weren't cold as they use, He showed an emotion but just as quick as it came, it disappeared.

"Can't you see?!"He yelled. "You need to get the hell out of this place!"

I stare at him, still shivering from shock. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything.

"I didn't mean to..." He trail off but couldn't finish the sentence. I wipe off my tears but they wouldn't stop falling.

"Fuck!!!" The King yells, storming out of the room and slamming the door close behind him.

I finally let out a shaky breath, curling my knees up to my chest and crying my heart out.

I hate it here.

I just wanna go home.


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I'm seriously looking forward to it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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