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Marriage is a disaster, Without Mutual Love.

Quote by _ Madzy.


"Crown Princess"

I feel someone stir me, I groan, chewing my lips inwardly as I turn around enjoying my sleep. I can tell it's still pretty early. Mom never wakes me this early. I wonder what she wants. But whatever it is, it can wait till morning. I'm so tired and sleepy....

"Crown Princess!"

I heard again. This time, the voice was urgent and a little worried? Am I just called Crown Princ- Oh my god!

I gaps so loud flying my eyes open, as I jolt off bed.

Maidservant Rose stares at me worriedly, she looks really exhausted.

I totally forgot where I was for a moment. I totally forgot I'm in the palace.

Oh my god! The wedding! I'm so stupid!

"I'm so so sorry. I don't know what happened. I was so exhausted last night and passed out and this morning I thought I would wake up early but, but. I.... I don't...."

My words were cut off when Maidservant Rose pulls me into a warm hug. I melted in it instantly, sobbing. Why am I even crying?!

I guess I'm just really exhausted! Both mentally and physically. I'm just so tired of everything!

"Shush... You'll be fine. Everything will be fine" It's been a while since I have been hugged affectionately. I can't even remember when last I was hugged by my own Mother. It feels like everything I need. It is everything I need. I hug Maidservant Rose tighter than I had want to, not wanting to let go.

It felt like the Hug begins to work wonders. Before I can stop myself, I'm already letting my heart out. I begin saying things I fear, things I didn't think I'd ever say out loud. "I don't want to get married. I'm only 18 for Christ sake! I don't know how to look after myself but now... I feel like I have the look after the whole world. Like I have to be a mother to many when I'm only a child. I want my Mother to look after me. I still want a Motherly Love. I never truly had one! But instead...." I sniff, letting the tears fall freely. "But instead, I'm getting married at 18 without no idea of what I'm doing! And now... I woke up so late for my own wedding! I'm so pathetic!”

Maidservant Rose just listened, caressing my back, whispering soothing word to me but most of all, She listened. Nobody ever listens to me. I cried, and cried until I couldn't anymore. It feels really good letting it out Instead of piling it up inside.

"I was only 10 when my Mother dumped me in the palace as a maid. No guidance, nothing! I had to figure it all out alone. But you're not alone. I'm here for you whenever you need me. You'll be fine " She whispers, giving my back a soft squeeze.

"It might not seem like it now but you're not alone. You have me... The King. He'd always look after you" A soft sob escape my lips. No one has ever had my back. It feels really nice hearing her say the word but does she though? Does she really have my back? People would say anything to make you feel better even when they don't mean it .

Showing just a little ounce of feeling in the palace and you'll be nothing but a pathetic little prey! Everybody works for somebody in the palace. Trust anyone, and you'd be stab in the back.

As if burnt, I pull out of the hug real quick, acting like it never happened.

I clear my throat, wiping off my tears. "I'm late for my wedding. Call the maids" I made sure my voice boomed in authority.

"But -"

I raise my hand to cut her off. I'm sorry Maidservant Rose but I can't afford to be weak. "Get me the maid. You're dismissed " I look away from her but I could feel her eyes on me. She bows slowly then walk out.

I let out a shaky breath, rubbing my aching heart. I can't be weak. I shouldn't be weak. Mom is right... I trust anyone, I get stab in the back.

An hour later, I'm fully dressed. I stare back at my reflection in the mirror. I don't look 18 at all, I look really mature. The makeup wasn't totally light-Heck it was a full blown makeup. This is the first time I'm seeing myself on makeup-And It sucks.

I look like a complete different person.

My nose is never this tiny, my lips looks more plump and full. Even my eyes, they were tinier. I look different!.

Who's this person before me?

In as much as I think make-up sucks for making me look like a different person, I still look really beautiful.


I stood and watch as the maid pull out my crown- it's an elegant Red green crystal Gold crown, it looks really beautiful, dazzling. Once it was successfully place on my head, I felt it weight. It's freaking heavy!

My neck press down a bit from it weight, I endured, pushing my head up high. I stare at my reflection one more time, hiding my discomfort.

Some of the maid leaves the room. Maidservant Rose and another maid-I learnt her name was Josephine escorts me out of my room.

I have been in this room for too long. I wonder if I'm late for my wedding. I didn't notice I was walking real fast until Maid servant Rose walk with me side by side.

"My Queen, you shouldn't run-walk" She explains, whispering so no one could hear.

Oh yeah! Mom also warned me against run walking. Apparently, a Queen must always walk lady-like. Even though I'm feeling overwhelmed in emotions, I walk slowly but not too slow.

Waiting outside was the Royal horse carriage. Successfully sitting on the carriage with the help of the royal guards,  the horse begins to move slowly with maids all around me, walking at same Pace as the horse.

I pretend to be brave, raising my head high, acting unaffected. But deep down, I know how much my nerves is killing me. I wonder what the king looks like.

Only if I was allowed to use a phone with internet access, I could have try searching for pictures of the King. If Mom had given me access to the internet earlier, I would have atleast known what the king looks like.

Will I ever be able to make the king fall for me? Will I ever be able to crack him and finds out all his secret? These are the questions I keep asking myself.

Her highness seem like a very impatient person. I hope the king is an open book. I really hope I won't have trouble finding out his secrets and plan.

The carriage came to a halt before the Royal hall.

I'm guard protectively as I enter the Hall.

I could see his back view from afar.

He has broad mascular shoulder.

My presence is announced, I watch everyone welcome me with a bow, I watch in total awkwardness.

And then he turned.

When his eyes met mine....

Oh my.......

I completely forgot how to breathe.

A/N :

Hi everyone long time no see 😉 how're y'all doing?

If you're to make aesthetics on the characters in this Book, Who would you want the King looking like?

Do you think it'd be easy for Adrianna to find out the King's secret? Even if she does solve the puzzle surrounding the king,  Do you think she'd tell it all to her Highness or even her mother?

Do you like Innocent, humble Adrianna or you'd love to see her sassy, bitchy side?

I doubt she'd ever be sassy. Being innocent is cute too yk lol

Look forward to more updates especially their wedding night....  * Cough* cough* lol

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