Chapter 1

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I was lying against the car window as my eyes scanned over the surrounding hills and valleys that covered everything that the naked eye could see. My little brother Tony sat beside me doing the same as me only from his view he couldn't see much due to the incline of the land that we had passed.

A few months ago the both of us were told that our dad had been given a job opportunity, which we had both originally congratulated him for, but that was until we were told that we had to move to a different continent. Tony was more displeased than I was but that was only because he had friends back in our old home, but now he would have to make new ones.

Whereas for me I had always been social awkward and apparently that didn't sit well with normally eighteen year olds so I just kept to my art and books, they were much better company anyway so I didn't care.

I was taken out of my thoughts as my eyes landed on what seemed to be a medieval castle or manor house that appeared infront of us. Before I could say anything Tony had beaten me to it. "What's this?" Dad turned around in his seat to face the both of us. "This, is our new home."

My lips parted at his words. "This is ours?" He nodded at my question and a smile grew on my face. I was already in love and I hadn't even seen the inside. The four of us made our way out of the car and me and Tony grabbed our bags from the boot of the car.

Reaching the front door Mum held it open for us as me, Tony and Dad made our way inside. Just the entrance seemed it could fit a whole separated apartment, I kept thinking if this is just the entrance how big is the rest of the house. "Ok Davina, Tony you two go up to your rooms and unpack your stuff and then come down for dinner." Mum said and both me and Tony went on our way.

It didn't take me long to find my room as it had a sign on the front of it with my "No admittance except on party business sign" Opening the door I was immediately greeted with the dark yet welcoming walls of my room. Some walls were painted a dark grey whilst the back walls and black wallpaper with a purple and pink flower design on it.

My smile seemed it wound't leave my face as I noticed a complete reading corner with a couch and two book cases already filled with all my books. I looked over the other parts of my room finding a queen sized bed with a canvas and paint area in the corner. This room was heaven. Placing my bags on my bed I got started on putting all my cloths away and placing all my little bitts around the room.

Once I was pleased with my work I made my way down stairs for dinner. Tony was already sat at the table with mum as dad was finishing up tea. Once we were all sat down eating our food Mum started talking. "So dod you both like your rooms?" Me and Tony both nodded mine more aggressive than his but I knew that was because he was still getting used to the move.

"I love it mum, it's perfect." Both mum and dad smelled at my comment. "Are you excited for school Tony." He just shrugged and to not press him I decided to chip in. "It feels weird not going to school this year." Both our parents decided, seeing as the education system was different over here in Scotland than back home, it would be best for me to take a gap year and get use to things before being put into university, if that was something I was even suggesting.

After dinner mum and dad said they would tidy up so me and Tony could go up to bed. Before going into my room I stopped Tony. "You know if you ever need anything to just come to me, right." He nodded. "Yeah I know." He quickly ran over to give me a hug and then he was off into his room and I went into mine.

Grabbing my pj's I walked into the bathroom so I could change and brush my teeth before bed. Once I was done I walked back into my room form my on sweet and walked over to my balcony door and made sure it was shut tight keeping the cold air out.

I climbed into bed and it wasn't long until I fell into a comfortable sleep or so I thought. Images started appearing before my closed eyes as I started to dream of the strangest things.

I was standing In a graveyard, the air was cold and dark as I stood in the middle of what appears to be a crypt. I looked around not seeing or hearing anything. I was relaxed at the thought until I finally heard some shuffling from behind me.

I whipped around hopping to catch what ever it was that was in the crypt with me and I did. I saw something moving in the shadows. From the silhouette I could only guess that it was a boy around my hight maybe even slightly taller, but before I could see anything else he was gone and then suddenly appeared infront of me.

I couldn't see his face it was all blurred, I was to scared to realise he started to bend down to be face to face with me. My heart beat picked up and as my mind awaited some kind of pain, I was surprised to find a pair of lips on mine. His hand came behind my head and I started to feel a loss of control over my own body, as if I was in someone else's, I started kissing back.

I was startled awake by a flat of lightning and looking out of my balcony window I could have sworn for just a split second I saw something moving in the shadows. 


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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