Chapter 8

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"What happened?" I heard leave my lips as I felt my body jolt awake. I felt strange, I could no longer feel the breath on my lips as it escaped my mouth, I couldn't feel the previous pounding of my heart against my rib cage it was gone, all of it was gone.

Suddenly I felt a weight fall onto my lap and at the sound of the voice I knew it was Tony. "D, Thank God." My arms instantly rapped around him in a deathly tight grip and he began to squirm in discomfort so I released him. When I turned to get a better look at my surroundings I found my lips were suddenly pulled into an all too familiar kiss.

When Alexander released me from the kiss I could feel a grin fall on my lips, but I didn't feel the regular heat flood to my cheeks, instead they felt cold, deathly so. "Why do I feel so different and cold." All of their faces suddenly fell and I was worried. "Why do you all look like that. What happened."

At my words all their heads turned to Alexander's. "Davina please you must understand." His words made something click in my mind and a frown now replaced my previous grin. "No, I can't be." My words disappeared as they all gave faint nods, Alexander's face was filled with fear and regret.

Anna soon came to her brothers defence. "Truly Davina, Xander did it to save you. If not for our brother you would no longer be with us and you can't expect your parents, Tony or Xander to go through that pain." I understood what she was saying but at the same time it wasn't just something I could be pleased with.

I tried to stand but felt off balance. "Wow" If not for Alexander I would have fallen back to the floor, he held me until I could once again find my feet. "You'll get use to it." As I stood I felt so light as if I was walking on air and it seemed I could see everything even more clearly now, perhaps I could get used to it.

Once I had found my bearings Rudolph looked to me and Tony. "Who did this to you both?" I was trying to remember the past thew hours and it then all came back. "Rookery." I started walking around the tomb lifting my dress' skirt as I went. "We have to find Elizabeths tomb and fast." Alexander was hot on my heels along with the others. "Who's Elizabeth." He asked. Before I could reply Tony did. "She was the last holder of the stone. The woman from my dreams." As I continued to look around I remembered she was also supposedly kidnapped and turned by their uncle Von.

"She was also Kidnapped by your uncle and he turned her." As if he could read my mind Tony had spoken, but I was quick to correct him. "I don't think he kidnapped her Tony" I was pushing past cobwebs as I lead the other even further into the tomb through a passage I had found. "From what you told me about your vision I think they may have fallen in love."

Rudolph and Tony looked up at me with a strange expresion. "Why would you say that?" It was actually Rudolph who had asked. "Just a feeling." I looked over at Alexander as I said this and gave him a smile so he would know I didn't blame him for what I had now become, I blamed Rookery.

We continued on but then all of a sudden the other vampires couldn't move as if there was an invisible barrier. "What is it?" Tony asked. "There's something ahead." Alexander replied and then so did Anna. "There's some kind of curse. You'll have to go first Tony dearest." I looked at the three. "If you can't go, then how can I?" They all shrugged, aside from Alexander. "You still have some mortal blood in your veins, perhaps you are immune because of it." Plausible.

Me and Tony both ventured on, but it wasn't even a few steps until I noticed a tomb slightly larger than the one that had previously trapped Tony. "We found something." Tony shouted over to the others. As we went further we noticed a problem, chains. Tony started pulling on them and then I tried helping him but still they wouldn't break.

Whilst pulling on them Tony seemed to notice something. "There's something written on here." Reaching into the inside pocket of my dress a grabbed my phone and started shining a light. "Caveat Vamptor." From behind us I could hear Rudolph's shout. "Let the vampire beware. It is a curse." Once again Tony tried to break the chains along with my help but still they would not break.

My newly dead heart sank at the feeling of loosing, but then dust began to fall from the ceiling. I looked up to find even more falling and then I began to hear the sound of a, drill. The drill tore through the ground above us and came even deeper until it began to drill right through the chains. Well this is a strange miracle.

The moment the chains shattered Rudolph, Anna and Alexander we able to make their way to me and Tony. Alexander once again at my side as Rudolph and Anna stood beside Tony on the other side of the tomb. Together we all started to pull at the chains finally able to remove them completely and pushed aside the lid of the casket.

Inside we found something quite unexpected. There infront of us was Elizabeth and a man with pale blonde hair, Von. It was beautiful, their hands joined as one, both their faces holding expressions of peace. Their love was clear as day for anyone to witness. I couldn't help the childish words that left my mouth. "Yes. I knew I was right. They were in love." I gained a teeming smile from Anna at my words.

Anna then had something to say herself. "Oh how romantic. Their love preserved forever." I smiled back at the young girl, it truly was beautiful to witness. I looked over at my side to find Alexander already looking over at me with fond look covering his face. I held his gaze as he held mine but that was until Tony spoke. "The stone isn't here."

I turned my head to Tony and found him shaking like mad I reached my hand out to his but then my vision was consumed with a vision. It was of Von and Elizabeth running from a mob of vampire hunters. Von had been killed and Elizabeth had find somewhere to hide the stone, wait is that our house. She his the stone in Tony's room.

Finally finding myself back inside the underground tomb I noticed Anna, Rudolph and Alexander staring at me and Tony in a strange way. "The stone is in my room. No wonder I had those dreams." I smiled at everyone as it would finally be an easy search from here on out.

Suddenly I heard a a strange noise on the wind almost like whistling. It seemed the others noticed as well as they came and stood beside me. "What is that." I asked curiosity in my tone. "The call." Anna said. Rudolph turned to me, Anna and Alexander. "You three go to the cliffs, we'll get the stone." I was quick to argue. "No, I'm going with Tony he's my little brother witch makes him my responsibility."

Rudolph and Anna didn't agree, but Alexander didn't seem to mind arguing. "No, I need to keep you safe." I grabbed his hands in my own and smiled up at him. "I'll be with Tony and Rudolph and I'm a vampire now I couldn't be more safe. Besides it's just a quick detour and then you can keep me safe as much as you want from then on." He nodded slightly happy at the idea and bent down to give me a quick peck on the lips before he left with Anna and I left with Tony and Rudolph. 

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