Chapter 6

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Bit of a shorter chapter sorry but hope your still enjoying the story. Trust me it starts to get really goo in the next few chapters. 

We all made our way from the crypt and out of the borders of the graveyard. I couldn't hep but wonder where Tony was taking us as the woods slowly turned into rolling fields and soon we found ourselves at the entrance of a cattle barn. Then it hit me, they need animal blood.

Freda had taken Gregory to go and feed, from what I had heard he had very little restrain over his blood lust unlike his siblings and parents. I kept beside Alexander not wanting to get in the way. "Have I told you that you look beautifully splendid." I was taken aback by the vampires words. I turned to face him. "No you haven't, but thank you. I could feel myself blush.

"Do you not need to feed." I asked a bit sheepishly. "I will once mother is finished helping Gregory." Speaking of Gregory he was clearly finished as his mother pulled him away in a, stray jacket and a mussel. I couldn't help the very audible laugh that escaped my mouth. This is brilliant.

At my laughing Alexander started to join in and that's when Freda came over to the two of us with Gregory in tow. "Go ahead Alexander." She smiled at me as I was left alone with the two of them. "It would seem the both of you are getting on well." I nodded. "Yes, I was afraid and confused at first but now I don't know I feel comfortable, happy even."

Freda smiled at me as she wasn't that much taller than me. "Forgive me for asking dear but how old are you." The question came a little out of no where for me but I didn't mind answering. "Eighteen, but I'll be nineteen the day after tomorrow at 12:19 in the morning actually." She smiled. "Well happy birthday for then dear." I said a quick thank you.

Only a few minutes later Alexander came back over to me and look my hand in his, he looked at me asking for permission and my silence told him it was alright. My feeling for him were so strange, but welcoming at the same time seeing as I had never been in a relationship before and I enjoyed how it felt to have someone who cared about you in a romantic sense.

Fredrick now cam ushering his children to the entrance of the barn. "No I must find a place to keep you children safe." Suddenly I had an idea. "How about our cellar." Fredrick came and stood infront of me. "We need darkness, dampness and decay." I smirked at him feeling a sense of achievement as I spoke again. "Then it's perfect." I turned around Alexanders and still in mine as me and Tony led the way to our home.

Quietly I opted the door and ushered everyone inside, Alexander going with his family and Tony as I made sure the front door was locked behind us. I made my way down to the cellar and found everyone making themselves comfortable and as they did I made my over to the corner as I checked on all the paints and canvas' I kept down here.

"I need to go upstairs. D you coming." I moved around. "No I'm going to stay down here for a bit." Tony agreed and made his way up to bed. From behind me I could hear Anna's voice speak out. "What is it you are doing Davina." Not turning my head I spoke. "I'm making sure I have enough paints to finish a project with." Next it was Rudolph. "So your an artist then."

At this I decided I would come and sit near the family so I could speak easier. "Not really, it's just a hobby I have." Alexander came and sat beside me. Unconsciously I snuggled slightly into him. "It would seem their love is blooming mother." I didn't mind the comment as I felt my heart flutter slightly and new that even if it wasn't love I could feel something blossoming between the two of us.

Due to Anna's comment Freda came into our conversation. "Anna it's not fair to assume such things." Surprisingly it was Frederick who spoke next. "Listen to your mother Anna. The Mortal and Alexander will remain temporary. Mortals can not coincide with our kind no matter how much you wish it." My expression turned sad at Frederick's words and when I looked up at Alexander his seemed almost angered, his dark red eye's seemed even darker.

"Father do not speak in such a way. Although Davina may not feel the same I love her truly and that will not ever change." A smile grew on my lips at his words and what I said next made me almost feel complete. "I think I care for Alexander." I could hear a squeal from not far to my right. "You love Xander, do you Davina." I chuckled. "It may not be love, but I can no longer imagine a future without him playing some part in it or you all playing a part in it."

I noticed Alexander beaming at my words and Freda, Rudolph and Anna smiled at them, although I knew Frederick was not and as for Gregory I couldn't tell as he still wore the mussel and stray jacket.

I spent a good while speaking with the family of vampires, although I could only really talk with Freda, Alexander, Rudolph and Anna. Gregory would just ignore the five of us, whereas Frederick had fallen asleep not long after his son's slight outburst.

At some point during the night Anna had left us claiming she had to speak with Tony and I couldn't help but just now notice the admiration or maybe even love she had for my brother. After another hour I had realised it was only three hours until morning, so hoping I could at least get a small amount of sleep in my own bed I pulled myself out of Alexander's embrace and made my way upstairs as quietly as I could. 

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