Chapter 2

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After the rest of my sleep being a restless mess I had woken up late, to the point that my mum had come in and wake me. Once awake I grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans and a black top and made my way into the bathroom to have a shower and change.

Through out my shower I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had had last night who was the boy and why couldn't I see his face? Had I just imagined the figure in the shadow of my balcony or was it real?

Once I left the bathroom I grabbed my leather jacket from over the cushioned chest at the end of my bed and walked out the room. I found mum in the kitchen making something on the stove. "Mum what are you making?" Sh turned around and flipped something over. "I thought I'd make some pancakes and then we could go to the market I town for the day." I smiled and agreed to the plan happy I could spend the day with her.

As always my mum's pancakes were amazing and just the way I liked them. The market was also quite enjoyable, we browsed some of the stalls for a bit me buying a few things and then mum took us to a cafe for lunch and a coffee, or in my case a tae seeing as I never really like coffee.

The both of us arrived home from our day out and found dad already dressed for the gathering the two were going to tonight. Mum had reminded me whilst we were out that I was left uncharge seeing as I was the only 'adult' left to look after Tony. Unlike dad Mum didn't take forever to get ready and was done in half an hour and the both o them had said good-bye to Tony before they said their goodbyes to me and leaving for the gathering.

I had checked on Tony before going to my room and unpacking the things I had bought form the market. Some candles, along with a knew book to complete my Tolkien collection. I placed 'the children of Hurin' on my book shelf beside 'The fall of Gondolin'.

I played on my bed reading another random book and planned on spending the rest of the night like that until heard yelling from Tony's room and rushed in. Before I could get to the window I saw Tony leaving the house grounds with a boy I had never seen before. Oh Tony what have you done. I decided I would sit and wait for them to come back home.

It had already been over an hour, but still no Tony and before I could do anything I heard the front door open and Heard mum and dads voices. 'Tony where are you' I thought as Made my way down stairs.

Mum and dad were quick to say good night to me and made their way into Tony's room, there going to kill me. I walked behind them and started talking. "Mum, Dad I can explain you see," Before I could go on Mum bent down and I could now see that Tony was in bed. What? She took of his glasses and then turned to me. "What can you explain Davina?" I panicked. "I told him he had to take his glasses off before bed, but I guess he wouldn't listen." It was the first thing to come out of my mouth.

Thankfully the both of them bought it and I waited for them to leave and go into their own room before I walked over and closed the door. "Tony I know your awake." He pushed himself up in bed and smiled sweetly at me. "Explain." I spoke annoyance and concern lacing my voice.

"I'm sorry, but I had to help Rudolph." I shook my head in confusion. "Who?" I heard a creaking noise and the a voice spoke. "That would be me." I heard a young boys voice. Looking around the room I saw boy sitting in the chest at the end of Tony's bed. He woke tattered cloths resembling something that was worn three hundred years ago.

He stepped out of the chest and climbed onto the bed Sitting beside Tony. "Please don't be mad with Tony, he was only helping me." I nodded and walked over to sit in between the two boys. I turned and faced Tony. "Well as a big sister I can't complain about you helping someone especially a friend, but next time tell me, ok." He smelled and nodded happy I wasn't angry with him, I was frustrated about him carrying me but I could never be mad.

I looked over at Rudolph. "And you. I don't know what happened, but your lucky to have a friend like my brother who risked scaring his sister to death just to help you." For some reason both boy's started to laugh, now I was confused. "What, was it something I said."

They both stopped laughing to answer me. "Rudolph is dead." My heart froze at this, what. Now looking at said boy I finally noticed his pale white complexion, the cold radiating off of his skin and most notably his blood red eyes. "Your a vampire." I whispered in shock, but not fear.

Rudolph looked at me quizzically. "Your not afraid?" I shook my head. "Strongly enough I am not." I chuckled at the thought that just came to mind. "I guess what they say about foreign countries is true." Both of them looked at me wanting to know. "They are a true mystery." After this I had left bot the boys so that I could finally get some sleep.

As I crawled into bed I felt the strange feeling that I was being watched but when I looked around my room I couldn't see anyone. Unbeknownst to me I failed to notice the person lingering in the shadows of my balcony once again.  

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