Chapter 5

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For once I had been able to wake up all on my own no thunder, no vampires and no Tony shaking me awake. It was nice, but strange at the same time. I had decided to skip breakfast and instead decided I was going to go into town for the morning. Thankfully mum was alright with it as she was just going to lounge around the house today. So I ran upstairs grabbing my brown leather satchel and my boots and made my way out of the house.

The weather had stayed dry for me, but also sunny. You'd think living in California I would be used to the sun but I had never liked it and I doubt I ever would. I grabbed myself a tea from the safe cafe mum had taken me to the other day and then started browsing amongst the stores. One in particular caught my interests.

Opening the door I heard a bell chime from above my head. The store was filled with many antique items such as books, china, jewellery and even clothes. My eyes searched over all the items not looking for anything in particular but then something caught my eye from the other side of the dress racks.

I made my way over and found a stunning red dress that resembled something of the Renaissance and when I looked at the sign it was also in my size this was brilliant. I took the dress off the racks and made my way over to the till and bought the beautiful dress.

Thinking I could try it on tonight and have think about what I could wear it to later, this was probably the most spontaneous thing I had ever done in my life. After a few more hours wandering the streets of the town I made my way home knowing Tony would have been home at least an hour ago.

Making my way into the kitchen once I arrived home I found mum and dad at the kitchen counter. "Hey where's Tony?" I asked. "Up in his room. So your mum says you spent the day in town, how was it?" I smiled at my dad and replied. "It was fun, I went to the cafe me and mum had found for a tea and then browsed the stores."

Mum smiled at me happy with the days events. "So did you get anything." I nodded reaching in to the bag in my hand and carefully pulled my new dress out. "Well that's something special." Mum said and dad agreed with her. "It is. I found it in an antique store not far from the square. I'm guessing probably renaissance inspired." They both agreed and I went up to my room.

With my curtains shut I placed my satchel on the bed and started undressing and putting the dress on being sure to be gentle. The lacing at the back was bit of a nightmare but after probably twenty minutes of trying to sort it out I finally did. Walking over to my mirror I was stunned into silence I couldn't believe my reflection.

In the mirror I saw someone who looked like me but surely it couldn't be. The dressed hugged my tight at my waist and flared slightly around my hips, the sleeves flowed down along my arms and my dark brown hair flowing in their natural waves completed the look beautiful. I went over to my desk and grabbed a pin to pin some of my hair so it was half up and half down. When I looked in the mirror once more I found it made me look even better than I did before.

Still looking into the mirror I saw my door open and Tony walking on in. When he saw me only one salably escaped his lips. "Wow." I smiled and gestured for him to come in. "Do mum and dad now your still up?" He shook his head. "No, they went to bed about ten minutes ago." He came over to me and tugged on the dresses sleeve. "Come on D, we need to get to the graveyard." I walked with him. "Why's that?" He looked up at me as we still walked out of the house. "I found the crest."

With that we were both off making our way through the woods so we could get to the graveyard. I was constantly trying to make sure I didn't snag the dress on any twigs or branches, I didn't. It was definitely strange being a dress seeing as I always wore either jeans or leggings but at the same time it made me feel strong, I guess.

It took another five minutes until we finally made iyt to the graveyard. For some reason unknown to me Tony started into a sprint and due to my new dress I couldn't keep up. Great, why'd I think it was goo idea to wear this, oh wait Tony dragged me out before I could change.

I had wander around for a little bit until I found an entrance into the crypt taking few twists and turns until I heard screams dying down. I ran as best I could. "Tony, Oh Tony where are you?" I finally found my way into the main area of the crypt where I found everyone including Tony.

All eyes were suddenly on me Alexanders and Anna's were in some type of aww, but I quickly ignore it as I noticed a half conscious Fredrick leaning on his wife. "Oh no." Even though I still felt resentment towards the vampire for scaring my brother half to death I couldn't help but feel a surge of sadness as I witness the family surrounding their father.

I ran towards them and knelt before Fredrick thankfully my hight brought me just close to eye level with him. From behind me I could hear Tony talking of a coat of arms and something about lord McAshton. Then infront of me Frederick spoke. "You barely saved my life." His tone was rasped as he spoke. "He's very weak." Freda spoke and then realised something. "I can help."

I grabbed a stone from the ground. "I may find your approach to my brother uncalled fro and rude, but you need help, you need blood." I was about to cut my wrist until I heard Freda, Alexander and Frederick shout. Alexander being the loudest of them all as he pulled the stone from my hand and pulled me into his chest.

I looked at three confused. "Dear it's not that the offer isn't very generous and kind of you, but we don't ingest the blood of mortals." I slowly nodded my head. "I'm sorry I didn't know." I heard Alexander whisper in my ear. "It's not your fault, it was a brave decision." I smiled at his words as they comforted me.

Tony then spoke from beside me. "I actually know what you need." He smirked up at me and I playfully pulled a face at him in response.   

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