Chapter 9

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Sorry for the wait, but here's the next chapter.

We finally made our way outside into the cold night air and began making our to mine and Tony's home. Once we reached the house I allowed Tony to open the door not trusting my new strength and once he did the three of us made our way up the stairs and to Tony's room.

Barging our way inside me and Rudolph got onto our knees whilst Tony grabbed a fire poker from the fire place to help rip up the floor boards. Rudolph helped Tony with the fire poker and I just started tearing up the floor with my hands finding it a much quick solution.

All was going well until I heard movement outside and noticed a car engine. Suddenly lights shone through the window and my eye's began to feel like they were on fire due to the light, thankfully they were gone just as quickly as they came and we were able to continue ripping my brothers room apart.

From downstairs there was more movement so to buy us some more time Rudolph pushed Tony's wardrobe in front of the door as an extra safety percussion just incase Rookery was able to break through the door. Our search continue for the stone and I was starting to give up until I felt something solid hit against my hand. Reaching further into the hay I grabbed the item and wrapped it revealing the stone of Atamon.

Rudolph and Tony looked on in aww until we were caught off guard by Rookery braking through the door. I stood up feeling my phone fall out of my pocket, but I was more concentrated on keeping the stone safe than my phone. That was until it started vibrating and making noise, great. At the same time Rookery had burst through both the door to the room and the one to the wardrobe.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Tony picking up my phone and answering it.

3rd person pov

Davina and Rudolph's parents had finally arrived at the cliff finding the two eldest vampire children and their sister waiting by a formation of stones for their parents. Anna ran for her mother and farther as she began to tell them of the new found location of the stone. "Mother, father we found uncle Von's grave, well Davina found it and both her and Tony had a vision, the two and Rudolph are on their way now."

Frederick led his daughter towards her brothers. "May their quest be fruitful." Once reaching the two eldest boys their farther once again spoke. "Thank you Gregory." He spoke whilst a smile formed on both he and his son's faces. After hearing his father's words Gregory began to spin the pendant above his head even faster and with it came a storm of bats.

Sitting in the car Bob and Dottie worried about their children but were soon interrupted by the presence of even more vampires. Both jumped out of their skin at the added preteens, neither knowing what to do in the type of situation.

Bob tried introducing both himself and his wife but the only type of comment they received was "One last meal" or something quite similar. Before either could be attacked Frederick came to the car scattering the other vampires. "Leave them alone, they're friends." After his words and the temporary disappearance of the other vampires, Bob and Dottie made their way out of the car and over to the Sackville-Bagg family.

Once stood at their side Bob asked about their children. "Davina and dear Tony went with our brother Rudolph to find the stone of Atamon, even against my brother Alexander's protests for his one love leaving his side." Alexander looked down at his little sister giving a look saying 'not now'.

Dottie retrieved her phone. "I need to hear from them, that they're safe." She dialled her daughters number and waited as the phone rang. From the other side Tony picked up his sister's phone and answered. "Mum this isn't a good time." His mother was quick to argue. "I need to know you and your sister are alright"

As if thinking over her son's words again she asked. "What do you mean it's not a good time is something wrong?" From the other side of the phone Rookery had completely made his way into the room shining his lit cross to Rudolph and to his surprise it was only the young vampire it had affected but the girl he had left for dead.

"How?" Not caring about about answer Davina and Rudolph dived Ito the fire place to escape the lights raze. Remembering his mother was still on the phone Tony spoke into it fear filling his voice. "Rudolph and D are hiding the lights to much for them to handle."

From his mothers side of the phone she and Bob noticed Freda and Frederick looking over at there currently present children with a look of confusion but anger on both their faces. "Tony Thompson what on earth is going on?" Hearing a cry from the other side the phone call the parents were even more concerned.

Rookery jumped infront of Tony causing him to cry out of fear. "I have to go." And then the call was ended.

Bob and Dottie looked at one another worry covering their faces as the line disconnected. "What does the boy speak of." Fredericks tone was rash as he spoke to his three children. Freda stepped forward as she noticed Anna and Alexanders expressions morph into ones of guilt. "Darlings why is Davina hiding with Rudolph from the light?"

Before either of them could give and explanation Frederick sped forward and grabbed ahold of his sons shoulders and shook them as if to get some sense into his eldest son. "You turned her didn't you. Didn't you." His anger began to increase as he spoke. Anna was quick to come to her brothers defence. "No farther you don't understand. Davina would have died if not for Xander, she only had minutes before we arrived. She was bleeding out on the ground thanks to Rookery."

Frederick's hold loosened on his sons shoulders as he began to understand the circumstance. "Oh, how horrifying." Dottie and Bob raced froward. It was Bob who spoke. "What did you do to our daughter?" Frederick was careful when answering. "Robert my friend, due to dreadful circumstances our son, Alexander had to change your daughter." Dottie looked at both of the other parents in confusion. "Change, what do you me change her?" Freda sighed before answering. "Into one of us." She paused for a second. "A vampire."  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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