Chapter 3

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The next day had been uneventful as I spent most of the day in my room reading and finishing off one of my paintings. It was supposed to be a recreation of the two trees of Valinor and so far I was very proud of how it was turning out. If it wasn't for Tony arriving home from school I would have stayed there all night trying to perfect it.

Once I made my way into his room I was shocked to find mum sitting over Tony who was lying on his bed with blood coming out of his nose. "Oh my god, what happened." He sat up off the bed and looked over at me. "Some guy's at school beat me up." I walked over and sat on the bed. "Well tell me their names and I'll repay the favour." From off to the side of me I could see mum looking at me in mock disapproval, but she knew I was very protective when it came to my baby brother.

She got up off of the bed and made her way out saying that dad was waiting fro Tony so they could go golfing. I would have gone if I hadn't bought a new book yesterday, but out of my two options one sounded all the more appealing.

I sat in my room for a few hours just reading and enjoying the pasta mum had brought up for me when dinner had rolled around. It wasn't till just before dark that I heard dad and Tony come in. Dad had decided to have dinner with mum and then decided the two of them would go to bed afterwards, where as Tony just decided skipped dinner all together and made a dash for his room.

I hadn't seen him since then, but then again I had decided to go to bed not long after that. I was finally having a peaceful sleep until I felt someone shaking me awake. I opened my eye's to see Tony kneeling infront of me and Rudolph standing not far behind. "What," I spoke sleepily, but Tony just ignored my tired state. "Come on D, we're going to meet Rudolph's family." Again my voice was still drowsy but slightly less so now. "What."

Before I could say anything else Tony was pulling me out of bed and I just agreed to go with them. I mean meeting more vampires could be fun, I always liked those dark novels and now was my chance to live it, so why not. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a dark red jumper and black leggings  which I could quickly just throw on.

Once I was dressed I walked back into my room Rudolph and Tony waiting patiently for me I grabbed my black lace up boots and put them on finally ready to go. "So How are we going to meet you family?" Rudolph smirked and grabbed Tony's hand and then came over and grabbed mine. Then he started running for my balcony. Wait what.

The next thing I kew we were in the air, we were flying. I could hear Tony shout over the wind. "Isn't this cool D?" I shouted as loud as I could. "Very." I smelled, it was the strangest, yet most amazing feeling I had ever felt being so high in the sky and not fearing the thought of falling.

We flew for another ten minutes until we came to a graveyard, of course. Rudolph started to descend towards the ground and we all landed on the grass. "This is where we live." Tony looked around in wonder and then sat down with Rudolph on a slab of stone and I decided to join the two.

"So you didn't see the real thing then." I was confused but decided just to listen. "I dreamt it all, the commit, the amulet, all of it." Now I was intrigued, but before I could listen further I heard shuffling from near the mausoleum, I stood up and started making my way over.

Sadly before I could get any closer Rudolph shouted over to me. "Davina what are you doing?" I turned to face him abandoning what I was doing. "Nothing I thought I heard something, that's all." Before I could sit back dow we all heard the sound of squeaking and wings flapping. "Quickly hide." We were shoved behind a large grave by Rudolph. "But we're brothers." My brother argued. "They don't know that."

We both now hid behind the grave watching as bats appeared and then turned into people. One was a tall man with skin the same as Rudolphs with similar black hair but his was pulled back. Another was a woman who I guessed from what I could hear was Rudolphs mother and then finally I noticed a girl sitting atop a grave, she had long blonde hair just like her mother and wore a pinkish red dress with a fan in her hand.

I smiled at the family seeing how much they cared for one another. Though it didn't last long as me and Tony heard hissing from behind us. We turned and saw a boy a few years older than Tony and Rudolph with spiky hair and ripped victorian cloths. Tony hid behind me as I tried to hide him for the vampires view. "Gregory." I could hear Rudolph's mother say.

I stepped forward in a fretting stance. "You stay the hell away from my brother." I stepped even closer and tried punching him in the face for scaring the living daylights out of Tony and me. As I did so I could hear Rudolph once again. "Davina wait." The next thing I knew the boy, Gregory, had my knuckle in his hand and spun me around kneeling infront of him his fangs bared at me.

I saw Rudolph pull Tony behind him as he came over to the two of us and pushed Gregory off of me. "They're my friend Gregory." I ran and stood beside Tony trying to keep him safe. "Mortals." The older vampire shouted as he made his way over to me and Tony. I stepped infront of my brother keeping the vampire away from him. "Hurt my brother and I'll kill you. Rudolph's farther or not."

Tony still hiding behind me stood beside Rudolph and spoke. "We're Rudolph's friends and he gave me and my sister a bite proof guarantee." Even in the serious situation I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his words. Pull yourself together Davina nows not the time to be laughing.

Rudolph's father pushed past me and came infront of my brother but before I could stop him Rudolph pulled me back shaking his head. "Neither of you can be anything to my son. Victimiser, slave, dinner perhaps." For some reason when he said slave he had the audacity to look over at me and not my brother. Now I was even more pissed.

The vampire continued, now looking at Tony again. "But you can never be his friends." Still holding my arm Rudolph spoke. "But they like vampires. Davina has books and Tony even dreams about us." He does what. Wait how did Rudolph know I had books about vampires.

Rudolph's words also made me remember my dream from the other night, I don't know if he was a vampire, but the dream was definitely strange and unusual. Rudolph's sister was next to speak. "Am I in your dreams mortal." She spoke in a rather flirtatious way and continued to fan herself for added affect. Note to self, Rudolph's sister likes my brother.

I began to step away from the group hoping to find a way to get both me and my brother out of this situation. Thankfully Rudolph was to busy trying to calm his farther to notice I was gone. As I was walking I could see Tony running after being frightened by Rudolph's father and started to scream. I was happy he was able to get away but before I could even think I found that the ground beneath my feet began to disappear and I suddenly began falling.

My screams echoed as I was about to hit the floor and I awaited the pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes but began to wish I hadn't as I found myself in the arms of someone. Not carrying to try and figure out who my savour was I pulled out of his arms and ran as adrenalin and fear began pump through me.

When I stopped I found myself in a spacious area of a crypt and was about to keep going until I saw movement in the shadows. The person who saved me began to walk out of the shadows and from what I could see it was a man not much older than me. Wait I've seen this before, my dream.

Just like in the dream I was frozen in place as he started making his way towards me. I could hear more foot steps but ignored them as he got even closer and as he came infront of me he bent down slightly and his lips were suddenly on mine. Cold at first, yet soft at the same time. As the kiss deepened I could feel myself start to give in, but not completely as I was still terrified. His hand caressed my cheek and found it's way behind my head and rested in my hair. I heard gasps but couldn't fully register them as the kiss continued.

I thought it would never end but that was until a voice boomed throughout the crypt. "Alexander." The voice I recognised as Fredrick, Rudolph's father. He pulled away from me quickly and I was left standing there stunned until I felt two pairs of arms rapped around my middle, I'm assuming Rudolph and Tony. My hand flew to my lips as I could still feel the lingering touch of his kiss.

What just happened? 

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