Chapter 4

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"Alexander step away from the mortal." I was taken out of stunned state as I heard the booming voice of Frederick once more. I looked down finding both Tony and Rudolph standing infront of me, so it was those two. I looked up to find probably the most terrifying look I had ever seen on anyone before.

His fangs barring Frederick stepped forward towards the man Alexander. "What has caused such a display of unfathomable disgrace. She is a mortal." Even after his harsh words Alexander had not flinched let alone answered. I looked to see Rudolph and Tony standing in fear having to listen to Fredrick's outburst. In all honesty I would have been two if I hadn't started feeling a tingling sensation in my heart. Great now the vampires have caused me heart problems, brilliant.

Before anyone could cause anymore trouble Freda stepped beside her husband staring in shock and aww at Alexander and then her gaze turned to me. "Surely Frederick you can see what this is, look into our son's eye's and tell me that you don't know what this is." So he was their son and a vampire.

The older vampire shook his head whilst turning to his wife. "It can't be even if it is so, she is a mortal it is impossible." Once again Frederick spoke to his son. "Alexander explain." For the first time Alexander turned around and I could see clearly how he looked. The same dark hair as his father and brothers but his seemed softer than theirs. The same pale skin that appears so smooth, just like his lips and dressed in a neater suit then his brothers and even his father.

Due to my assessment I hadn't noticed him moving towards me once more, but thankfully instead of kissing me this time he bent down and whispered in my ear. "cognatae anima." I heard gasps coming from everyone aside from me, Tony and man before me. "So it is as I thought." Freda spoke from beside her husband.

From beside her parents Anna ran for me and her brother. "Xander this is Wonderfull, finally you have found someone to call your own." To me her enthusiasm seemed out of place, I didn't belong to anyone and this was the first time I had ever even met her brother.

Tony's voice echoed in the crypt as he tried to gain everyones attention. "What did he even say, I couldn't hear anything." Rudolph was the one to answer. "He said cognatae anima. In English it means 'soul mate' or something quite similar." Tony looked at me and his face was filled with shock.

I looked around fear clear on my face. "No. Vampires are one thing, but soul mates. No I can't." With that I ran, I didn't care where just as long as it was somewhere other than the crypt.

Finally after running for a few minutes I found my way outside and found a patch of grass I could settle on for a bit. This defiantly wasn't something I signed up for tonight. Why didn't I just stay home, like a normal eighteen year old.

I started feeling my heart beet relax, but the tingling never disappeared. I was calm until I heard footsteps coming up from behind me. Turning my head I saw it was Rudolph's mother who had come to find me. Making her way even closer I found her sitting beside me. Gratefully I didn't feel as uncomfortable around her as I did the others, aside from Rudolph.

"Are you alright dear." I didn't speak. "I know your afraid I can hear your racing heart." Still nothing. "I apologise for Alexander's behaviour, I would have hoped he'd handle the matter a bit more delicately, but you must understand for one of our kind to find our other half is a rare yet exhilarating thing." I nodded my head as not to seem rude.

She sighed and stood. "I believe my son wants to speak with you himself." And then she was gone and not even a second later he was sat beside me. I jumped out of my skin slightly worried he would do something. "I am sorry for my previous actions." Was the first thing he had said. "What?" I whispered, still feeling uncomfortable around him.

He sighed. "My behaviour was reckless and I am sorry to have caused such a fright for you." I dared to glance at him and found a look of remorse on his face, he was actually apologising. "And what my sister had said, it is not how I feel." He then turned to face me looking into my eyes. "Yes, I feel protective and slightly possessive I would never believe that you belonged to me."

His words caused a slight smile to grow on my lips. "Then tell me what is a soulmate, to you I mean." It felt as though my nerves had been settled and the words just fell off of my lips. "Someone who I would give my own life to protect yet at the same time I would do anything to keep her happy and safe, with anything she desired and she in time I hope would return my affections." His words were so pure and raw that it caused my heart to flutter.

"So if I asked you to beet up your brother, Gregory, you would do it." He chuckled at my words and as if on instinct I did to. "For tormenting you and your brother I would be sure he was properly reprimanded." We both now chuckled together. Just within the past few minutes my mood had completely flipped from fear and anxiety to calm and settled.

Alexander stood and reached his hand out to me. "Mother and father have entrusted you and your brother to help us find the amulet." I took his hand and he helped me from the ground. "Rudolph's also taking your brother home, would you like me to take you." I nodded, but was unprepared to be placed bridal style in his arms. We both then in the air and leaving for my home.

We soon landed on my balcony and a question suddenly came to mind. "Is it you who was watching me the other night?" At my question he nodded in an almost bashful way. "Let m guess you like watching me sleep." He chuckled and shook his head. "No, I like knowing your safe. I was only there for a few minute before you fell asleep and then I would leave." I nodded it wasn't what I had suggested.

"Well thank you for bringing me home." It was my pleasure and before I walked into my room he took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckle as a goodbye and then he left. I couldn't help wonder for the rest of the night why I had suddenly become so relaxed around him, but eventually I fell asleep forgetting my queries for the night.  

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