Chapter 7

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Getting at least three hours of sleep was not the most ideal way to wake up but adding on top of a short nights sleep an over excited little brother and you had a rather strange morning alarm. Tony was already dressed and ready to leave even before I had finished in the bathroom, I guess he's really invested, but I couldn't say much as so was I.

Finally I had showered and dressed and found myself downstairs putting my boots on along with Tony. I had decided I would wear my dress again as I had very much enjoyed the feeling and comfort it had given me yesterday. Me and Tony were now in the car with our dad on the way to his work at lord McAshton's estate.

Driving up to the entrance I was in aww of how beautiful the manor was, it seemed just as it would have centuries ago. Once I was out of the car I walked around over to Tony's side and helped him with his. The two of us walked with our farther as we made our way over to lord McAshton and some of his employees.

"Lord McAshton, I'd like you to meet my son and daughter." Lord McAshton made his way over to us. "Ah Little Tony Thompson, and miss Davina Thompson." He smiled down at Tony and then looked back up to smile at me. "Pleasure." He was going in for a hand shake from Tony but for some reason Tony didn't give one back.

I looked behind the lord to figure out what was wrong with Tony then I saw him, Rookery. Why on earth was here, was he following us. As Rookery parked lord McAshton excused himself and made his way over to the man in question. I wonder what that's about?

Dad bent down to Tony's level and spoke loud enough so the both of us could hear him. "I want you both to stay way from that man. He's crazy." Yeah no kidding. The both of us nodded and as we noticed the two men walking off in a slight hurry me and Tony were quick to follow.

We found our way inside the manor and found Rookery and lord McAshton standing infront of a portrait hung on the wall. "This is Elizabeth." I looked at the woman in the painting. "Beautiful." I whispered as I continued to stare at the portrait. Once I realised my mistake my hand flew to my mouth to cover it as the two men turned around at the sound of my voice, thankfully they didn't think anything of it.

Men and Tony ran off as we noticed them leaving the room and where quick to follow the two. Making our way outside we were sure to keep behind Rookery and lord McAshton but not to close as to be caught but then two boys came infront of us.

I hadn't the faintest idea of what proceeded aside from catching the words 'master' and 'lord underworld', weird kids. Noticing we were losing the men I grabbed Tony's hand and started running again, picking up my dress in the process.

Pushing through some thick branches we were now standing infront of a mausoleum. Before I could take in the beauty of the walls from the corner of my eye I saw Tony already making his way inside. I found my way inside and kneeled beside Tony as the two of us leaned beside the railings in order to hear the conversation happening bellow us.

I couldn't hear much as my ears were occupied with the screeching of metal I looked beside me to only see Tony falling through the railings because the one he was leaning on had broken. "Tony." I screamed as his fingers began to slip and I leaped forward to try and grab him but was to late and ended up falling as well onto the stone floor.

My side was burning in pain, definitely bruised. I leaned up only to see Rookery sealing the stone coffin with a screaming Tony on the inside. "No" I tried my best to stand but my side was making very difficult. Rookery bent down to my level and grabbed me by my shoulders. "Vampire, you can rot beside your brother for eternity." I screamed again as he dragged me by my shoulders over to a wall that had chains coming down from the highest parts.

Growing me against the wall he grabbed the shackles connected to one the chains and connected it around my wrist and went on to do the same to my other. "Perfect fit, and just to make the experience better." With his last words he grabbed a knife from his side pocket and cut across the veins on both my wrists. He let go of me and I fell to the floor.

The pain was excruciating and just in the distance I could hear Rookery shout. "Not much longer now." And laughed as he disappeared outside. My vision began to blur and the last thing I hurried was Tony's cries from inside the tomb.

Rudolph's pov

I was asleep in the crate that I had taken as my own feeling rather comfortable for once, but that was until I heard someone banging on the top of the crate. I lifted my head so I could see who it was, who dared wake me at this hour. I looked to my side to find Anna staring at me. "Tony's calling, he and Davina could be in danger."

"They might have found the stone." I was quick to remove the lid of the crate I had been lying in and made my way out. "Oh the drama." I was quick to quieten my sister hoping no one would wake but sadly that could not be the case. "What are the two of you doing awake." It was Alexander.

I was hesitant to reply to my brother, but Anna was not so. "It's dear Tony and Davina. We fear they may be in danger." I had tried to stop Anna, but it was no use. As I looked over at Alexander his expresion was filled with worry, it was clear to both of us that he was more so worried for Davina then Tony. "Then we must leave."

Anna was quick to answer back. "But how the sunlight?" I looked around the cellar hoping to find something that would help and I did.

Me and Anna had dressed in foil and helmets to. Block the suns raise and Xander had found another helmet and gloves that would protect him from the harmful light. We made our way outside of the home but where stopped in our tracks by Tony and Davina's father. Thankfully it wasn't to hard to get rid of him, I only hope I hadn't made things worse for the two.

The three of us had travelled for at least an hour until we had found the McAshton estate and thanks to Tony's whistling we were able to find the mausoleum were it was coming from. Once inside we removed the armour and foil and made our way down a set of stairs leading us down, but what we found was more than unexpected.

Lying on floor chained to the wall was an unconscious Davina. "Oh heavens." Anna ran to her and down beside the poor girl. I looked to Alexander and found an unfamiliar emotion encompassing his face. Before I could even think he to was knelt down beside our sister and Davina cradling her head in his arms.

Suddenly realising what had brought us hear I was quick to locate the source of Tony's heart beet which had led me to the tomb in the center of the small crypt. With all my strength I was able to push the lid far enough to lay eye's on Tony. "Dude you heard me." I smiled, but decided to correct him. "Actually it was Anna who had heard you Tony."

Just as I finished my words I heard a shout coming from behind me. "No Xander you can't." I helped Tony out of the tomb and we both ran to Anna. "Rudolph tell Xander he can't." I looked to my left and saw Tony with tears brimming in his eye's as he looked down upon his sisters unconscious body.

"Can't what Anna." She took no time in replying to my query. "He's going to change her." My head snapped to my eldest brother. "Xander you mustn't, it isn't her choice." Xander's head turned to face mine, Tony and Anna's filled with fear, anger and sadness. "Her choice. She didn't chose to be left here to die. This wasn't meant to happen." Tears fell down his pale cheeks as he was grieving over his love.

Before any of us could protest further Alexanders mouth had fallen onto Davina's neck, fangs already drawing blood. He was quick to pull back hoping not to lose control over himself and kill her in the process.

Minutes had passed and we all just stood there in silence waiting for Davina to wake and suddenly we heard a gasp. "What happened?" Davina's bell like voice chimed. 

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