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 You were actually grateful that Tony would be away for three weeks as you began your new life in the Tower. Standing on the sidewalk outside the Tower you stared up at the large building. This would be your new home... This was Tony's home. You took a deep breath before heading in. You went to the large front desk that had three secretaries. You were desperately wishing that you could gather the courage that you had when you placed the suit on.

"Hi," you sounded as nervous as you felt. "Uh, I'm here to start a job and move in, I guess."

"Name," the woman requested without looking up once from her computer.

You couldn't help but glance around to see if Tony was nearby before answering. "Y/N L/N."

The woman silently typed away, making your anxiety grow as you waited for her response.

"Dr. Banner is on his way down for you," she informed. She still hadn't even looked up at you as her hand went up and pointed over to a sitting area. "Wait over there." She placed a visitor pass on the counter. "Keep this on at all times."

"Okay," you took the visitor pass and slipped it over your head, "thanks."

You headed over to the area and sat on the edge of one of the leather chairs. You looked around to see how bustling the place actually was. People in suits and shirts were rushing from elevator to elevator, from door to door. A large window behind the desk of secretaries allowed you to the coral of crazy fans that were begging to see a peek of one of the Avengers.

"Hello," a voice startled you. Your head snapped over to see Bruce Banner with a kind smile on his face. "I didn't mean to startle you."

You stood up. "It's fine."

He held out his hand. "I'm Bruce, you must be Y/N L/N."

You shook his hand, trying not to show how nervous you really were. "Yes. Thank you so much for this opportunity."

"Of course. Do you have your things packed?"

"Uh, some movers were sent to my apartment and kinda took everything. I hope it arrived."

Bruce rolled his eyes. "Tony and his craziness. I'm sorry about that. I would show you up to your place, but Happy insists that there be a security check before. It's simple and easy. It will allow you to get into the system which will then allow you to get where you need to go in the Tower."

"Oh, okay."

You tried not to show how nervous you were about the security check as Bruce led you to where you needed to go. Was there a possibility that their systems could figure out that you were the spider-woman? What would they do to you if they did find out? How would Tony react? Would he still want to be your friend?

The questions raced through your mind as you went through the security process. It took longer than you would like but once you were cleared, Bruce took you on a tour. He showed you the labs that you could use, the common rooms, and the training rooms. After that, he took you into an elevator that was away from the main ones.

"This is the elevator that you will use the most," explained Bruce. "The other elevators stop at the floor we were just on. This elevator and another on the other side of the building span all the floors." You nodded along. "This elevator will get you to your floor as well as—"

"Wait, my floor?" You questioned.

"Yes. Tony feels that we need our own complete space. Your floor will have 4 bedrooms that you can do what you want with, a living area, a dining area, and a kitchen."

"What? I thought that I—"

"Being my lab assistant requires that you be available as often as needed. Don't worry, unlike Tony, my hours are fairly normal. The rooms that are available to the Team are available to you as well. Obviously, personal floors and Tony's lab are the ones that are off-limits."

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