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 Bruce had entered his and Tony's shared lab six minutes ago, with even FRIDAY announcing him, and Tony still hadn't noticed. Tony was standing in front of the wall of windows that allowed Tony to see down into the common area. It was clear to Bruce that Tony was staring at you.

Your secret had come out five weeks ago and the whole Team had made sure that you felt safe and welcome. With the secret out, your walls began coming down more and more with members of the Team. You spent time with everyone on the Team, but no one got more of your time than Tony. The two of you were still moving slowly into your relationship, in which you could tell that Tony was getting a bit antsy about. But he wasn't going to push you to do anything that you weren't ready for.

You were currently down in the common room with Sam and Bucky, talking and laughing. Tony hands were clasped behind his back as he blankly stared at you. Bruce took a few steps in and cleared his throat, only for Tony to again do nothing.

"You know," Bruce said as he finally decided to stand by his friend, "she can probably sense you staring at her." Tony didn't respond. Bruce glanced down at what Tony was staring at. "There's no need to worry about Sam and Bucky."

"I'm not worried about them," Tony mumbled, signaling to Bruce that Tony had just been ignoring him.

"Then what's going on?"

Tony sighed, shoulders slumping slightly. "It's Pepper."


"She left a message."


"She wants to meet up and talk."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I know I need to go and see what she wants but, I also don't want to go at all."

"How does Y/N feel about it?

"I haven't talked to her yet.... About anything Pepper, honestly... Bruce, I... I thought that I would never be able to love again after her. I believed that... Well, she did a number on me."

"That's well known information around here."

"I just... I can't mess this one up. What Y/N and I have... it's so different."

"Good different?"

"Great different." A smile crossed Tony's lips. "I'm just getting scared that I'll mess this up."

"Tony," Bruce placed a hand on Tony's nearest shoulder, causing Tony to finally look at him. "You're bound to mess it up in some way."

"Wow," Tony pulled away. He turned around and walked toward his workspace. "Thanks, buddy. And here I thought that you were on my side."

"Tony, I am. All I'm saying is that you're bound to mess something up in your relationship, same with Y/N. I'm not talking anything major, simply the little things. And when those do come up, I don't see anything that Y/N won't forgive you for and vice-versa." Bruce could see that his friend's mind was still running with all the negative possibilities. "I know that Pepper and you fought a lot, especially the last years you were together. We all heard the fighting more than we cared to admit. We saw the way she treated you and began to control you. She put all the blame on you, for everything. We watched it take a toll on you, even after Pepper left. You weren't fully yourself... until Y/N swung into your life." Tony's lips perked up. "Pun intended... I can't promise that you and Y/N will be forever, though however much we all hope it's heading that way. But I will forever be thankful for Y/N. The whole Team will. She brought the Tony we all loved back."

"She's so special, Bruce," Tony smiled, thinking about you. "She deserves the world."

"I know. But remember that she's with you for you, not the world. Also, don't keep that Pepper contacted you a secret. Y/N needs to know that side of you too."

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