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Tony was in awe. You were still beside him when he woke up. It had been a loving night, where the two of you got to know each other in a more intimate way than before. It almost felt like the first time for Tony all over again. The two of you cleaned up each other in the shower before falling asleep in Tony's bed. Tony could swear it was the greatest sleep of his life.

You were sound asleep beside him still, facing him. His fingers carefully ghosted over your arm. He smirked as he remembered that you were just wearing one of his t-shirts and your panties. He could wake up to this every morning. How did he get so lucky?

His phone buzzed on the bedside table and continued to do so in close frequencies as he ignored it.

"Can you get that?" You muttered into the pillow, eyes still closed. "I'm trying to sleep here."

Tony laughed as he reached over for his phone. His smile faltered when he saw that it was Fury calling for an emergency meeting. You opened your eyes to see Tony's disappointment.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you scooted closer to him.

"Fury," Tony grumbled. He tossed his phone to another part of the bed and pulled you into him. He pressed his head into your chest. "He's calling the Team in for an emergency meeting."

"You need to get going." Your hands found a place in his hair, gently combing through it.

"Don't want to."

You laughed at Tony's whine, kissing his head. "Honestly, I don't want you to either."

Tony lifted his head up to look at you. "Then it's settled. We're staying in bed all day."

"Excuse me, Boss, Miss," FRIDAY interrupted. "Fury is on the line."

Tony dramatically groaned as pulled you closer. "Ignore him."

"Afraid that your AI can't," Fury's voice boomed through the room. "I need you in the conference room in five. Bring Y/N."

You looked at Tony with utter confusion. "Me?"

"I really hate Fury."


Tony could tell that you were nervous the whole way to the conference room. You were quiet and kept chewing at your lip. There was also the fact that Tony's hand was suck to your hand, having been holding hands on your way. You hadn't seemed to notice that you had practically glued Tony's hand to yours, and he wasn't going to say anything.

"Nice of you two to join us," Fury commented as the two of you entered.

You had to fight the urge to hide behind Tony. There was something inside of you telling you that if Fury was calling you in for an emergency meeting, then something was terribly wrong.

"Actually, it's not nice at all," Tony replied.

"Why don't the two of you sit down?" Steve suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.

Tony gripped your hand tighter before you could try to pull it away and led you over to the two empty seats at the large conference table.

"Our surveillance teams found a new HYDRA facility," Fury started.

"That's nothing new," Tony interrupted. "They find a new one all the time."

"This one is different." The lights dimmed and a hologram appeared above the center of the table. "This one is several miles under water. We need to gain access to it and shut it down."

"There's multiple vent points around the outside," Steve explained. "The vent points can detected machines but, due to the ocean life, will not detect life forms. The vents vary in sizes so it won't be hard to—"

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