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 "What would you like me to show you?" Your tone was almost lifeless, robotic. Like you weren't in control of your body.

T'Challa gave you a sympathetic smile. "You don't have to show me anything," he told you. "I was just trying to get you out of that room."

You nodded with a barely there, "thanks".

T'Challa sighed. He had never met you before, but Bucky and Steve had told him all about you. How you and Tony were perfect for each other, age gap be damned. They had told him about your abilities and he was very interested in witnessing them, but knew that now was not the time.

"The Captain will figure out a plan," T'Challa said, trying to comfort you just as all the others had.

You shook your head and turned away from him. "Everyone keeps saying that and I don't..." Your emotions were beginning to get the best of you as you tried to keep in a sob. "I don't believe it... Tony had a bad feeling about this mission. I can't imagine it ending well..."

Suddenly, your knees gave out and you became a sobbing mess on the floor. T'Challa, though he had only just met you, knelt down in front of you and brought you in for a hug. He wished that there was something he could say to make this better, but there wasn't.

"King T'Challa," FRIDAY interrupted, "Captain Rogers is ready for you in the conference room."

"Please inform the Captain that I will be there soon," T'Challa replied. He pulled away. "Are you going to be alright?"

"No," you admitted. "I'm coming with you."



The team was weary of you being in the meeting discussing the plan, only because FRIDAY had informed them that you had finally broke. You sat at the table with Wanda and Bruce by your sides. Steve explained the plan, how Scott and Hope would get inside the facility and let the others in. He explained the different groupings and their jobs.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Steve asked once he was finished explaining.

"I'm going," the words fell from your mouth before you registered them.

"This will not be your first mission."

"I'll stay on the quinjet."


"I need to be there." You looked at Steve with pleading eyes. "Please, Steve... I don't need to do anything but be there. Waiting here will kill me."

"I can sit with her on the quinjet," offered Bruce. "You won't call me in unless it's absolutely necessary anyway."

Steve sighed, knowing that it was probably better to keep you close just in case. "Fine. Y/N, you'll suit up but stay on the jet."

"I don't have a suit."

"Tony made you one," Bruce said. "Go up to his lab and FRIDAY will have it ready for you."

"If there are no other concerns, wheels up in 5," Steve stated.

Everyone was quickly on the move, including yourself. You went up to Tony's lab. Looking around, you tried to find out where your suit could be. You walked up to the wall of suits on the far side and noticed a hand scanner next to an seemly empty spot on the wall. With a shaky hand, you pressed against the scanner. Quickly, a suit appeared in the blank spot. It made you want to cry. The suit was white with black accents. It was a full body suit made out of material like Natasha's, with an added mask, hood, and gloves. There were many similarities to the one that you had made yourself when you first got your powers.

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